How to write a "headline" that falls in love at first sight

How to write a "headline" that falls in love at first sight
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Today I’m going to share about the title that falls in love at first sight in the book “Writing is the best investment”~

Have you ever thought about breaking your head or couldn't think of it because of the title of your article?
Have you ever been unable to start writing in order to make your title more attractive?

I like the situation in the book about the title, the title is like

You are in a very lively market, there are people everywhere, you are one of the business owners,
And the first sentence you shout is your title

This is a sentence that made me understand the importance of the title in seconds~!
That is to say~ If the title itself cannot impress people or make people feel it, it is easy to be silent in the sea of information

And in the book also mentioned four keys, these four keys allow us to directly apply in our title

1. Resonate <br class="smart">The title needs to resonate with the reader, which will make the reader feel interested in your title and empathize with him, and if he speaks his mind, he will want to read further. your essay.
ex: In those years, the slam dunk we chased <br class="smart">friends who have seen slam dunk may resonate with you

2. Create suspense
ex: I won the lottery, but I'm not happy at all <br class="smart">Seeing this title, you may be full of questions? Isn't it cool to win the lotto? Why are you still not happy?
Because in this way, you may want to click in and have a look, which will arouse readers' questions and curiosity.

3. Cause controversy
ex: Why don't men be bad and women don't love?
Titles like this~ I believe there will be many people who have opinions!
Not all girls in the world think this way. This is obviously different from the real situation to a certain extent. However, there will still be some people who will pay for such an idea, and then want to go in and find out!
Even if it is to object, I want to go in and see what bowl cakes this article is writing about! ?

4. Subversion of cognition <br class="smart">Subverting the cognition in your daily life makes you feel like saying ~ "Hey ~ why is this different from what I think?"
Then you want to go in and see what's going on.
ex: Just because there is no plan in life, I live a wonderful life!

Arouse resonance, create suspense, cause controversy, subvert cognition

Do you remember the above four keys to writing a title that falls in love at first sight?

Wish you 💕 have a nice day~

#Writing reading club in preparation for the second phase

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