Ghost Moon let the horse come │ Is it strange for me to be used to it?

I once thought about why I was born in such a family. When I grew up, I was fortunate that because of such an environment, I learned and absorbed concepts different from others, and I would not just become superstitious, listen to legends, and be afraid. What I know is: respect.

Since I became sensible, I took turns watching different uncles and aunts come to my house every week. I walked around and watched my dad draw pictures and guide me. When I grew up, I realized that my dad was "doing errands".

I didn't write this to scare people. I just happened to describe some of my memories, which may not be scary as I imagined.


When I was in elementary school, I just moved to a new house. The living room was very lively and I went downstairs to see. My father was wearing a yellow cassock and hat with a Buddha character. Curiously, I asked my mother, "What is Dad doing?" Mom motioned to stand at the table and watch it quietly, listening to Dad speak up an octave, but it wasn't his own voice! Although he closed his eyes, when he turned to me, he smiled and said, "Be good!" I knew I was wondering right now.

When I woke up on a holiday, the room was very bright. When I got up, I usually landed on my foot first to find my slippers. That day, I somehow knelt on the bed and looked at the ground. Suddenly, I saw a "white light ball" slipping along the bed. After all, I was still sleepy. Want to confirm again, has disappeared.
Without further ado, I went downstairs to tell my father, and the reply was, "The ancestral tablet is on the second floor. The white light point is that he came in and asked about the ancestors. Don't think that there is no one during the day! It's just whether you want to see it."


When I was in middle school, I came home one day and saw a regular visitor "Uncle Tickle (probably pronounced in Taiwanese: bu-bu-di)", what should he discuss with his father first? Later, I was called to the living room, prepared a plate full of rice on the god table, covered it with a few talisman papers, made me stretch out my right palm, held the incense, gestured and said something in my mouth, while I stared blankly at the end of the process.
When I opened the talisman paper, there was a shape similar to my palm. I was sure I didn't press the rice. He looked at and explained what was entangled in it. Later, he asked me to repeat the formula "XXX please help!" body to survive the crisis.


In high school, when the cram school was over at 9:00, the same uncle came home as a guest and called him happily, but he quietly watched me without speaking. After putting down the schoolbag for a few minutes, he called me in front of the gods and lit incense. , I wanted to ask if it was helping me to be surprised (a normal behavior). After finishing it, I sat down and said the first sentence: "Do you know that it wasn't your face that I saw just now? It's someone else, I didn't speak. Where have you been recently?"


On the Mid-Autumn Festival in the second year of my sophomore year, I ran to the windmill building in front of Dacun Railway Station with a number of friends to bake at night.
From dinner time to midnight, I was also tired of playing. I found a chair not far away to sit down and doze off. After some time, I vaguely heard the noise of my friends making noises, and suddenly there was a "tactile feeling", a finger on the I tapped my right shoulder three times, three times for real, I thought my friend called me, but no one looked up! Looking at the watch around one or two o'clock, I just thought: otherwise, go back to eat and drink.
When I went home the next day and talked to my dad about it, my dad first asked, "Is there a tree next to the chair?" I nodded, "Okay, that means you took his place. He politely asked you to leave." Scalp tingling.


A few months ago, I was worrying about changing jobs. One night, I had a dream that my deceased uncle was sitting at the desk and said with a serious expression, "Go home and help, you are not suitable for what you are now!" Because of this sentence, I ended the four After living in Taipei for more than a few years, I returned to my hometown to help with the family business; after a few weeks, the news: "The epidemic broke out! Sanchong, Xinzhuang, Banqiao!" At that time, my life circle was in Tangcheng, Fuda University, Jiang Zicui... my elders were all Said I was lucky and it was my uncle who saved my life. (Not to say what will happen if you stay in Taipei, but at least leave the high-risk area and reduce the risk, no one can think of another outbreak, and it will be controlled for a period of time)

There are other dreams: gods, deceased family members, living family members doing specific things... I won't describe them in this article.

Some people say that a priestly family will be more difficult. After all, helping others to deal with it will always have side effects... For more than ten years, I have watched different people come to seek solutions, although they are only listening in, each person's state, expression, pressure, etc., the degree of difference between before and after treatment , all in sight.
Dad is willing to do good deeds, and he doesn't want to receive any money, but he is used by some people. They make fun of them, and Dad suffers silently... In recent years, he has switched to seclusion and practice, those strangers no longer come, and the aura of the family is also Much better.

Whenever Dad uses some Buddhist and Taoist thoughts to explain, to make himself feel better, and he will feel sad when he hears it, those hateful people, go outside and be defrauded of money by gods! It's also very immoral about the god stick! I've seen a lot of cases as well...

I don't know how to telepathically, so I can only say that you don't have to believe it, the truth exists, absolutely no iron teeth, no fear, respect, respect, and respect again!
You don't walk on the road and suddenly scold passers-by or put a spell on someone's body, right? The same is true for the other world.

The above, a few memories that come to mind so far, thank you for reading the text~


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