Taipei Mediterranean Exotic Cuisine - Toasteria Cafe

Foodie's Adventure Diary

During the epidemic, I can't go to the Mediterranean Sea on a cruise to watch the sea, but I can eat Mediterranean food!

During the epidemic, Yongkang Street was empty and there were no tourists. After I walked 50,000 steps in Daan Forest Park, I helped my Sweatcoin and Alget (, referral code 1R1A3N ) and Step to replenish blood, Decided to take a good rest at this place and watch an American drama! I remembered that there was a Mediterranean restaurant Toasteria Cafe nearby, and I was excited when I saw someone sharing my favorite Indian milk tea. Well, this is it!

Toasteria Cafe is full of Mediterranean style when you enter the store, and even the toilets are dark blue. If the guests nearby eat afternoon tea quietly, or foreigners drink red wine and chat, praise, it is the atmosphere I like~

Because of the relationship between physical conditioning, I recently started to quit milk and try to eat plant-based protein. It happens that hummus is the signature of this restaurant. Hummus is a home-cooked dish in the Middle East. It is suitable for fitness and yoga people and vegetarians. , is a super food, filling and healthy!

Matcha Ou Lei can add 20 yuan to replace it with oat milk. Quitting milk can make the body not inflamed. Milk is for cows. Quitting milk will make the body better and the skin will be better. , I will be included in the code of life, and pursue it for the rest of my life. I recommend this store to everyone. The food is also very good with less people. While watching the American TV series Billions, you can spend a warm and happy afternoon in the rainy and rainy Taipei!


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