Reading Pen Farming|#PaintingRelay•Youyou Painting Youyou

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival 😊.

Ashamed to say, since the last time I published the article " Electrical Drawing • Self-learning Experience from Zero Basics ", I haven't mentioned it again 😭!

Taking advantage of this #中秋paint + #paintingrelay activity, I regained the tools (iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + Procreate App) to participate in the grand event; as a kindergartener of electronic painting, painting youyou is naturally suitable. However.

■ Procedure

In order to enrich the number of words in the article, simply record the drawing process:

  1. Search for pictures of grapefruit for copying
  2. Create a color palette <br class="smart"> [smear] a few colors from a photo.
  3. Line art <br class="smart">Outline the outline and use the [6B Pencil] brush.
  4. Partial coloring <br class="smart">Grapefruit's body, stem, leaves, veins, dark parts, bright parts... all have their own [layers] .
    Use the freehand drawing in the [Lasso] to generate the [Mask] range , so that the color blocks do not exceed the boundary.
  5. Hand-painted dark parts <br class="smart">Use the [Dry Toner] brush.
  6. Unplug Line Art<br class="smart">Uncheck Line Art.

■ Micro experience

The software has been useless for a while, and many functions have been forgotten. It seems that the usage of " alpha lock vs mask vs clip mask " is no longer clear.

But in this actual combat, I began to master the operation of [Lasso] (because I have been using it all the time, I have used it all over the place).

The last time I used a closed line art to fill in, and I created few layers; this time I used a mask instead, and there were many layers. You can unplug (uncheck) the line draft, which is my small progress.

In the future, you can specialize in strengthening exercises for "single" functions, and repeat them to deepen your impression.

finished product

Finally, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival 😊.

Thank you for seeing this, and attach my link to [ Appreciate Citizens 2.0 ] [ Iron ] [ Other Platforms ], welcome to visit ❤️.

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