The question of worshipping Buddha, the question of education


The question of worshipping Buddha, the question of education

////////// Hello, brother, I want to ask you again. Due to the different vows of the deity, reciting the mantra of different deities will bring different blessings. If you worship Buddha, will it be because the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas you worship are different, the vows of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are different, and the blessings you get are also different. For example, there are 28 benefits to worship Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Does worshiping Amitabha also have these 28 benefits? Or is it that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas like Amitabha who focus on transcendental interests mainly focus on transcendental aspects of their blessings. Or, no matter which Buddha or Bodhisattva you worship, the blessings you receive are the same? And this blessing is fully covered by the interests of the world and the world? //////////

Answer: According to the specific methods required by different scriptures to worship specific Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, you will often receive specific blessings. Anyone who recites the name of one of the Buddhas and prays for a week will be able to eradicate all serious crimes of the Five Rebellions and Ten Evils! Another example is the "Buddha Speaks of the Ten Directions Underworld Sutra" to make offerings and worship to the Buddhas in the ten directions. Its specific effect is to eliminate the inhuman obstacles of ghosts and spirits. Another example is the name of the longest Buddha recorded in a certain scripture. I can't remember the name for a while. If you put your palms together, recite the name of the Buddha, and then pay homage, you will get rid of all five iniquity, ten evils, four heavy, eight, and eight, and abandon all sinful karma. It is also like you listed the twenty-eight benefits of praying to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the Ksitigarbha Sutra; therefore, if it is If it is indicated by the scriptures, if one or more Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can be worshipped in a particular way to obtain particular benefits, then those who worship all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the manner determined by the scriptures can obtain particular blessings of worship; For those with special vows, there is no need to understand them; for those without specific vows, during general worship, you can obtain various comprehensive blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in a balanced manner, but the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will also review your opinions at any time. For example, when someone suffers from terminally ill viscera cancer and is dying, he hears the Buddhadharma and worships Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The blessings obtained at this time will definitely focus on helping you repair your physical body, as well as the blessings that will help you prolong your life; even the rest All kinds of merit, the deity flexibly decides which kind of merit to give according to the priorities and needs of the traveler, and is not specific to a particular kind; just like children who are naive and do not know the changing benefits of hunger, fullness, cold and heat, parents make choices for their children and give them. Clothes given to those who are hungry, food and drink given to those who are hungry, medicines given to those who are sick,,,,,,, for the same reason, the various blessings that the deity bestows on those who worship are also given to those who follow the present and even in the future according to their needs. Not fixed. Generally speaking, if a practitioner wants to obtain a specific blessing, he can make an agreement with the object of worship, which can be regarded as customizing a specific blessing. However, due to the special method and the fickleness of ordinary people's delusions, ordinary people often seek it according to their delusional hearts. I do not know the interests of the priority and the harm. Therefore, although I know these methods of customizing merit, but because I cannot weigh the pros and cons of the public, I do not promote it to everyone, nor do I talk about it widely; I do not say it, because I am an ordinary person , I don’t know the importance and benefits of the monarchs, but the monarchs worship the deity, and the deity knows the priorities of the monarchs, and will bestow the corresponding merits! Therefore, what I do not say is because of self-knowledge, and also because I deeply believe that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can consummate the blessings they need in the present and future for those who worship. Therefore, all benevolent people should also deeply believe in the perfect arrangement of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and try not to pursue what you need with self-delusion, or the benefits and harms may be unpredictable.

Here's a little something that seems unrelated:

I remember that at the beginning of this month, there was a 30-year-old senior brother who was about to run out of good fortune. Four of his teeth had fallen out. The first tooth was lost when his stepfather died. This was because the good fortune that supported this brother was broken. One, in addition to the lack of self-survival ability of this senior brother, the merit system to support him has not been established, so his stepfather died and he lost his teeth; then this senior brother lost three teeth in a row, this is because he did not establish and support himself. The reason for his lack of self-survival is because of the merit system. I asked this senior brother how to survive, and he said that he lived on the rent of more than ten acres of land in his mother’s hometown, which was 20,000 yuan per year; Because this is to eat the old money, this is not the property that oneself pays for, and one share, that is, one share of good fortune, that is, one share of sin karma; therefore, having said this, I once again advise parents who educate their children to nurture their children as soon as possible. Self-living ability, self-survival ability, let children live independently as soon as possible, at least let children establish the ability to live independently! This is the kindness of parents to their children! Don't be like this senior brother, who has been relying on parents for nourishment. He has no self-survival ability, and he has not established his own blessing support system. The blessing system he relies on is his parents. As a result, his father (stepfather) died, and his blessing appeared partially supported. The system collapsed, so its teeth began to fall out; therefore, parents, help your children to build up the ability to live independently, help their children to establish an independent merit system, and don’t spoil your children so much Well, everything is arranged, this is a slow murder of children, I'm not polite, but a wise person will understand; because you deprive your children of self-survival, this does not mean murder, what is it? Parents who really love their children, in addition to correct education and guidance, should give their children the ability to survive on their own as soon as possible, and must not do everything for their children.

