World Bunts: The Absurd "Right to Be Forgotten"


A gang of thieves ransacked the village, slaughtered the men and raped the women. Destroy all evidence afterwards and intimidate survivors not to mention the incident. They have a high-sounding reason that their "right to be forgotten" cannot be taken away.

Regarding the permanent storage of content on the blockchain, I have seen a controversy, that is, the technology of permanent storage of content will deprive people of the right to be forgotten. Ironically, it was the well-known dictatorial Turkish President Edoğan who raised the concept of the "right to be forgotten". These people in power who enjoy all the privileges and respect me alone and never care about the rights of others even care about the rights of others. And it's still a specious "right to be forgotten". With all due respect, there are only four words that pop up in my mind: either a traitor or a thief.

Who is most nervous about the right to be forgotten? The answer is simple - people who have done bad things. Including thieves, murderers, rapists..., or those who sit in high positions and do all the above, the society calls them sages, elites, authorities, or even heads of state.

Therefore, on June 4, 1989, the man who ordered the army to shoot at his own people and ran over his own people with a tank car would like to exercise the right to be forgotten; on July 21, 2019, the person who condoned the underworld to attack the citizens would like to have the right to be forgotten. Right to forget. There are many, many more, too many to list here.

However! Are things so cheap in the world? What's more, the right to be forgotten is often just the totalitarian regime of tyranny, and the anger and fury eager to cover up the crime.

This article is written here and registered to Likecoin Chain for decentralized storage. Because what I said above is all based on an open and honest heart, and there is no need to exercise the right to be forgotten.


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