How to prepare for the national writing test? Is the masterpiece worth reference? Take 110 year exam questions as an example

StudyBank 學習銀行
To understand the grading principles of Chinese writing from excellent works can be used as a reference direction when answering. (Photo/Freepik)

Many people think that Chinese writing has no direction to prepare, and can only rely on the old book? Strictly speaking, the Chinese writing test does not test creative ability, but whether it can use good narrative skills and a clear logical structure to express a story or concept. There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about the "skills" of how to write essays, but this time we will find out the secrets of high scores for Chinese writing essays from the excellent examples of previous candidates!

The national writing essay is divided into two major questions. The first sub-question of the first major question is to test the reading comprehension ability. As long as you read the article carefully, you can answer the question. The second sub-question is to test the ability to analyze and discuss. Answer, but be able to give reasons for or against. Let's look at an example, the following is the first major topic of the 110-year academic test national writing essay:

(Picture/screenshot from the National University Examination Center)

First of all, the first sub-question, don't be scared by the title, even if you haven't seen the movies "The Ace's Enemy" and "Forgetful Village", it doesn't matter, according to the scoring principle announced by the National Examination Center, as long as you can write two movies in "Delete part of memory" What is the difference between the plots: one is "active" to delete memory, the other is "passive" deletion, thank you, 4 points into the bag! You don't even need to watch the masterpiece.

However, the difficulty of the second sub-question has increased slightly. To express your position on the listing of "Experience Machine", let's take a look at the masterpiece:

(Picture/screenshot taken from the National University Examination Center Volume 1-1.pdf)

The teacher who graded the test paper believed that candidates would argue that all kinds of unpredictable encounters are essential nutrients in life, with a complete structure and fluent language.

Check out another masterpiece:

(Picture/screenshot taken from the National University Examination Center Volume 1-5.pdf)

The marking teacher believes that from the perspective of empathy, candidates clearly agree that "experience machines" can be used in education and psychological counseling, so that human beings have positive thinking and behavior patterns. The discussion is appropriate, the structure is complete, and the writing is fluent.

From the above two excellent works, it can be found that no matter whether the position is for or against, as long as you can speak your own truth.

The last question is the second most difficult question. Usually, the subject matter will be more life-oriented. I hope candidates can stimulate their thinking from the question, and use their own experience to reflect and respond. Therefore, various fields may appear, such as the 110-year test. The title is "If I have a new refrigerator", and I can't guess the title, so it's hard to find a good essay template to apply.

Let's take a look at the masterpieces in the minds of the teachers:

(Picture/screenshot taken from the National University Examination Center Volume 2-1.pdf)

The teacher's comment mentioned that this article has a rigorous structure. I used my mother to open the refrigerator for cooking. Compared with the leftovers in the refrigerator, I hope that I can use the new refrigerator to freeze the happy times of the past. The emotions are profound and moving.

Another excellent work unfolds a well-organized and interesting narrative from sour, sweet, spicy, salty, and bitter, and also incorporates the concepts of Jiang Xun, Jiao Tong, and Xia Yu 's works.

(Picture/screenshot taken from the National University Examination Center Volume 2-3.pdf)

When encountering this type of topic that is relatively life-like and has no scope, many people will intuitively think of lyrical style, but no matter which part of their experience is cited, the focus should still be on the structure of the entire story, which should be done before writing. Think about the relationship between the story and the title first, and put in the content of other celebrities or famous works in a timely manner, which can make the presentation of the composition more level.

As for how to practice Chinese writing ? In the end, I still have to return to myself. After eating a delicious dish, reading a book, a movie, or observing a social issue, I have to try to ask myself how I feel? Think of what? Through sorting and thinking, write down what you have accumulated from past personal experience or reading. In this way, the process of continuous practice will allow you to have your own insights to share no matter what topic you encounter, making it easier to write. good content.


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