LOHAS Art- Wisdom-

Wisdom is happiness. People feel unhappy because life is full of setbacks, setbacks are not in line with the expected results, anger and all kinds of negative emotions are caused by not acknowledging the facts/results.
@Nepal, Kathmandu

What is wisdom? Wisdom is happiness. People feel unhappy because life is full of setbacks, setbacks are not in line with the expected results, anger and all kinds of negative emotions are caused by not acknowledging the facts/results. "Zhuangzi" believes that the greatest happiness in life is "knowing that the other person, including people and things, will not have a negative impact on yourself." If you can make everyone around you feel happy, such a character cannot be unhappy, right? !

Can a person "enlighten"? I believe it depends on chance and personal attitude. Use "Zhuangzi. From the experience of The Theory of Equality of Things, we must see through 10,000 things before we see one thing. This is a process of experience, learning, self-examination and then self-definition. When I was very young, I must have asked why the epiphany? Man will conquer the sky! After countless setbacks, I finally began to redefine "learning". Philosophy touched my heart cruelly and tenderly, and I was ashamed to realize how ignorant I was. One day I finally realized that even an Olympic gold medalist in swimming would not be able to "upstream" in a turbulent river. Today, I still have a lot of gaps in many things, especially in my career, and my desire to "do great things and create achievements."

What is an epiphany? A beer TV commercial from many years ago had a profound effect on me: "... someone gonna build an empire... write the best seller, never try? Never know... you are missing hundred percent of your shots you don't take ... get that girl, get that house, get that job, get that yard... someone gonna do it, why not you?" Today I still very much agree with her arrogance and ambition, but now there is one more: Get that Wisdom!

Comprehension from the heart can lead to really valuable wisdom. No matter how smart a person is born, wisdom is cultivated from the day after tomorrow. Personal experience is that "failure" can often enlighten wisdom, but it is not inevitable. The point is not how smart people were at that time, but It's how willing he is to actually be introspective and at the same time willing to make things better. Even the smartest people can't decipher where we came from, but we can be smart enough to explain why we came.

Knowing yourself is the hardest thing in the world, and improving yourself is the hardest thing in the world. Some people will interpret it as "no matter how hard you work, there is no perfection", while others will interpret it as "only a better self can make you better." There is a better tomorrow", there is no right or wrong, it is about the choice of value judgment. Use the self you already know to cultivate the self you don't know. Life is an unfinished process of learning, injury, healing, and improvement.

"For a tree to grow taller and receive more light, its roots must go deeper into darkness." Thus Spoke Zarathustra

The composition of life is colorful and difficult. Some people are more often entangled with confusion, and some people are often accompanied by joy. They all make choices. The division of choice is based on wisdom, not luck. Wisdom is not necessarily related to how much material you have, but how much experience you have. But there is an absolute relationship. The greatest benefit that experience can give is a deeper understanding and definition of the "beauty" and "suffering" of life, but this definition has no should or shouldn't. When the values are resampled and customized, complaints, anger and confusion will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, life, pursuits and ideals will become clearer, which is a very positive transformation. What is wisdom? It can be understood like this:

"Success is not the key to joy, joy is the key to success." -- Albert Schweitze

Wisdom interprets meaning for existence, process requires action, and action requires courage.

To be continued
- Existence - Progress - Wisdom - Courage - Lost -


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