Salary adjustment and performance bonus "certain riot" China Express Union does not rule out a strike across Taiwan

The employees of Chunghwa Express, a subsidiary of Chunghwa Post, have a basic salary of less than 26K. The union of Chunghwa Express strives for a salary increase of 5,000 yuan, and the salary of regular employees should not be lower than that of outsourcing dispatch. On Monday (7/4), a warning strike action will be carried out, and they will go to traffic The ministry protested for a labor consultation.

Text/Gongku reporter Yang Juru

After yesterday's negotiation broke down, the trade union went to the Ministry of Communications to hold a press conference today (6) days to protest against the company's negotiation without a specific commitment and salary adjustment schedule. There will be fewer, and the trade union has criticized it as "digging the east to make up for the west and making up for low wages."

The labor union will participate in a coordination meeting assisted by the office of Legislator Qiu Xianzhi this afternoon, saying that if the management fails to solve the low-paying problem, it will not rule out launching a general strike across Taiwan, which will be carried out in a surprise manner to escalate the protest.

Chunghwa Express employees are choked for salary adjustment, "don't do it when you're not happy", do not rule out a general strike in Taiwan

Chunghwa Post's subsidiary, Chunghwa Express, mainly undertakes banking business, and is responsible for handling nearly 60% of domestic bank cheques and other bills. The employees of Chunghwa Express have been low-paid for a long time, their basic salary is less than 26K, and even some employees who have worked for 17 years have a monthly salary of less than 30,000. However, the employees found that the company asked for outsourced personnel but offered the condition of "actual payment of 38,000 yuan". Therefore, Chunghwa Express The trade union of the enterprise announced the start of a warning strike at 5:30 a.m. on Monday (7/4), and the strike areas were distributed in Taipei, Taozhumiaoyi area, and went to the Ministry of Communications to lodge a protest, and held a labor-management consultation the next day.

Wang Guocai, Minister of Communications, also told the media about the strike action of the China Express Company's trade union, "The salary structure of express company employees is lower than that of general outsourcing dispatch, and state-owned enterprises should not take the lead in lowering salaries."

Chunghwa Express employees earn at least 13 months a year, and performance bonuses and year-end bonuses are issued at the end of the year. However, in October last year, after the labor union sought a slight salary increase of 1%-5% ( related reports ), it was found that both performance bonuses and year-end bonuses received at the beginning of this year were deducted by 10,000 yuan. lower than before.

The chairman of the labor union, Chen Hongchun, was very disappointed to participate in yesterday's labor-management consultation. The board members did not give the labor union a specific salary adjustment schedule at the coordination meeting, nor could they promise that the annual income of employees would not decrease. Quite questioning the goodwill shown by the Ministry of Transportation. He said that if the Ministry of Communications and Chunghwa Express continue to rot, the trade union will not rule out a general strike across Taiwan and the protest will escalate.

Although the company supports salary adjustments, but bonuses may be deducted?

Huang Zhenzhong, chairman of Chunghwa Express, came forward to accept the petition and said that the Minister of Transport supported the demands of the trade union version, and explained that in the future, the relevant salary structure should be revised towards the postal system, and the future outdated regulations should also be reviewed. At the same time, the company is also required to quickly submit information to communicate with other directors, and convene a board of directors to discuss salary adjustments within the last two weeks of this month.

When asked whether employees will deduct performance bonuses when they strive for salary adjustment, Chairman Huang Zhenzhong explained that because performance bonuses have their own calculation formula, it is assumed that after the salary adjustment this year, the personnel cost will be increased by 5 million this year. Since this year's budget is not included, the surplus must be absorbed. If the cost of salary adjustment is reduced, the surplus in the profit and loss statement at the end of the year will be reduced by 5 million, and a significant increase in revenue of 6-7 million is required to not affect employee performance bonuses.

Ye Jinyu retorted that China Express is a profitable company. The final accounts published by the parent company Chunghwa Post clearly show that Chunghwa Express, which is reinvested by Chunghwa Post, makes money every year, from an after-tax surplus of 26.14 million in 2011 to an after-tax surplus of 84.58 million in 2021. Four times the growth, the cash dividends distributed by Chunghwa Post from Chunghwa Express also increased every year, from 21.77 million in 2017 to 29.57 million last year, but Chunghwa Express’s labor salaries were only increased according to the government’s basic salary increase. She criticized: "Wang Guocai also said that the country should not take the lead in lowering wages, is he telling a joke?"

"If you fight for a salary adjustment this time, the performance bonus will be deducted next year, which will ensure that the company will face strikes every year!" Ye Jinyu emphasized that the long-term low salary problem of Zhonghua Express workers is caused by the salary structure, and the salary adjustment cannot be unevenly adjusted. Postal practices. Reiterated that all union members should raise their salary by 5,000, and promised not to deduct performance bonuses.

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