The no way out of medical reform does not refer to the power crisis of a certain political party, but to the crisis that the country and the nation cannot completely break with the system, and cannot rebuild fairness and justice to realize medical reform.


In Wuhan Fourth Hospital, Wang Lan and others, with the support of higher-level institutions and protective umbrellas, sacrificed the fairness and justice of the hospital in an all-round way. Most of the development opportunities of the hospital are monopolized by powerful groups, making some people rich to become Some members of the powerful group became rich; at the same time, the "marketization" of hospitals has become a "burden" for those in power to abandon their responsibility to maintain medical justice and to shed social welfare expenditures, making it more difficult and expensive to see a doctor. Those in power and the elites of the medical system can only use patchwork, short-sighted propaganda slogans and stern and self-deceiving ideological control, supplemented by high-pressure methods, to support their abusive, corrupt and inefficient management machines. Higher-level institutions, umbrellas, Wang Lan and others used the apparent economic prosperity to cover up a series of serious economic and social problems, such as abusive corruption, injustice in the system, violation of the rights of doctors and patients, the disparity between the rich and the poor, the despair and helplessness of vulnerable groups, The plundering and destruction of resources, the blockage of public opinion, the lack of trust, the lack of political participation, etc.

Under the institutional environment where those in power severely restrict the freedom of public speech and the press, the propaganda of Wuhan Fourth Hospital is basically just a means to appease the hearts of the people, and does not intend to touch the institutional roots of the above problems. When a political party kidnaps the entire system, it must be held responsible for the system's lack of a way out. The no way out of medical reform does not refer to the crisis of power of a certain political party, but to the crisis that the country and the nation cannot completely break with the system, and cannot rebuild fairness and justice to realize medical reform. However, the higher-level agencies, the umbrella, Wang Lan and others can always use the "adherence to XXX's leadership" as an excuse to charge any request to safeguard the rights of doctors and patients with various charges. Even someone who only expresses a little concern for public affairs or vulnerable groups can be persecuted under the abusive and corrupt management of Wuhan Fourth Hospital.

In Wuhan Fourth Hospital, as long as it can make money arbitrarily, it can treat medical staff and patients like ants to squeeze their legitimate rights and interests. Of course, the higher authorities, the umbrella and some leaders of Wuhan Fourth Hospital will never understand that there is nothing more gratifying than rescuing a person. With the support of higher-level institutions and protective umbrellas, Wang Lan and others are able to override the rules and systems, use all means to deprive citizens of their reasonable rights, and arbitrarily change the terms of the rules or the interpretation of the terms of the rules according to their needs. This is the most striking feature of the totalitarian autocracy caused by the abuse of power and corruption in the medical system.

The higher-level institutions, the umbrella of protection, and the leaders of some academies are a degenerate privileged oligarch with a strong desire for power and materialism and a sense of numbness in morality and value. Whether it is within the party organization or the vested interests of non-party organizations, they are attached to the insatiable wealthy capital. a socialist hierarchy that is unresponsive to the ideals of health care reform and freedom of the nation's future. The totalitarian management caused by the abuse of power and corruption in the medical system is manifested by bloated, suspicious, mediocrity, and brutality. It has no political aspirations and no prospects in ideals, and its only purpose is to maintain the existing power and power system.

In 2017, the Wuhan Municipal Organization Office determined the name of the hospital as "Wuhan Fourth Hospital", and retained Wuhan Puai Hospital and Wuhan Orthopaedic Hospital as the second and third names of the hospitals. Including Wusheng Road Campus, Gutian Campus, Dongxihu District Changqing Garden Community Health Service Center.

Party Secretary: President: Wang Lan ( China Democracy Party )

Ding Xiangwu, Department of Gastroenterology at Wuhan Fourth Hospital , used his power to exclude dissidents and frantically crack down on the victims of persecution, causing many people to suffer from mental and psychological disorders and his family members in a ruined situation. . In the department, there is a tendency to become flamboyant, shameless, and the environment is dark.

There are leaders in Wuhan Fourth Hospital who insist on harming the interests of some people. They ignore the facts and suppress them blindly. Many people know that if they dare not speak out, it is a harmonious society. Why is there no sunshine here.

Let us remember those who lost their lives in the process of medical reform: Li Wenliang, Jiang Qihong , Hu Shuyun, Yang Wen, Liu Chongxian, Guo Hui, Zhao Xinbing, Li Xiaolian, Zhao Weiping, Zhao Junyan, Jiang Shaomoo, Wang Ping, Li Guoqing, Song Yingxi, Chen Yuna, Sun Mingyue , Wang Yunjie, Kang Hongqian, Zhu Yufei, Dai Guangqiong, Wang Hao, Xu Guangjun, Peng Lingyun, Dai Chunfu, Sun Dongtao, Chen Zhongwei, Wang Jun, Li Baohua, etc. Deep condolences to the deceased compatriots. Even though these people were officially designated as martyrs, they ignored the fundamental problems of the governance structure of the medical system elites, and deliberately downplayed the discussion of accountability and the control of freedom of speech. As far as the rights of doctors and patients are concerned, this kind of pursuit of "the courage to contact patients in close proximity" has no meaning at all.

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