When it comes to teaching children the ability to survive independently, our human parents, especially the practice of many modern Chinese parents, are actually not as smart as beasts in educating their children! Human's method of education is inferior to the method of beasts' education of children? What I said is too ugly, but it is an out-and-out fact, such as that tigress, who taught the cubs to develop their predation ability! For example, that bird also helps the bird fly and help the bird gain the ability to prey! Anyone who has raised a female cat at home has seen a mother cat teach a kitten to sharpen its claws. Have you seen it? The mother cat teaches the kitten to catch the mouse, have you seen it? What I have listed is only a very small part. What you benevolent people know about beasts cultivating the self-survival ability of their children is more than what I know. You can draw inferences from one case! Therefore, I said that in terms of cultivating the survival ability of children in China, many parents' practices, wisdom and methods of cultivating children's survival ability are not comparable to animals! Parents, please don't scold me for what I said, and think about it! Although it is much more complicated and difficult for humans to cultivate the independent survival ability of their children than to cultivate animals to prey, but the truth is the same! Let your children have the ability to survive independently! If those animals have no predation ability, if they have no self-survival ability, after the death of the old animals, how do you say that the next generation of small animals can survive in the jungle of the jungle? In fact, the same is true for the children of human beings, but the abilities that the children of human beings need to acquire are more complicated, but the principle is the same. Of course, cultivating children's ability to survive independently is one aspect. The most important thing is that you should teach your children to establish a system of merit, such as relying on worshipping Buddha, relying on other methods of cultivating merit, and teaching your children how to make up for the lack of connection in the merit system and establish merit. When they get up, their independent survival ability will have a fundamental foundation. On this foundation, if children have specific living ability, it will be perfect.

Based on my past experience of observing the merits of others, I have determined that the above-mentioned senior brother's innate merit cannot support his life span to 40 years old. Therefore, I advise this senior brother to hurry up and pay homage to Buddha. It just so happens that he does not work, has nothing to do, and lives The source is land rent; therefore, the homework I arranged for him is, from the age of 30 now to the age of 40 in the future, don't think about marriage, don't think about other careers, first worship Buddha honestly for 10 years, 3,000 times a day, When you are 40 years old, you will pay 10 million prayers. After you have enough of this number, you will think about other things! If you don't endure this hardship, it will be very difficult for this senior brother to live until he is 40 years old, or even 35 years old. I know it is cruel to say this, but the truth is that his lifespan is like that of a mobile phone, with only a little residual power left. , the mobile phone is close to shutting down the alarm, his teeth are the alarm signal, but unfortunately he does not know. Luckily, this senior brother can do 600 prayers in an hour, which is very good! If this senior brother can really follow what I said, he will not have any achievements after the age of 40. It's just that if he doesn't think my words are credible, then I can't help him either.

Then, I advised him to worship Buddha 10 million times. According to your thoughts, what should he do? Since his lifespan is short, I should persuade him to customize the blessings that are conducive to the extension of lifespan! Right? Should I do this? But I don't! Because in the process of worshiping Buddha and Bodhisattva, Buddha and Bodhisattva will give blessings according to his specific needs. This is the correct choice. Therefore, I cannot customize it for him, and Buddha and Bodhisattva will follow his needs. Give him the blessing he needs! Therefore, you benevolent people, you must believe in Buddhism! Don't believe your own delusions!

/////////// Hello, Senior Brother, I often followed the group leader's advocacy in a group and sent this paragraph: "May my Bodhi Heart, for the sake of the happiness and liberation of all sentient beings, never retreat. Turn, turn and grow, firm and complete, this life is the last life, and you will definitely be out of samsara and achieve Bodhi!" The group leader said that this will gradually generate true Bodhicitta, and many group friends have said this. I received the five precepts myself a few days ago, and I also posted that in that group, but yesterday I saw Master XX's lecture, to the effect that if you are not sure that you can achieve that goal, you can't use the word "decide to be reborn", otherwise it is Big lie. Are you saying that what I said in the group was a big lie? Does one have to repent before the Buddha and seek to see a good sign before he can take the precepts again? ///////////

Answer: This kind of vow will indeed have a very great guiding effect on the power of vows to initiate bodhicitta, strengthen bodhicitta, and even gradually consummate bodhicitta in the future lives. The power of vows is like a satellite navigation, which direction will your car drive in the future. , depends on whether the direction the navigation gives you is correct, depends on whether the navigation goal you set in advance is correct; your aspiration will guide the future life after life, the bodhicitta will never retreat, and it will grow after turning. This is a very extraordinary practice! As for what Master XX said, it is only in terms of the achievements that you can achieve in your internal realm. You can't do self-verification beyond your internal realm. This is a lie; therefore, one is talking about future aspirations. The question of bodhicitta, one is the question of whether the state of internal realization is truthfully expressed in the present moment, and the two are not contradictory. This does not involve breaking the precepts, much less the issue of re-taking the precepts.

