Axie Infinity Game Preparation - Buy Three Axies

Since it is a high-cost game, of course, you must choose the team well

I haven’t written teaching texts for a long time, because writing teaching texts is really tiring! Since Axie Infinity has become more and more popular recently, many people should decide to continue writing teaching texts to help more people understand.

If you don’t know the blockchain game Axie Infinity, you can refer to the related works, including the introduction and sharing of my experience after playing for three months.

How to Pick Three Axies

If you want to play this game, you must first buy three Axies. You need to go to the Axie Marketplace to see the price of the three Axies. This is the market for auctioning Axies. You can first see how much ETH you want to buy for the three Axies. Buy enough ETH to transfer to MetaMask wallet, and then transfer from MetaMask wallet to Ronin wallet.

Axie Marketplace Image credit: Axie Marketplace

If you want to win the game, it is recommended to buy a purebred as much as possible. Although it is more expensive, it has a better chance to win. Only by winning this game can you get SLP and make money. So it is recommended to use the filter to find the Axie you want to buy.

1. Try not to buy eggs, buy the hatched Axie (choose Adult) to know his card skills.

2. If you don't want to breed, you can leave "BREED COUNT" unchecked, which represents the number of breedings. Each Axie can only breed 7 times at most. But if you want to breed, but don't want to spend too much money, it is recommended to set the number of breedings to 3 or 4 times, and he will find the Axie that breeds 0 to 4 times.

3. "PURENESS" stands for purity, the higher the number, the purer, so you can choose 5 or 6 if you want to buy a pure breed. Bastards, while cheap, can be hard to play and not easy to win.

Axie purchase filter settings Image source: Axie Marketplace

Little Frog's team selection principle

Playing games is all about winning. Now that you've decided to spend money to play, you can't just save money and buy bastards to make it difficult for you to win and waste your time. Before I bought a team combination, I consulted a veteran player - Crypto Han, and he gave me a few examples for me to refer to and try to choose similar cards to win easily. After three months, it has also been proved that it is the right choice to ask experienced players. I can win most of the games in order to get SLP.

My team combination is a tank Axie as the defense (Plant), and the other two attack Axies (Beast, Bird). The picture below is my initial team combination. Since the plant-type Axie needs to defend and recover blood, I will put it at the front and let the opponent attack, because the attack sequence set in the game is usually to attack the front Axie, except for special cards. To skip the fastest Axie or the second Axie.

Little Frog's original team combination Image source: Axie game screen

The basic attributes of each Axie include: Health, Morale, Skill and Speed. The total value of each Axie's attributes is 164, and the maximum value of each basic attribute is 61.

The one with the most HP is usually regarded as a defensive Axie, so if it is a plant type, try to choose a maximum HP of 61, but because I didn't have that much money at the time, I chose a plant type with a lower HP of 59, but it is also very fun to play. good.

Frog's first plant is Axie Image source: Axie game screen

As for the animal department, I choose morale the most, and the Morale value is 61, so that when a critical strike occurs, the opponent can lose more HP and have a chance to win.

Frog's first animal is Axie Image source: Axie game screen

For the bird type, I choose the fastest speed, and the Speed value is 61, because the game sets the order of cards to be based on speed. The faster the speed, the faster the cards will be played.

Frog's first bird is Axie Image source: Axie game screen

Cards will affect the battle. If possible, please refer to the card explanation on this website " Axie Infinity Skills in Chinese and English " to choose the cards. Since there are many cards, I will not explain them in particular. As the cards become more familiar, they know what strategy to use.

Find the Axie you want to buy, click it and you will see the current price. Take the following picture as an example. The 0.1055 in the upper right corner means that the current auction price is 0.1055 ETH. Usually the seller will set the initial price and the final price, which will become more expensive or cheaper over time. Take the following picture as an example. The seller sets the initial price to 0.153 ETH and the final price to 0.095 ETH, so the current price is 0.1055 ETH. Buy it and the price will drop to 0.095 ETH in 9 hours. You can bet to see if it sells, but in my experience, Axie with a good card and good purity usually gets snatched.

Axie price screen image source: Axie Marketplace

At present, it seems that an Axie with a purity of more than 80% needs about 0.2 ETH or more, that is, at least 0.7 ETH should be prepared to buy three Axies, and more preparation is required because ETH will be deducted as a handling fee when transferring from MetaMask to the Ronin wallet. , so the required ETH remittance will not be deducted many times.

You can also watch the video below to learn how to choose a team combination and buy Axies

How to Pick and Buy Axie Teams

Transfer ETH from MetaMask to Ronin Wallet

Notice! It is not possible to directly transfer ETH from the exchange to the Ronin wallet! Because the Ronin wallet is still built on Ethereum, but it is Layer 2, you can first read this " Expansion Plan for First Entering Layer 2 Ethereum " to understand it better.

After the ETH is ready in the MetaMask wallet, it can be imported into the Ronin wallet. For the import steps, please refer to the tutorial of this article " Axie Infinity Chinese Registration Instruction in 3 minutes, teach you how to create a Ronin wallet and start the game! ", or It is the following video.

Start buying Axies

After the Ronin wallet has ETH, you can purchase the selected Axie. Remember to log in to the Ronin wallet before purchasing to deduct the money. Since the game has not been revised when I bought the first team, the Ronin wallet is not used for deduction, but the MetaMask wallet is used, so the following demonstration may be slightly different, but it is almost the same, except that the MetaMask deduction display will be changed to Ronin wallet .

1. After selecting the desired Axie, click "Buy now" in the upper right corner.

Image source: Axie Marketplace

2. The Ronin Wallet window will pop up to confirm whether to pay, click "Confirm".

Image source: Axie Marketplace

3. After the deduction is completed, a record will appear, and you can check Activities.

Image source: Axie Marketplace

4. After the purchase is successful, enter the game screen, click "Sync Axie", and the Axie you just purchased will appear.

Image Credit: Axie Games

After buying three, you can start playing the game! It is recommended to practice playing the level (Adventure) first, familiarize yourself with the three Axie cards you bought, and then go to play against other players (Arena) after you are familiar with it.

Reference article: Axie Infinity Cosmic Hitchhiking Guide: This is enough for novice players to get started quickly

In the next article, I will briefly introduce the game interface and the points to pay attention to when playing the game. If you want to play but don't have the money to buy three Axies, I'm currently considering opening a scholarship account, so that friends who want to try it out can try it out. If you are interested, you can send an email to inquire, and I can use my account in the future. played. My Email is

Have a great time everyone!


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