[Workplace] Courage to stop losses

When the stop loss comes, have the courage to quit

Stop loss, stop loss, generally used in the stock market or investment,
It means that in the event of a loss, it is necessary to immediately get out of the market to prevent the loss from continuing to lose a lot.

In addition to the investment market, the concept of "stop loss" can be used in many fields, such as life, love, dreams, etc.
The same is true in the workplace, and the specific expression is: "resignation".

There is a concept in the labor contract called "trial period", which is agreed by both employers and employees, usually 3 months.
According to the practical opinions of some courts, during the probationary period, both employers and employees can terminate the labor contract without prior notice.

After all, the interview time is very short, and it is difficult for the company to judge a person's work ability and attitude from this short 1 or 2 hours.
In the same way, employees cannot understand whether the work content, company culture, and system are suitable for them from this period of time.
The "trial period" is a flexible period for mutual evaluation and testing.

Resigning is actually like a relatively long probationary period.
It means that this job is not suitable for you, or is no longer suitable for you.

The stop loss point in the workplace can be a point in time.
For example, how long is it expected to continue to study, and then you must leave your job;
For example, in order to avoid unsightly resumes, at least one year must be served.

A workplace stop-loss point can also be an event.
For example, to complete a project, such as for physical health considerations,
For example, the work content is not as expected, and the company culture cannot be adapted.

The stop loss point in the workplace can be a degree.
For example, the job has not learned something; for example, to pursue better opportunities for promotion.

Everyone's setting of stop loss points in the workplace is different.
It mainly depends on personal career planning and trade-off considerations.

But anyway, the important thing is that
Unless the situation changes, when the stop loss comes, have the courage to resign!

continue to vacillate and remain indecisive in this position,
It will only silently deplete one's own ability and self-confidence, and also silently deplete the courage to leave,
The longer you wait, the more you can't walk away.


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