After listening to the child, speak again.

Why can't you be normal like a normal kid? Because I'm special.

17% of Nobel laureates are Jewish. Of the top ten philosophers in the world, 8 are Jewish.

The well-known Picasso, Einstein, Buffett, Freud, etc. successful people are all Jewish.

How do the parents of these successful people educate their children?

Sometimes children eagerly want to share some words with their parents. Parents are busy and always keep their children out of the door. Parents should put down the work at hand as much as possible and learn to listen to their children.

Sometimes when the child is about to be punished , the parents do not want to understand the root cause of the matter, and the relationship between the parent and child will widen over time. And that distance may never come back. When punishing a child, don't let the child feel degraded or humiliated, understand the child's grievance, and use encouragement instead of punishment.

Correcting mistakes is a beautiful thing, so don’t accuse children too much of doing wrong things, children have the right to make mistakes, and it is the responsibility of parents to educate children to correct mistakes, isn’t it beautiful to learn and grow together.

Sometimes the success of a child comes from the sincere listening and praise of the parents. Please speak out loudly about your child's strengths! Build your child's self-confidence.

Parenting is not equal to education. I often hear parents say that making money is too tiring, and there is no time to educate their children. Children will be copies of their parents, and the children's future attitude towards life determines the education of parents to children.

When disciplining your child, focus on positive events and don't criticize your child all the time.

No matter how ordinary children are, they are extraordinary in the ordinary. Please tell the children often: You are great, you are special.

Please cherish family time.

Why can't you be normal like a normal kid? Because I'm special.


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