Every Monday Mine - Emerald Copper Mine

What I want to introduce to you today is the emerald copper mine, also known as the perspective stone~
it's so beautiful

The emerald copper mine is also known as bronze mine and emerald copper ore. Its English name "Dioptase" comes from the Greek words "penetration" and "vision", which means that the internal cleavage surface can be seen. Therefore, it has the nickname of "Perspective Stone".

Really transparent and beautiful

The copper ore itself is a water-containing copper silicate, the chemical formula is generally written as CuSiO3·H2O (there is also a saying that it is CuSiO2(OH)2), the crystals often form prisms, and often have rhombohedral ends, or aggregates in crystals Body and other output (like today's protagonist Xiao Cui).

Its color ranges from emerald green to dark blue-green, and may be transparent or translucent with a vitreous luster.

It is mainly formed in copper deposits near the surface and in places subject to oxidative alteration. Chang coexists with the malachite , calcite, color molybdenum lead ore and the heteropolar ore I have always wanted that I have previously introduced. The main producing areas are African countries, such as Congo, Zaire and Namibia. Today's protagonist Xiaocui It's from Congo.

More than a dozen minerals have been introduced, and today it is finally my turn to post the Cui Copper Mine. After a bit of adjustment, the minerals I introduced seem to be mostly blue-blue-green-green metal silicates like this.

But in such a hot weather where everything looks good, looking at the dark blue-green but so transparent emerald copper ore, it is as if all the summer heat has been absorbed and sealed in its tiny but delicate crystal structure. , reminds me of the mints that I carry with me, small, but it brings endless refreshing and refreshing.


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午月因為生命是音樂 死亡是聽
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