GG19 New Project + Grand View Garden - Climate Solutions


[ For Web3Matters Matt Weekly 55th Special Issue]

In this round, I browsed almost all 90 projects and took a lot of notes, preparing to follow up next time. When I was almost finished writing the prepared things, the number of climate solution projects had reached 100. .

In this article, I will talk to you about other new GG19 projects mentioned in the overview article: coral reefs, beekeeping education, MFI (Microfinance), garbage picking and effective waste management, as well as the lack of cognitive resources in my brain. Comprehensive project.

High-end heterogeneous

Adhering to the spirit of the previous two readings of climate solutions - focusing on projects that have brought in and stimulated the local community, I later found out that there are some unusual concepts and high-end technologies. It would be wrong not to mention them. In addition to tree planting and (d) As mentioned in MRT , the most difficult one to keep up with is $Earth - Solarpunk Dao . Indeed, I have been thinking about it during the reading process: from reducing greenhouse gases to environmental sustainability and biodiversity, How can these goals or other aspects and links related to the goals be intelligently and appropriately touched by blockchain technology?

I looked at Solarpunk Dao’s website ( twice to see their plan to combine it with the coconut farmer network Kokonut Network; Perpetual Value Ecosystem . Although I think the combination is pretty good, I haven’t been able to capture my vague feelings in Chinese. to the thinking behind them. I say this because their appearance, website appearance and unmodified sentences are likely to be regarded by conservative and rigorous sponsors as being too simple or just a small financial game (??). We welcome people who have obtained it to come and give us a release.

Fascinating mystery

Speaking of micro finance, there is a project this time that mentions MFI = Microfinance, also known as Microcredit, is a mutual financial support between a group of people who cannot be provided by traditional finance and their social network. It is also a project full of stories, which makes People's eyes lit up, and the database in their minds began to search. Is it like those stalls that provide foreign currency exchange in the center of London where there are many tourists? Or the small grocery store that was willing to let us exchange RMB when I went to Dongguan on the other side for a business trip? Or is it Kieslowski's "White Love", where the male protagonist can be loaned money to him after he returns to Poland, and then repay it when he works in the future, and at the same time, it may also introduce him to other money-making opportunities?

Take a closer look at impactMarket: Financial education & microcredit to vulnerable communities. They have "distributed over $3 million to nearly 50,000 beneficiaries in over 25 developing countries." But it must still be said that this is a project where the general agent has the final say. We actually cannot reach those communities. The two questions that must be answered at the end of every project this time are: Will we accept sponsorship from Shell? And KYC inspection? Almost everyone will say Yes, and their answer is also: Yes.

Another intriguing real-world mystery.

Speaking of this, when I took a look at it this time, I remembered that I also saw the Climate Emergency Centers that rented space during GG17. They have many places in the UK that they are willing to rent to climate activists. The project page has a map and explains why, and more What’s interesting is that they also have a website that looks a lot like the “Empty House Reuse Manual.” The point is, the answer to their last two questions is No.

Any piece of the puzzle of the real world that cannot be imagined is a fascinating mystery.


Have you noticed that over the past year or so, there has been a lot of news from the ocean that rising ocean temperatures have led to coral bleaching. Coral bleaching has been a long-term focus of global attention, and this has returned to Mesoamerican Reefs (MAR = Mesoamerican Reef) DeSci Web3 Tools for rebuilding MesoReefDAO - Regenerating Reef Conservation with DeSci Web3 tools , please see their detailed explanation.

Another thing to mention is that there are several beach cleanup projects proposed this time. Web3Beach is mainly talking about the people who worked with him to clean up the beach. Most of them are marginalized, people without bank accounts, some people who have been deprived of their rights. He should be the project During their free time at the beach, they can get in touch with WEB3 (ETH); Ocean Sole is a team of 50 people who recycle flip flops to make sculptures (the picture shows the truth); Mi Costa De Oro, Autonomous and Regenerative Community Rooted in Action (Venezuela) every week A beach cleanup, 60 people in Venezuela's regeneration economy, Central and South America are relatively large groups, enthusiastic.


We saw their hemp concrete drawings in the last Rebuilding Turkiye (see related works). This time Biochar and Hemp in South Africa are hemp bricks (carbon-negative hemp bricks). According to their own description, this team The team consists of slender engineers, software developers who are like data wizards, and Yaoshou’s smart lawyers. They can also combine them with contractors who specialize in biochar production and hard-working small farmers to talk about the need to address the issue of climate change. A grassroots approach makes a visible impact. And it belongs to a group that "has noticed that methane is also the first greenhouse gas to be reduced."

One of the "eyebrows" is also clearly stated on the project page, that is, all environmentally friendly bricks are relatively "expensive" , and the competitiveness in the current market is definitely insufficient. The sponsorship funds given to them will become "filling the gap in market value". " ——It's so transparent and straightforward! "Supporting their projects is not just a donation, but an investment in a future that brings carbon reduction from theory to action." - Well, for me, it is still a win to make up for the market price.

in a style of its own

A very solid project to promote beekeeping education, the Pollen buzz Initiative , and garbage picking Crypto Whales NFT by Highly Artistic - the artist himself ordered one day every month to be Earth Day, inviting everyone to pick up garbage and take photos and upload them , I wonder if he will collage the photos that everyone uploaded and made, and then integrate them into a photo album.

wasset is creating a reward-driven waste recycling economy, mainly in Africa, and has developed its own App. They also have plans to cooperate with other organizations, one of which is IB4A = Inclusive Blockchain For Africa, which is jointly organized with DFMlab. But it was too late to find out before the deadline.

I remember a long time ago (when I was a child) there was a movie called "God Is Crazy", which seemed to tell the story of an African who picked up a glass bottle. I must have never seen that movie. At that time, we had a stereotyped impression of Africans. She's not wearing clothes yet. In short, for some of my elders who have not fully understood the necessity and concept of resource recycling, it is wonderful to see that blockchain technology in Africa can give them incentives to recycle.

It just takes time to dig deeper into how they achieve effective waste management.


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