Memories of a Dining Cart


When the weather is cold and winter, I don't even want to move, and I even have "difficulty getting out of bed". If you can enjoy a warm breakfast in time, it is undoubtedly a blessing to the soul and warmth in the snow. Searching for the taste of winter in my memory, the most nostalgic thing is the mobile snack stalls such as the breakfast cart that I used to frequent in my school days.

Speaking of breakfast carts, there is a typical local breakfast cart specializing in porridge, noodles and noodles at Qingcao Street and Yongle Theater Street in Xinqiao District of my home: stacked discs are filled with steaming cheecheong fun, glutinous rice, and fried noodles. Next to it are a number of square-shaped porridge, sugar water, and tea soup. Ordinary glutinous rice is pre-fried, but here it is steamed with anthracene flowers, fish sticks, and a large plate full of anthracene, green, orange, yellow, and mutton fat, which is pleasing to the eye, and a corner when customers order it. Drizzle with soy sauce, turn over and stir with a spoon, and then put it in a small plastic bag and deliver it. The tangy, oily and salty taste, bright and direct, and the glutinous rice taste are extra filling, filling my every afternoon after primary school.

In addition to the satiating glutinous rice "dinner", the only way I had to go back to school when I was in elementary school was in front of the stone stage opposite the main entrance of Jinghu Hospital leading to Liangshui Street. There was a stall specializing in fried food. There are two kinds of delicacies, one is a large piece of sweet and fragrant sweet potato cake, and the other is a piece of fried minced meat wrapped in fried flour. Yanganthracene incense, accompanied by a rich and sweet taste, and a slightly sour taste of black vinegar (to be honest, this black vinegar still has a little savory taste, but it is not smelly, but it increases appetite, which is quite magical). , is also a must. Buy one on the stone level, and eat while you go to school or go home, which is very freehand.

When I was in middle school, due to the change in the route to school, I began to pay attention to another breakfast cart in front of a supermarket in Jiajing Paradise on Liansheng Street. This stall also sells a typical porridge, noodle and noodle breakfast, but it has its own secret, that is, the pre-prepared curry sauce is poured on the fried noodles, and the taste is doubled. Because this car stall is well-known far and near, and the location is convenient, it is crowded every morning before the stall, so it is said that some people will help a group of classmates to buy and deliver them to the class room. Of course - can't do it, it's always more delicious to eat alone and fat. A few digressions, in my impression, the middle school class room before the morning meeting is extraordinarily busy. In addition to copying homework and grinding gun-style (futile?) pre-exam review, it is also necessary to solve those fragrant breakfasts as soon as possible. It makes me feel like I associate the smell of curry with the shift room before the morning meeting.

However, with the government's rectification of municipalities and the increasing economic development, mobile vendors have gradually declined. The above-mentioned multiple car stalls have gradually disappeared, and they are dusty in memory. Perhaps the memories of our students’ tastes are also the hard years when itinerant vendors got up from morning to night and worked diligently to make a living.


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