Reading Notes "15 Minutes of Tidying Up Your Life"


●Habits you want to get rid of are divided into three difficulty levels

Level 1

behavioral habits

Period: one month

Internet/spending money/procrastination/holidays

Level 2

body habit

Period: three months

Smoking/eating too much/drinking too much/staying up late

Level 3

habit of thinking

Period: six months

Anxiety/poor worry/overthinking due to perfectionism

●Find out the core reason and find the motivation

1. A sense of crisis

If this goes on, the consequences will be unimaginable.

2. Pleasure

There will be great results.

3. Anticipation

Good things are waiting for me in the future.

●Converting behavior by thinking

Case 1: Don't want to face work, procrastinate again and again

Break down the problem, break down what should be done into small parts, and be clear and specific. Don't set perfect goals, limit them to a few minutes, and focus on the process.

Case 2: Crazy surfing the Internet, can't do without a mobile phone

Set the time and timing of use, look for switching behaviors, set the password of the invincible thunderbolt, and enter it every time.

Case 3: Love spends money

Choose to lock in a few impulse purchases, think about moderation, put them on the shopping list, and fix the usage limit.

Case 4: A wasteful holiday and a loose life

Decide what to do and what not to do, use an ideal schedule, and plan in advance how you will spend it.

Case 5: Must stay up late

Focus on bedtime and create an ideal schedule to clarify bedtime.

Case 6: Stressed, stomach bigger, still want to eat angrily

Through visualization, record dietary content and calories, and set the final bottom line of restrictions.

Case 7: Drink too much at night, hangover during the day

Know which type you are, whether you like the atmosphere of a dinner party, or you like to drink, you can also make an appointment for lunch to communicate or be really ready to change your behavior and adjust your alcohol intake.

Case 8: Anxiety, restlessness, frequent anger

Change the interpretation, change the mood. Reverse chronic anxiety by thinking in the other person's shoes and advocating your own ideas intelligently.

Case 9: Depressed, depressed, poor and troubled

Focus on what can be changed, and let go of what cannot be changed. Think about the solution to the problem in one sitting. Find the golden phrases that make you "feel good" and motivate yourself.

Case 10: Picky, difficult, perfectionism

Practice dropping small details, don't adopt perfectionism, become best effort. Is thinking "necessary" or "wanting"? Set a "no overtime day" and implement it thoroughly.

~Furukawa Samurai

~"The 15-minute life organization: 15 minutes to do one thing right, 0 burden to improve life technology"

~ "New しい self-discrimination に生まれ変わる「やめる" habit"


The name is taken from the Chinese transliteration of Japanese "おひとり", which means a person.

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[Ou Xiduli ~ ruffian state]


[Author ~ Liao Huishu (Su)]


Over 20 years experience in Japanese translation, interpretation and writing.

Through self-tourism and work, travel around the world's three oceans and five continents,

He has visited n cities in 40 countries in total.

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偶希都理偶希都理名稱取自日文「おひとり」的中文音譯,意指一個人。 分享日文教學/閱讀筆記/電影筆記/臺灣、環遊世界旅遊,歡迎追蹤訂閱分享,一起加入探索生活。
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