*********Senior brother, I have read your latest blog post above, but what Master XX said is that when you make a wish, you can’t say that you have decided to die. See below:

Someone asked: Amitabha, please ask Master XX to enlighten me on the following questions. The first question: Some people recite the Buddha and make a vow: In this life, they decide to be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. If there is no rebirth in this life, is it a lie?

XX Master replied: This question is not a small lie. There are several types of lies, big lies and small lies. For example, someone asks you if you have eaten in the morning? If you didn't eat it and said you did, or you said you didn't eat it, this is a petty lie. If you say that in this life I have attained a certain level of achievement, or that I have decided to be reborn in the bliss of the West, this is a big matter, and if it is not true, it is a big lie. What crime does the great lie commit? From a monk’s point of view, committing the crime of decapitation means that in this life you will not be able to generate bodhicitta again, and it is impossible for you to generate bodhicitta again. So be careful with this! *********

Answer: My opinion: I try to avoid talking about the views of monks, because we lay people should not criticize the views of monks; but since you are forced to go to Liangshan, I may as well say bluntly: Master XX's above views are logically confusing. There are also serious biases! The reasons are as follows:

One, lies are not true words, they are called lies! However, if others make a wish to decide to be reborn in this world, this is just a kind of wish; if according to the logic of the master, because the wish will not necessarily become a reality immediately, accusing the wish is a lie, if according to this logic: the four great vows are not Immediately mature, is the Sihong oath also a lie? The forty-eight vows of Amitabha Buddha were also fulfilled after a long period of cultivation and the establishment of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Is the forty-eight vows also lies? Obviously not! The grandeur of the wish is for guidance, and it does not necessarily require the wish to mature immediately. If it does not mature and become real, it will immediately be judged that this great wish is a lie. This kind of judgment may have serious problems!

Second, according to the forty-eight vows of Amitabha and the nine-level standard of rebirth in the Five Pure Land Sutras, the vow to be reborn in this world is in line with the great vow of Amitabha. So, how can it be a lie to say that the decision to live in this world is a lie? The words of the Master, in order to show the precepts and prevent the practitioners from making a great vow, this is not an appropriate opinion!

The third rule, what the Master lists to eat and not to eat, is true and false, these examples are completely different from the principle of the Great Vows! I remember that the Master also taught the public to make a vow to become a monk from generation to generation in accordance with the "Puxian Xingxiangpin", but many people are still laymen in their entire lives, and they do not go home. Does that mean that the "Puxian Xingxiangpin" is a kind of vow to become a monk for life and life? What about lies? Because at least I haven't been a monk in my life! So, if you are not a monk, it is best not to recite "Puxian Xingxiangpin"? Because you have made a vow to become a monk in your life, but you have never been a monk in your life, you would be lying. Is it true? Obviously this is not true! Since the "Pu Xian Xing Yuan Pin" vows to become a monk from generation to generation, and you have never been a monk in your life, it does not prove that it is a lie to make a vow to become a monk in every life according to the "Pu Xian Xing Yuan Ping". The same is true, then how do you prove that people have decided to be reborn in the Pure Land after making a wish in this life. What if it is a lie if there is no rebirth? The reason is the same, that is, the willpower did not see the effect precisely in the predetermined time! Therefore, there are a lot of paranoia in the Master's judgment on the precept of lying!

Another example is that in the "Ksitigarbha Sutra", Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva vows that the hell is not empty and vows not to become a Buddha, but the "Dafangguang Tathagata's Inconceivable Realm Sutra" records that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has become a Buddha for a long time, showing the body of a bodhisattva! Then, can you say that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's vow at that time was a lie? Because there is still no time in hell! But the Bodhisattva became a Buddha? If the wish to become a Buddha if hell is not empty is not a lie, then the basis for the scriptures that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has become a Buddha is a lie? If the basis for Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's becoming a Buddha is not a lie, then the great vow of a Buddha if the hell is not empty is a lie? So, the Master thinks, which of the two is a lie? According to such a mechanical understanding of the Master, it is really speechless! Since it is necessary to understand the precept of lying in such a mechanical way, might as well ask the Master to describe the above two, which one is the lie? ?

