Your self 7 years ago, how were you doing that year and today?


Is there anything you want to say to yourself 7 years ago? How have you been these 7 years? I want to say thank you to her for your hard work.

The dynamic 7 years ago, 7 years later, I still want to share it with you and myself in 2021.

Remember the grandfather who founded KFC at the age of 65? When he tried to promote his fried chicken recipe at a restaurant, he was rejected 1,009 times and didn't succeed until the 1,010th time. Thank you for his willingness to take that step and never give up trying to find an opportunity to have the delicious chicken legs now! 🍗

"Will it be too late?"

Do you want to go back and ask yourself this sentence next time after you act first?

If you want to do something in life, just do it!

We should focus on opportunities, not obstacles. Focus on action and prepare for second. Opportunities seem to come to the door occasionally, but there is always a day when you are not 100% ready! So when the opportunity comes, you can try to hug it, and you can explore/grow after taking action. At that time, you can decide whether to hold it long, short or not to continue holding it!

Why use someone else's clock to measure yourself? As long as you control your time zone, it doesn't matter if you walk slowly or if you fall, at least you have stepped over the threshold and continued to walk forward. You are not late in 2021, everything is just right . Learn to let go of your attachments, learn to listen to your own voice, and take care of yourself at any time. It is up to you to decide what kind of life you want to live.

🧠My God, Kobe Bryant: You can't be held captive by the fear of failure or the fear of what people may say.
🧠Tesla CEO, Elon Musk: If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better. It is a bright day. Otherwise, it's not.
🧠Actor Ariel Lin said: Don't rush to resist the things you hate. Many of the gifts in my life have been given to me by things I hate.
🧠Writer Cai Kangyong said: Be kind to yourself, that is the person who will be with you the longest. Growing up is so hard, if you don't become the master of your own life, it's not worth it.
🧠Writer Cai Kangyong said: In the new year, instead of thinking about new wishes, it is better to take a small new step for the old wishes.

Remember to be grateful for life, you will find that you are getting better!

What new hope do you have for the new year ^^


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