Give time to life, not life to life

A person must first realize that he is a whole being as a life. Being is everything, it's light, it's contentment, it's joy, it's health, it's money, it's wealth, it's everything...

The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom. ——Romain Rolland

Some time ago, it was closed for a week due to the epidemic. When I went downstairs again, I found that there was a new kitten in the community - its slender body was trembling, and its neck was as thin as my thumb. So I named it "thumb".

When I saw it for the first time, it slowly moved to my feet, barked twice, and suddenly its hind legs bent, and it didn't even have the strength to stand. Its cry was so weak that it disappeared into the air before it reached my ears. The gray-white-yellow coat is easy to be stepped on in the evening by people who haven't seen it. Its poor little body is no bigger than a mouse. So I hurried upstairs to get some milk and finely diced chicken for it. It devoured it for a long time before it started licking its mouth and washing its face with satisfaction.

According to the security guard, "Thumb" was born at the beginning of the confinement, and somehow became a lonely cat abandoned by the mother cat. No one came downstairs due to the epidemic, and naturally no one fed it. However, it survived for seven days!

After that, every evening, I would go and feed it. Gradually, more and more people in the community knew about it, and some enthusiastic people would also feed it. On the third evening, when I saw it again, it was running and jumping, exploring the "world" in the garden. Seeing a life come alive, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because it is still small, it is very curious. After eating a little, I was immediately driven by curiosity to explore and play in various ways. After a while, it was hungry and came back to eat a few bites. A little bug on the ground, a courier box, a leaf, even its feet and tail, can make it play with relish and enjoyment.

It was scurrying around in the bushes, spinning, jumping, running, preying... It started the exercise of the innate ability of "cat birth". Occasionally, it will also loiter or crawl on the ground and do nothing.

It is so focused, serious, active, happy in the present, in every moment, even after 7 days of dark moments of life and death; even if it doesn't know if there will be another meal and where the next one will be ;Even if it was just a lonely kitten abandoned by its mother...but it taught me a profound lesson right in front of my eyes as a living being. Real life is always thought-provoking and touching. Every time I observe it, it makes me think about life in joy and emotion.

As human beings, the mind (ego) is domesticated, so it is always under the domination of the mind, to endlessly search for goals - one goal after the next... The mind always wants to go through Do all kinds of things to achieve self-satisfaction. Otherwise, you'll get bored; restless; or even feel like you "shouldn't" be, or blame yourself for "doing nothing".

We feel fearful, flustered, or uncomfortable about “doing nothing”; we are so afraid to quiet down as if it were an unfathomable, dark, claustrophobic, bottomless pit that is flustered, scared, and at a loss.

We can always see in people who are only controlled by their minds, they have a common characteristic - constantly "looking for things" to do. No matter what those things seem to be positive (eg: pursuit of knowledge, conduct, morality; pursuit of a good sense of self for photography, drawing, writing, dancing, singing, health, beauty, travel, fitness, enlightenment, etc.; pursuit of happiness, Comfortable, perfect...); or what we perceive as negative (eg: addiction to smoking, drinking, cell phones, gaming, addictions, nitpicking, pointing fingers at others, suppressing, controlling others...) .

The only difference between the two is that the former is regarded by most people as a "positive attitude" that is taken for granted and doubly praised; the latter is regarded by most people as negative or even pathological. But few people know that, more often, the latter is gradually evolved from the former.

The biggest difference between humans and other animals is "consciousness". Animals and plants will not be bored; mountains, rivers, land, flowers and trees will not be bored, because they have no consciousness or only a little consciousness. As long as the animals have enough to eat, as long as they are not sick, they will play happily, play with each other, and lazily bask in the sun...

But humans are different, humans have consciousness. Humans can be aware of the different feelings from fresh experience to repetitive and boring. People don't want the latter feeling, and they are afraid of this feeling, so the mind will try their best to "find things" to stimulate the mind and make it constantly produce "freshness". sense".

But the mind can never take absolute "initiative". Because whatever the mind finds, over time, they become mechanical, repetitive and boring. Think about those "dead loops" we keep repeating - buy a new bag, get a new car, get a new house, find a new partner, get a new job, make more money, go to different places... yet , how long did those freshness last?

Therefore, there are three paths in front of us - one is to live "happily" like an animal; the other is to be bored to death; the third is to transcend the mind, keep approaching pure consciousness, and finally become pure consciousness, living in the extreme of freshness and joy. This is an experience that the mind can never achieve by seeking out freshness and excitement.

All those with great wisdom and great wisdom speak of "wuwei" and "middle way".

To "do nothing" is to first learn to become a "being". Because existence itself knows how to exist better. It does not need to be dictated to by the mind, it develops total sensitivity and awareness and becomes more conscious of itself. In this transition, we have the ability to see different new moments, each moment fresh and curious—

Waking up every morning is no longer a pain, the pain is due to lack of awareness. When you open your eyes and realize that you are still breathing, it should be a kind of awe and joy for life; when you see the person next to your pillow, it will not be a sense of indifference or disgust, but "this person I have been with me all the way, I have gone through so much, and I haven't seen her for a long time." The heart of gratitude and repentance; when I see the child being naughty, it will not be a kind of helplessness or annoyance, but seeing the TA A joy of being healthy and happy... But, without awareness, we can only feel the dull repetitions - the annoying alarm clock, the other half who has nothing to do, the child who doesn't care.. ....

But all of this is the hardest thing for a person who is used to obeying his mind.

A person must first realize that he is a whole being as a life. Existence is everything, it is light, it is contentment, it is joy, it is health, it is money, it is wealth, it is everything.

Only with pure consciousness can we find everything we usually "pursue", including "morality" - such as: nobility, sincerity, love, enthusiasm, truth... Otherwise, all that we call "pursuit" ”, all just reflect our own emptiness, loneliness, vanity and hypocrisy.

Only by becoming the light itself can it illuminate all things and make all things grow. Only light is the foundation of existence. "Light is nothing but the removal of ignorance and ignorance. Real joy is nothing else attached to your nature, it is just the state of revealing your true nature - eternal. To know the Self and become the Self. Once removed There is no real self, and only the real self is left. If you want to make room, just move things out, not bring space in from somewhere else.”

If one day, when we sit there quietly and say with joy, "This feels amazing," before doing anything, this extraordinary experience will continue throughout. But the reverse does not hold. Just like human beings sing and dance because they are happy, not the other way around, because they are bored, they use singing or dancing to pass the boring time, trying to make themselves happy...

We're all doing something right now that we want to make ourselves feel or others look "great." But we all know that - as a result, that feeling is either fleeting or never found, and it breeds even more desire and ambition, which are the most fundamental things that keep our karma flowing and deepening. because.

Never put the cart before the horse, otherwise, we will always be confused, bored and miserable. Existence is the river that embraces life.

Heraclitus once said, "You don't step into the same river twice, because the river can never stay the same." Rivers are always flowing, people are always changing, everything is changing every moment. But to be aware of this, to be aware of it anytime, anywhere, requires a high level of awareness and awareness. To exist in pure conscious awareness every moment is awakening, which is realization.

Unless, from now on, become a real existence. Stop chasing and falling into the "I believe I am noticed and admired" vanity delusion. Those who never stop in their rush will eventually lose themselves.

Give time to life, not life to life.

Author: One person, one world, a yoga astrologer who uses psychology to heal himself.

If you also desire to heal the pain and let the soul rest,

Let the soul be free, then your arrival is just right.


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