Memoirs of a Loser 179: The Fall of Hong Kong

Treating tourists like this is "crazy", but is "crazy".

In 2012, a "Secondary Creation" of a Korean horse-riding dance song "Nuclear Tuchina Style" was released on YouTube, and the number of views exceeded 1 million within ten days. Nuclear sudden, Cantonese colloquial, is disgusting, weird, disgusting meaning. Calling the mainland China China also shows Hong Kong people's sense of separation, as well as their disgust and helplessness for mainlanders flocking to Hong Kong.

In early 2014, 100 to 200 demonstrators at the Canton Dow at a mainland customer shopping point called them "locusts" and told them to "go back." The demonstrators also made hundreds of English-language flyers to explain the purpose of the demonstration to foreign tourists, hoping that the other party would understand the inconvenience caused by the demonstration.

This is definitely not the traditional way of hospitality in Hong Kong. The next day, singer Huang Yaoming made a succinct comment: "I'm against doing this to tourists, but have senior officials ever thought about what, what policies and what people are driving Hong Kongers crazy?"

Treating tourists like this is "crazy", but is "crazy".

The streets of Hong Kong have become more and more crowded since it was opened to tourists from mainland China. The friends I know, including myself, have the experience of being run over the instep of a box by a mainlander, and they have all seen a mainlander make a child defecate in a lively street. This is by no means an isolated phenomenon. A friend in the MTR carriage saw a mainlander pick up her daughter and give her a solution on the spot, causing the passengers to jump up in fright. The girl is seven or eight years old, which is not too young. Her parents, as if nothing had happened, were reprimanded and said that you Hong Kong people are inhumane.

In mainland society where everything "looks at money", it has become a common phenomenon for medical staff to receive red envelopes. Even if they are sent to the hospital due to a car accident, some hospitals have to collect money before treating the injured. But Hong Kong, whether public or private hospitals, will not charge for medical treatment before. As a result, after the opening of mainlanders to Hong Kong, public and private hospitals, and even private clinics of specialist doctors, were crowded with mainland tourists, and there were more cases of patients leaving the hospital without paying and leaving the hospital. According to a report by the Hong Kong Government Audit Office, from 2005 to the end of 2006, the HA medical arrears amounted to HK$130 million, of which 70% were pregnant women from mainland China who came to Hong Kong to give birth.

In addition, the mainland tourism industry has also created strange tricks of "low group fee" and even "zero group fee". That is, the travel agency does not charge any transportation, accommodation, and catering expenses. But there is an unspoken rule that travelers should go to designated stores to shop. What the travel agency earns is the store's rebates.

"Zero tour fee" is something that Hong Kong has never had before, and probably very few in the world. But under the influence of a hostile society, this kind of tourism is all the rage. Afterwards, the mainlanders simply ran travel agencies and franchise stores in Hong Kong, and only paid the tour guides a nominal salary. The main income of the tour guides was to share the rebates from tourists' shopping with the company. Therefore, "zero group fee" or "low group fee" is basically a shopping group, and only when you buy enough things can you take tourists to the scenic spots.

But mainland tourists also have unspoken smugglers who simply refuse to shop or shop less. Conflicts caused by this occur frequently. In one case, a traveler uploaded a malicious scolding from a tour guide to a website, which drew criticism from the China National Tourism Administration on Hong Kong's tourism industry. As a result, the troublemakers are more resolute. In 2011, there was an incident of a bad guest slapped a female tour guide in mainland China, and the travel agency not only did not call the police, but instead paid the bad guest in order to make peace.

Another thing that bothers Hong Kong people is the huge increase in new immigrants from the mainland. Under the Basic Law, people from other parts of China are required to go through approval procedures to enter Hong Kong. But it did not specify which side of China and Hong Kong approved it. According to the regulations all over the world, it is a matter of course that the place to be relocated must approve it, but in Hong Kong, the approval of the place of origin of "one country" is the opposite. The number is also set by China to 150 people per day. These people can come and settle in Hong Kong with one-way permits issued by China.

