What inconspicuous behaviors will "empty" your kidneys? If you have, change it as soon as possible

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The 40-year-old Mr. Wang is a bus driver. He has been conscientious in his work for many years. After returning home, he also helps his wife to take care of the family as much as possible. The family of four lives very happily. Due to work, Mr. Wang usually can't drink water without drinking water when he goes to work. He is afraid that he will not have a place to go to the toilet due to the urge to urinate in the middle. However, it is inevitable that there will be some "misses". Urination is often held until the last urge to urinate is gone.

He has been living this way for many years, and his body has not experienced any major discomfort. Until a few months ago, Mr. Wang found that he was always tired and weak, and there were obvious symptoms of edema in the lower limbs, which could not subside for a few days. Seeing this, his wife hurriedly asked Mr. Wang to seek medical examination, which was found to be uremia. It is difficult for Mr. Wang to accept this. How could he suffer from uremia at such a young age? Then I went to many hospitals and got the same result.

The doctor said that due to the particularity of Mr. Wang's occupation, coupled with his usual lack of water intake and frequent urination, the injuries accumulated over the years resulted in the formation of uremia. The doctor's words made Mr. Wang regret it, but it was too late.

1. Is it true that holding back urine can lead to kidney failure?

Regarding the dangers of holding back urine, the most frequently mentioned one is renal failure, so does holding back urine really cause kidney failure?

In this regard, the top 100 director of the Department of Urology, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, said that holding urine for a long time will indeed damage the kidneys, which may lead to renal failure in severe cases.

Under normal circumstances, an adult urine output is 1000-2000ml a day. Urine is a metabolite in our body. Holding urine for a long time will cause the bladder pressure to increase, the elasticity of the bladder wall will also decrease, and the discharge of urine may be hindered.

Coupled with the accumulation of urine in the bladder, it will cause excessive pressure in the renal pelvis, and the renal cortex will also be affected. After a long time, it will lead to atrophy of the renal cortex and the decline of renal function, which will eventually evolve into uremia.

2. Holding back urine not only hurts the kidneys, but also these 3 major hazards

In addition to hurting the kidneys, holding back urine can also cause some other injuries to our bodies. These three injuries are unbearable for many people.

1. Bladder

Holding your urine for long periods of time increases your risk of developing cystitis. Holding back urine will increase the amount of urine in the bladder, which will overload the smooth muscle of the bladder more than it can tolerate, which can easily lead to bladder rupture. After bladder rupture, urine extravasation is very likely to cause peritonitis, which can lead to severe abdominal pain and even death.

2. Sexual dysfunction

Men are responsible for urination and erection of the genitals from the same group of nerves. Holding back urine for a long time will lead to excessive load on the nerves, which can easily lead to functional disorders, causing men to have symptoms such as painful urination and inexhaustible urination, and may also induce male sexual dysfunction. lead to male infertility.

3. Induce urination syncope

After holding urine for a long time, sudden forceful urination can easily lead to sympathetic nerve excitation, and the vagus nerve will also be overexcited because of this. This in turn leads to insufficient blood supply to the brain, a drop in blood pressure, a slow heart rate, etc. In this case, the risk of micturition syncope is greatly increased.

3. Urine after drinking water. Is it a kidney problem?

The kidneys are our very important metabolic organs, and once there is a problem, the body will have one problem or another. Therefore, many people worry that if they urinate after drinking water, it means that there is a problem with the kidneys.

But it can be said with certainty that urination after drinking water often has little to do with the kidneys, and more importantly, these three reasons.

Some people have overactive bladder, which can lead to frequent urination and increased nocturia. The main manifestation is frequent urgency. It generally occurs in people over the age of 40. The older the age, the higher the risk of the disease, and the risk of obesity also increases.

In addition, some people are born with a smaller bladder than ordinary people, and the space for storing urine is limited, and they will have the urge to urinate in a short time after drinking water;

Secondly, some patients with diabetes often have metabolic disorders, the body cannot absorb the ingested glucose normally, and a large amount of glucose will be excreted with the urine. In many cases, it is easy to frequently run to the toilet.

In addition, the editor would like to say that as long as urination meets these two requirements, it means that your kidneys or body are still healthy.

Under normal circumstances, the frequency of urination should be kept at 5-8 times a day, the frequency of urination at night should be 0-1 times, and 4-7 times during the day. between is normal.

It is worth reminding that if you drink a small amount of water every day, but you urinate more than 8 times, you need to be alert that it may be caused by frequent urination, and it is recommended to seek medical attention in time to find out the cause.

4. 4 inconspicuous behaviors that are "emptying" your kidneys

Kidney health is very important for everyone. If you have these habits in your life, I advise you to change them as soon as possible to avoid continuous adverse stimulation of the kidneys.

1. Eat too well, nutrition is too rich

The living conditions of modern people are generally better, and many people have been eating big fish and meat for a long time, but they do not know that this eating pattern is not healthy. Long-term large fish and meat will lead to excessive intake of protein in the body, and after the protein enters the body, it needs to be metabolized by the kidneys. Excessive protein will cause the kidneys to overload, and the risk of functional damage will also increase.

2. Drink too little water

Drinking too little water can cause the body to produce less urine, which can cause the urine to become concentrated and increase the concentration of some waste toxins contained in the urine. Staying in the kidneys for a long time can easily lead to kidney stones and damage to kidney function, which is very detrimental to kidney health.

3. Eat too salty

About 95% of the salt intake in the diet needs to be metabolized by the kidneys, and the burden on the kidneys will naturally increase if you eat too much salt. Long-term intake of a large amount of salt will cause the water and sodium balance in the body to be broken, and blood pressure will increase accordingly, and further development will easily induce kidney disease.

4. Drinking too much beverages

Drinking a lot of beverages is also bad for kidney health, because beverages are mostly highly acidic substances, which can cause changes in the body's pH after drinking. The kidneys are the main organ that regulates pH. Drinking a lot of beverages for a long time will cause the kidneys to be overburdened and the probability of kidney damage will increase.

In life, it is not difficult to protect the health of the kidneys. The main thing is to do a good job in the details of life. I advise you not to do the above bad habits!

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