The fourth rule is to make a vow to be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. This is a firm vow and determination. This vow is in line with the forty-eight vows of Amitabha. Is this vow a lie? If this kind of vow is a lie, it is equivalent to denying the reliability of Amitabha’s vow to a certain extent! Because Amitabha's dying reception is determined by the amount of holy words, there is no need to wait until the next life to receive you! Decided to live in this life! This is determined by Amitabha's willpower! Therefore, it is not easy to accuse others that the wish to decide to live in this world is a lie. If you think it is a lie, it is equivalent to slandering the reliability of Amitabha's great vow! Obstructed his confidence in the pure land of life! This is seriously problematic.

Five Principles, Master XX confuses "the practitioner makes a wish to be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" and "the practitioner self-certifies that he decides to be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss"! Therefore, accusing others of making such a wish is a lie, and this is because the Master's own view is problematic! Self-evidence means that the current state is enough to prove that you can be reborn! Vows are people's determination and confidence that they will decide to live in this life, and establish people's firm will! The Master mixed up the different meanings logically expressed in the above two languages! Therefore, all benevolent people, you should firmly vow to be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss! Don't be misled by the mage's biased views.

No matter whether you are a monk or a layman, the reasoning of the Buddha Dharma is not to degrade all other Dharmas in order to promote one Dharma. If you explain it to others and you can't explain it clearly, it is likely to cause confusion in your mind and make students at a loss!

Brothers and sisters are forcing me to offend the monks and force me to do things that I shouldn't do. However, in order to understand the truth, I might as well speak lies, just for reference.

////////// Before I invited the Buddha statue, there were several ghosts pressing my body, and I was very scared. ///////////

Answer: That's because the acquaintances and creditors prevent you from making offerings to the Buddha statues, because after you make offerings to the Buddha statues, they will not easily hinder you. Generally, the ghosts and gods who do this kind of obstacle are the smarter ones among the grievances and creditors. They can recognize the benefits you get and hinder them. Therefore, they will pre-empt you from obtaining such benefits, but you must be firm. There is nothing he can do to make offerings to Buddha statues.

////////////The elders take the initiative to ask us to pray, undertake our prayers, voluntarily accept our bad karma, and donate our own blessings, then the elders will be blessed by eliminating karma. So what should we do when we worship Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? ///////////


1. Except for the occasional ceremonial worship of the elders by the younger generation, I have never seen such a merciful elder who accepts everyone's worship! I have only seen Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva first showing that he would not accept offerings, and then Buddha Shakyamuni persuaded the Bodhisattva to show mercy to all living beings to accept offerings, and then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva accepted. Bodhisattvas show damage to self, show self sacrifice, and benefit sentient beings, so they accept Bodhisattva Infinite Mind offerings. Excuse me, which elder has such a spirit of sacrifice? So, I said, unless your elders have compassion equal to that of a bodhisattva, and have enough merit for you to worship, how can a truly sensible elder have the courage to accept your worship? Unless they are stupid elders, they don't understand anything.

2. When elders accept worship, it is to eliminate fortune and get guilty, not to eliminate karma for blessing; you have done the opposite!

3. I guess what you mean is that when elders are motivated to benefit others, they accept worship, which is similar to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who is willing to sacrifice himself and benefit all beings, so he accepts worship! I guess that's what you're trying to say! However, under this meaning, it is further divided into two levels. One is the level of natural laws, that is, the elders accept prayers, but they are still detrimental to their blessings and karma. , this is the blessing of bodhicitta! These are two different things, the principles of two levels, the relationship between pros and cons, and should not be confused! The merits and benefits of great compassion and bodhicitta cannot be compared with the relationship of giving and receiving under the laws of nature. This is not the same thing.

4. I guess, what you want to express is that the same is to accept the prayer, but the intention is different. Therefore, if the intention is to benefit others, even accepting the prayer will not harm the blessing? Not only does it not damage blessings, but also eliminates karma to gain blessings? The truth is not the case. The truth is as mentioned above, the merits and virtues of bodhicitta and the detrimental blessings of being worshipped are issues at different levels.

5. Why do parents and elders have to be so stupid and ask their children to worship themselves? Why are parents not wise enough to ask their children to worship Buddha? Isn't this a question that has been answered in previous blog posts?

///////Senior brother, isn't the Ten Vows of Samantabhadra praised the Tathagata? I want to praise Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, but the clumsy ones won't say it. Do you have any information on this that you can post on your blog? ///////

Answer: The following is what Baidu received. In fact, there are some questions that you can ask Baidu, just ask Baidu directly.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is wonderful and difficult to reward, pure and dignified for many kalpas.

Haohao Honglian stepped down, and Wanwan Qiuyue frowned.

The nectar in the bottle is often sprinkled everywhere, and the poplar branches in the hand do not count the autumn.

A thousand places to pray for a thousand answers, the sea of suffering is often a boat to save people.

---Wen copy augmented volume four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's original trace induction chanting scroll head portrait praise


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