Mortal raving - 22.6.14 - Cognition and Mindset

The growth and evolution of self is really endless~

Holy matters:

Everyone has their own cognitive circle. With the increase of age and experience, especially the learning and diligence of the day after tomorrow, the cognitive circle will continue to expand. Of course, the process is painful, because you have to constantly break your own shell. The so-called growth is a process of constant self-denial and self-correction. This can also understand why many people are reluctant to jump out of the comfort zone of cognition all their lives, because it is really uncomfortable, and sometimes they cannot find meaning and direction.

But once you take the first step of cognitive upgrading and taste the sweetness of a little change, the world will naturally be infinitely broad. Of course, although it is a cognitive circle, everyone's cognitive circle is not a circle as imagined, but a polygon that is somewhat similar to a radar map, because everyone has the best place in their own cognitive range. . This is also the reason for the emphasis on complementary interpersonal skills. At the same time, if two people with similar knowledge collide and intersect in a certain field, the feeling of sympathy and mutual understanding of each other is really wonderful. The so-called hit-and-miss is the truth. There are certain cognitive aspects of two people. coincidence and consensus.

The reason why I have such a feeling is that I look back at the road I have traveled for more than 30 years and the pits I have fallen over. Many times it is the result of being unwilling to step out of my comfort zone. In order to be able to consciously improve cognition, you need to maintain enough curiosity and tolerance for the outside world, especially if you seem to be dealing with new things. For example, when Douyin and Kuaishou were just emerging in mainland China, they just regarded it as a tool for entertainment, and they would post anecdotally “apps that only low-minded people will like” without in-depth research. With such negative labels, I feel that I have some style, and I absolutely disdain to be in the company of idiots. When the two short videos took advantage of the rapid rise of the mobile Internet, and many grassroots earned a lot of money through these two platforms, they suddenly woke up and wanted to study the gameplay and mechanism, but they often Missed out on the benefits of the savage growth period.

So when dealing with new things, you must change your mentality, be more tolerant and accepting. Be sure not to preconceive labels, but to carefully and deeply understand and learn the operating mechanism and principles behind it, even if you don’t personally participate, through this process, it is very helpful to improve and train your own cognitive system.

Secondly, it is necessary to break a cognitive misunderstanding, the so-called "perfection trap" - think about everything before considering actions. In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that this "perfection" is actually a paradox , because at this time the self-perceived perfection becomes imperfect when the circle of self-knowledge expands. So sometimes, when I think about it and feel that it is going to be a trick, I will do it first, using an Internet buzzword called "bow down and enter the game", and correct it while doing it. Otherwise, waiting for everything to be ready before starting, for ordinary people, we may miss the best tuyere period.

So no matter how speechless the real world is, you have to live your own life. Apart from staying awake, the rest is to find a way to get the maximum benefit within the rules. Just like playing poker, you either need to change the table, or improve your skills, and just complain about the bad cards in your hand. Apart from increasing your resentment, nothing else can help.

So, from today onwards, I will also learn to look open, embrace the environment and changes, and accumulate more energy for myself and my family. In this way, I will gradually have a certain amount of capital. Maybe, there will be room for advancement and retreat. .

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