One of the most memorable childhood events - an oasis that supports childhood

A boring childhood, a high-pressure childhood, a small oasis, which is enough to moisten life, has the power to move forward, and also turns into rainwater, irrigating the next generation.

My childhood can be said to be very boring, really, because it is full of memories of reading. My elementary school days are full of memories of exams and silent writing, because the requirements of the school are very high, and it is one battle after another to go to school, and you have to pass five obstacles and six generals.

If you understand the education system in Hong Kong, you will know that this is the norm. Silent writing in Chinese once a week, and silent writing in English once a week is the basics. There are also quizzes and exams twice a year. Everyone has to face the pressure. As you can imagine.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

In this story, I do not want to tell you the good and bad of the meritocracy, but just tell the ordinary experience of an ordinary elementary school student. Because of this ordinary academic path, I can find a little sweetness.

This sweet, is a weekly planting group. It is an after-school extracurricular activity. We have a planting corner in our school, which is run by teachers and students together. We can go in and garden once a week, accompanied by a teacher. At this time, it is rare to be able to do what you love. In Hong Kong, every inch of land is expensive, and plants can not be grown anytime and anywhere. Extracurricular activities without chasing any grades are more precious to have a comfortable time.

Photo by Михаил Павленко on Unsplash

Its rarity was like a diamond in my childhood. For a child in Hong Kong, any activity must have a clear goal. When learning a foreign language, there is no need to say that there are countless qualification tests. When learning sports, you need to enter the school team or get results in different competitions. When you learn music, you need to take the test. Grades, the scary thing is that getting Grade 8 at the Royal Academy of Music in the UK is a basic level, and the performance level can be considered relatively good. It turns out that Hong Kong people are so talented in music, so in Hong Kong, it should be a music paradise, but the reality is It can be regarded as the complete opposite. If we don't talk about comparing with the world, but only talking about Asia, we are definitely lagging behind. Even South Korea has developed much later than us and has already taken the lead in the Asian market.

Farther away, this extracurricular activity that can't use any assessment items is such a beautiful oasis!

In this activity, put the seeds in pots, take care of them once a week, weed and fertilize, and learn to take time to wait for growth, and tolerance slowly builds up. In fact, there are some things in this life that can't be done early, understand the beauty of it.

Photo by Johan Mouchet on Unsplash

After the event, my grandfather was waiting for me at the door. I could hold hands with him and have lunch. I could choose some foods that my parents were forbidden to eat when I was there, and I could go to the newsstand to find one Ben's favorite comic book, this free air, cozy lunch, feels good. Even if I have to catch up with the progress of my homework after I go home, and I have to catch up with the overwhelming review progress, life is finally a little sweet.

Back now, when I became a father, I was easily brought back to the previous study dilemma by society. Often when I wanted to arrange my sons’ studies, I had to make different choices, what to study, what not to do, everything. For the sake of the children, the answer is difficult and difficult, and it is difficult to believe that your beliefs are correct.

When I feel that it is difficult to travel, or I feel lost in the Internet, I will remember when my grandfather was waiting for me outside the school, and I will also think of the rough palm of his hand holding me, which is very warm. How long life is, how full of unease and unknown, let this warmth carry me all the way!

thank you! grandfather!

PS My grandpa is still healthy! Don't worry everyone!


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PhilipMak博客/三寶爸/業餘投資者 一生追求新知識和不守本份的斜摃中年,不羈放縱愛自由。 開始了網上留下足跡。希望一點一滴改變世界。 個人專頁: 個人matters專頁:
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