Thetan Arena | Blockchain Mobile Games | Profit Model Sharing

I said before that I would write another article about the investment in Thetan Arena. Today, I finally sorted it out, and it will be divided into two aspects: free play for profit, and quick profit from buying game characters.

I said before that I would write another article about the investment in Thetan Arena . Today, I finally sorted it out, and it will be divided into two aspects: free play for profit , and quick profit from buying game characters . As for the information compiled in this article, most of it is based on Thetan Arena's official website ( you can click this link ), and then add some of my opinions and suggestions, and integrate the profit results so far. If you just want to play games Friends, you can watch my last article Thetan Arena | Blockchain Mobile Games | Game Experience Sharing , which has a complete experience.

game currency

There are three kinds of tokens in Thetan Arena game, and each of them has different functions. Among them, THG and THC are used as virtual currencies that can be traded outside the game (but they must be converted from gTHG and gTHC in the game to tradable ones). THG, THC), which is also the focus of profit today, as for Power Point (pink token in the picture below), it is used to upgrade characters, which is not within the scope of today's discussion.

Thetan Arena Game Token

THG is the most important and rarest token in Thetan Arena, which can be used as a pledge or to upgrade heroes.

  • How to get: Mainly by participating in tournaments or special events , or directly from the market.
  • Claiming conditions: The first time to claim THG requires that the account has been created for 12 days , and then you can claim it every 48 hours.
  • Claim Fee: A 4% fee will be charged from in-game gTHG as a fee to convert to THG, with a minimum charge of 5 gTHG.


THC is the main source of profit in Thetan Arena, which can be used to draw hero blind boxes or convert them to THG.

  • How to get: Mainly by participating in the arena (the characters must be purchased, and the reward amount is determined according to the rarity of the hero and the victory or defeat), and the ranking rewards can be obtained. As for free-play players, they can only be obtained by increasing the level of the arena .
  • Claiming conditions: The first time to claim THC requires that the account has been created for 12 days , after which it can be claimed every 48 hours, and for players who have not purchased heroes in the market, Bronze I Rank is another prerequisite for first claiming THC.
  • Claim Fee: A 4% fee will be charged from in-game THC as a fee to convert to gTHG, with a minimum charge of 0.3 gTHG.

Play for free and earn money

Free heroes cannot be monetized

Last time I said that the game will give players three free heroes directly at the beginning of the game, but these heroes won't make any profit even if they win in the arena, because the lower left corner of the hero's avatar is marked as NON-gTHC, so what is it? Even if you can't get gTHC in any case, here's a special reminder that you can't even use gTHC to buy characters in the in-game mall , because there is also a green NON-gTHC mark, so be careful before buying.

Green NON-gTHC logo
Level up the arena

Since the game characters cannot obtain rewards, there is only one profit channel left for free players. By increasing the arena level to obtain fixed rewards for each stage, players must work hard to climb up in one season, that is, three months, fortunately. The only thing is that the season level will reset after each settlement, so that everyone can get the reward again.

However, the following rules need to be paid attention to in the season reset. Only players with Platinum Rank and above will be reset, starting from Platinum level. As for players with a level lower than Platinum, they will not be reset, so they still have to work hard. .

Level up the arena
Invite friends to join

The last additional source of profit is to invite your friends to join Thetan Arena, as long as your friends sign up through your invitation link and play more than 5 arenas, you can get 3 gTHC, but I don't think it's worth the effort It is more practical to earn gTHC by playing games.

However, you are still welcome toclick this link to download the game , or add me as a friend to play Thetan Arena with me.

Invite friends to join

Buy game characters for quick profit

game character differences

All game characters are divided into Common, Epic, and Legendary, and they will also vary according to the rarity of the hero's skin. If the skills and strengths of individual characters are excluded, simply compare the following table, you can see that each character Only the profitability of a hero is determined by the number of arenas that can be participated in , and the number of profitable games per day is used to calculate the rate of return .

 Profitability is determined by the number of arenas you can participate in; the daily number of profitable games is used to calculate the speed of the return.

So if you buy a hero directly in the market, you should pay attention to the number of remaining participations of the character , which will greatly affect your return rate. As for the number of profitable games per day, for me, it is not very important, because the winning rate is only is the key factor affecting the return rate.

game character differences
game character level

After upgrading the hero level, in addition to increasing all attributes of the hero by 1.5% per level, more importantly, it can increase the bonus when winning the arena and the total number of participations , so that your profit effect is even more magnified.

game character level
Character Escalation Resources

Of course, character upgrades require resources. In addition to Power Point, which is a good game token, gTHG is a very scarce upgrade material, so even if the hero's level is upgraded, it can effectively increase the winning bonus and the total number of participations. However, players still have to evaluate for themselves which is more beneficial between the increase in revenue and the cost , and then decide whether to upgrade the character, otherwise it may not be cost-effective after upgrading.

Character Escalation Resources

short summary

It's been a long time since I wrote it, and it's finally here~

After understanding the above factors that affect profitability, players can make their own assessments, whether to play for free, or directly go to the store to buy their favorite heroes as an investment to play the game. Of course, as far as I am concerned, although I once wanted to make money with Thetan Arena, I currently only regard Thetan Arena as a mobile game, because after playing for a while, I found out that the possibility of profiting from free characters is low . Only a certain amount of gTHC will have follow-up investment opportunities, so if you want to profit from Thetan Arena, I recommend buying characters directly, but you should think twice before buying so that the gains will not outweigh the losses.

Finally, welcome everyone to join Thetan Arena with me again (click this link to download the game )


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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