In China, the issuance of one-way permits is a corrupt way of making money. I know a friend who married and gave birth to two daughters in the countryside. In 2000, he applied to come to Hong Kong for reunion. It took about 100,000 RMB to get a one-way permit from the village to the county to the province. After more than ten years, the price increase is more than tenfold.

In addition to family ties, many of the new immigrants are personnel sent by various departments of the CCP to obtain the identity of Hong Kong citizens by means of one-way permits and infiltrate government departments or different industries.

Just 150 people enter the country every day, and there are 40,000 to 50,000 people every year. From 1997 to 2018, 1.03 million people came to Hong Kong through one-way permits and became Hong Kong residents. In addition, there are about 200,000 people who have given birth to children in Hong Kong and become residents, and about 130,000 people who have passed the "Introduction of Mainland Talents Program".

These new immigrants, who now account for one-seventh of Hong Kong's population, are completely different from the mainland immigrants before 1997. In the past, almost all those who came to Hong Kong were relatively poor. When they came to another place, they tried to integrate into the society, worked hard and worked hard to make a living under a fair system.

Since then, China has gone through the baptism of "right has everything", and the old moral civilization has been washed away by real interests and hypocritical politics. As the Chinese writer Han Han said: "In the environment I live in, the first few decades taught people cruelty and struggle, and the next few decades made people greedy and selfish, so many of us were planted with these seeds in our bones."

What Han Han said is that a degraded society creates degraded people. Many new immigrants to Hong Kong are not poor on the mainland. They can afford to buy a one-way pass. They come to Hong Kong and many apply for welfare grants, apply for public housing (i.e. national housing in Taiwan). Hong Kong people have to go through asset inspection to apply for these, but how can the Hong Kong government go to the place of origin of these new immigrants for inspection?

Every Hong Kong SAR government has almost always sided with the mainlanders when it comes to new immigrants or mainland tourists. Otherwise, how could Huawei's Meng Wanzhou hold three valid HKSAR passports at the same time?

An article on a mainland website once said, "Many domestic compatriots...even if they have been in Hong Kong for less than seven years, they can directly and indirectly enjoy various benefits of the SAR government, including: medical care, food, housing, travel, and even education. Some are paid in cash. , some are free services.” He also said, "We have an old saying, 'If you don't eat for nothing, you won't eat for nothing'. ... Therefore, go to the Hong Kong SAR through legal channels as soon as possible, and strive for various benefits. Live, grow up from a young age.”

In this way, the people of Hong Kong have been fed and "driven crazy" by the successive SAR governments and the mischievous people who cooperated with "one country" and "don't eat for nothing".

(Original post published on August 1, 2022)

In 2012, a "Secondary Creation" song "Nucuktochina Style" was distributed on YouTube.

"Memoirs of a Loser" serial catalog (continuously updated)

167. In the second half of the political career, I think of Ni Kuang

168. A new record of tombstones in the cultural circle of Hong Kong

169. Misunderstandings of patriotic democrats

170. The establishment of a country depends on a ge

171. Conjunctions that fascinate me

172. Do n't understand, don't understand, don't understand

173. The democrats in the first decade of 1997

174. The beginning of another life stage

175. Looking at China from the glory days of the forum

176. Disaster caused by the theory of "God's condemnation"

177. Hong Kong people’s feelings have been overturned in five years

178. Mainlanders arouse the local consciousness of Hong Kong people

179. Documentary of the Occupation of Hong Kong


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

李怡李怡,1936年生,香港知名時事評論家、作家。1970年曾創辦雜誌《七十年代》,1984年更名《九十年代》,直至1998年停刊。後在《蘋果日報》撰寫專欄,筆耕不輟半世紀。著有文集《放逐》、《思緒》、《對應》等十數本。 正在Matters連載首部自傳《失敗者回憶錄》:「我一生所主張所推動的事情,社會總是向相反趨向發展,無論是閱讀,獨立思考或民主自由都如是。這就是我所指的失敗的人生。」
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