Reading Bigeng|# Single Episode Podcast• Paving the way for "Aether Raid"

If the "single episode podcast" label is a chain, everyone is welcome to continue to build blocks together and mine the mine called "Hong Kong Dollar" under the consensus of "Proof of Creativity".

This episode is "Block Trend" invited by "Eslite" to provide an introduction to " Ether Raid ". The host turns into a newbie in the currency circle. In the first half, he starts with questions about the blockchain, and in the second half, he officially enters the book, which is a very easy-to-understand stepping stone.

Under the premise of not losing the true meaning, I made a written record (with some of my own notes) and shared it.

Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Listen to a single episode of the podcast 👉 [Interview] "Ether Raid": Cryptopunk Fantasy that Turns the World ft. Eslite Podcast

■ Background knowledge

✍️What is blockchain?

This starts with a 9-page white paper published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. He described a peer-to-peer electronic cash system called "Bitcoin" (Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System).

Don’t be frightened by this term. First, if you break down the latter, the electronic cash system can be understood as a transfer system ; then break down the former, I imagine “person” as a “point”, so Peer-to-Peer becomes Person. -to-Person. Viewed together:

Bitcoin is a "person-to-person" transfer system.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto’s paper did not mention the word “Blockchain”. It was an engineering design and a method summarized by later generations when defining how Bitcoin implements this set of applications. You It can be said:

The technology that implements the Bitcoin transfer system is called blockchain, and Bitcoin is the first application of blockchain.

The program also talked about blockchain as a "technological deepwater area" and used an automated teller machine (ATM) as a metaphor. For most people, there is no need to "pry open the machine" to delve deeper.


✍️What is innovative about blockchain?

Or the innovation of Bitcoin.

In the early days, people traded goods in kind without third-party involvement. This was called "disintermediation." Later, with the advent of banks and digital tools, money did not need to be "disclosed" when making transactions. Instead, financial "intermediaries" were used to match them. The revolutionary ideas (basic doctrines) brought by Bitcoin are:

The transfer of (financial) assets in the digital world does not require an intermediary.

This also echoes the term "peer-to-peer (person-to-person)" just mentioned. Imagine that in the physical world, I handed you a hundred-dollar bill, and the process was done by someone else's hand. Now this thing has been transferred to the digital world.


✍️What is “mining”?

Bitcoin is not a transfer system established by a country (bank), but is scattered around the world. More than 10,000 netizens who do not know each other use computer computing power to keep accounts and maintain and maintain this system.

Don't let them do idle work (the electricity bill is very expensive), use financial incentives, and issue rewards to these netizens who support the operation of the system. The reward is Bitcoin, not universal currency. There is a consensus mechanism behind it to determine who successfully gets the token. The whole process is like "mining gold", and netizens become "miners".

Mining is "the reward of the consensus mechanism of the distributed ledger".


✍️ Where does value come from?

In the early days of Bitcoin's launch, indeed, most of those tokens were "purely commemorative"; in 2010, the first traceable transaction appeared, where someone spent tens of thousands of Bitcoins to purchase two pizzas (Editor's note: Bitcoin Pizza Day ), "value" begins to emerge.

As more people wanted to buy and sell, driving the evolution, more efficient ways - exchanges - emerged.

The speaker also talked about how he made "Ming En Coins" many years ago and distributed them to his family members to exchange for services (for example: doing housework)... The conclusion is that whether it is goods, services (or other possibilities), when consensus is gathered, When recognized by the majority of people , this defined value achieves price realization .

Recognizing the value, many people want to hold this coin and push up the price.

■ Before officially entering the book⋯⋯

Seven years after the birth of Bitcoin, in 2015, Ethereum came out, and the following history is written in " Ether Raid ".

At this point, I would like to start with the #ethersurprise reading report label hosted by Amway @daisy. With the many considerations in the previous paragraph, I believe that whether you enter the book or (re)read the citizens’ experiences, your understanding and feelings will be improved again. Take it up a notch.

⚠️ Citizens’ comments after reading:
@DINO from Jupiter Book report of " Aether Raid": After reading it, I regained my enthusiasm for blockchain
@Reading BigengIntroduction to " The Surprise Attack of the Ether"• Using the ether as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs
@Decadent Bear  Read "Aether Raid"
@Denken Short book review of " The Aether Raid": The Revolution of the Idealists
@zoe Only talk about the part that impressed me|Aether Raid book report
@星lite baby activities_Ether Raid book report/Muggle New Vision
@Andrew Wong Ether Raid
@Cat Traveling〔Erica〕 Cats are also reading︱After reading "The Strange Attack of the Ether"
@ambivalent girl  " Aether Raid" book report activity|Niu Niu's point of view
@热士化Ether Raid book report | The story of the new universe
@鸡cakeGCAKE  " Aether Raid": Use programming code to change the world
@锟斤拷The storyteller of the face |Ether surprise attack on difficult childbirth (Experiences)

For me, after listening to a single episode of the program, I have a more vivid picture in my mind of the connection between "mining" and "OOO proof" .

When the defined rule is "expend computing power", it is like hard work, and the consensus mechanism is "Proof-of-Work (PoW)"; when the rule is to compare who has "the largest quantity and the longest holding" , just like the shareholders of a company, so it is described as "Proof of Stake (POS)".

Finally, if the #single-episodepodcast tag is a chain, even though the community activity has ended, everyone is still welcome to continue building blocks together . I am willing to publish new submissions under the consensus of " Proof of Creativity" "Hong Kong dollar" rewards are available until all the silver bullets are used up, come and dig them out!


I heard the term "Proof of Creativity" from "Blockchain Sociology". I always thought (in my head) that this term is quite particular. Instead of using Creation, use Creativity . You might as well think about the difference between the two. Maybe I'm overthinking it, and it would be more accurate to change my words to "creativity has a price" instead of "creation has a price"? @Posen from Jupiter

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