EP.15|The Yellow Calendar? Farmer's calendar? What is that, can I eat it?

Have you heard of the Yellow Calendar? It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, then you must know what the peasant calendar is! Every year at the beginning of the year and on the eve of the Chinese lunar calendar, the "peasant calendar" that was asked for unexpectedly will be placed in major temples. Today, I want to discuss the origin of this peasant calendar and the yellow calendar, but it is not so academic. It mainly shares the units of proper nouns, zodiac constellations, horoscopes, food, etc. in the peasant calendar. Let us discuss together, the peasant calendar and our life are so glued together.

[Sneak peek, 1 minute preview]

(00:00) [Opening song_Opening remarks_Ladies first]

This is komoto's podcast

(00:11) [Opening music_About?]

Hey~ Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoben. How are you all doing recently? Don't you know that everyone is vaccinated? Xiaoben himself went to get the vaccine on the morning of 9/10 (Friday). In fact, he was a little nervous. After all, after hearing that many people around him had been vaccinated, they all had symptoms such as fever and muscle aches.

But, never mind, I'm ready. In the past few days, I have been drinking fruit juice to supplement vitamin C, and I am also ready for Puna Pain. That should be fine~

Today I want to talk to you about an interesting book. It is very different from other books on the market, and it is also an encyclopedia of life. Then today I'm going to talk about "Huang Li"

(01:00) The yellow calendar is actually what we now call the "peasant calendar".

Do you know what the almanac is? Give you three seconds to think about it, three, two, one, time is up.

"Huang Li" is actually the "Peasant Calendar" we are looking at now~ It's just that in ancient times everyone called it "Huang Li"

The yellow calendar is the yellow "yellow", and the "calendar" of the calendar. According to legend, the "yellow calendar" comes from an almanac published by Emperor Xuanyuan. At that time, it was held by Qin Tianjian, who specialized in observing astronomy and calculating the calendar. , issued by the Qin Tianjian, so the Yellow Calendar is also called the "Imperial Calendar". The imperial calendar just mentioned is the emperor's "emperor"

So how did the name "peasant calendar" come about? In fact, the content of the Yellow Calendar was the earliest time point to guide farmers in farming, so it was called the "peasant calendar".

The ancient lunar calendar includes the date table of the twenty-four solar terms, daily good and bad luck, astronomical weather, seasonal seasons, as well as the fortune of the zodiac, as well as some taboos to be observed in daily life. It was a practical encyclopedia of life in ancient times, and now we, like some important days, still look at the good days in the peasant calendar to arrange the time.

The content of the current peasant calendar is actually similar to the previous yellow calendar, but the current peasant calendar has become more diverse and richer in content. In addition to the main lunar calendar, there will also be zodiac fortunes, as well as popular horoscopes.

I remember there is... that kind of unit, which is to calculate the number of doubles of the birth of one's own eight characters, which will probably occupy about two pages, but in fact, I don't really believe in the number of doubles of the eight characters... Lu... , Because I have met someone who was calculated to be very light, but the other person was born in a rich family, so I don't quite believe the result of a few liang.

Well, now there are still teachings on "how to judge the view of a stick of incense", which is the "divination method of stick of incense", which is the kind of worshipping in a temple or in the hall of gods at home, wouldn't they always bring three sticks of incense to worship? After praying, it will be on the incense burner.

At this time, the incense sticks will burn longer and shorter. At this time, you can judge according to the length of the three sticks of incense. What the stick of incense wants to tell you, this unit is actually quite magical, but my family is not saying goodbye. ~ So just look at it.

Then, I remember that there is also the "Food Compromise Table", which should be a table that Taiwanese have seen since childhood.

Just don't eat what you eat, so as not to cause physical discomfort. The most impressive thing is that "hairy crabs can't be eaten with soft persimmons." Why is it so impressive? Because soft persimmons were my favorite food when I was a child, I was afraid that I would be poisoned, so I made a special note.

Quote part of the source: What is the origin of the almanac almanac
Citing some sources: Wikipedia Qin Tianjian

(03:58) The peasant calendar is not suitable for choosing the day. Major events include weddings and funerals, and minor events include daily life.

Up to now, there are actually not many people who will look at the peasants' calendar for their lives, but every time an important day comes, we will definitely look at the peasants' history and pick a good day.

So, when do you usually look at the day? For example, when they get married, the newlyweds will look for the "appropriate date for marriage" on the peasant calendar to choose, and they should also pay attention to the days when the zodiac signs of the new couple and the couple's parents rush. .

"The cry of the little snow monsters is invading"

There are six dates for the wedding meeting, namely "acceptance", "asking name", "naji", "acceptance", "request date" and "personal welcome", which are also the six steps in a traditional Chinese wedding.

The first step is to accept the "acceptance" of "acceptance", the "acceptance" of style, in the vernacular, it is a good day for the man to go to the woman's house to propose marriage.

The second step is the "ask" of the "ask name" question, and the "first name" of the name is also the second step of marriage. The man will give (ask) the letter of the woman's name to the matchmaker and bring it to the woman's home. The woman will reply to this letter, which contains the woman's name, the date of birth, and the names of her own parents.

Usually, the preceding acceptance and questioning are carried out consecutively.

The third step is the "Na" accepted by "Naji", the auspicious "Ji", after the previous questioning is over, the man will give the birth date of both men and women to the fortune teller, and the fortune teller calculates that the two are suitable After that, the man will do divination again, and he must obtain the "auspicious" auspicious "auspicious", the "auspicious" of the omens, and the auspicious omens, in order to inform the woman that the marriage has been decided.

The fourth step is the "payment" accepted by the "collection", and the "collection" collected. After the end of the previous Najib, the man will prepare the bride price and the bride price to give to the woman.

The fifth step is that after the "please period" is over, the man will choose the date of marriage, tell the woman, and seek her consent.

The sixth step, which is also the last step, is to "welcome" the relative's "pro" and "welcome". After the invitation period, the groom will put on a dress and go to the woman's house to greet the bride on the day that has been decided. The groom's house.

The six steps mentioned above should be omitted for modern people to get married. Getting married looks really troublesome, like holding an event.

In addition to marriage, such as wedding and funeral festive days, as long as it is a major event, it will also look at the date.

Then, I will also watch the daily life, house relocation, etc.~

If it is a relocation, you must pay attention to the days of the "moving people" in the peasant calendar. The moving "moving" and the gangster's "moving" refer to the time when the personnel are about to move, but this moving does not mean Moved into a new home, a newly bought house, but moved to another residence for some reason.

Some people say that "moving apprentices" actually has a second meaning, which refers to "moving items", such as the large furniture in the home that needs to move its position, or the need to buy new furniture, also depends on a good day. , to be able to move and move the furniture in. However, the second meaning of immigrant, nowadays people rarely pay attention to this. If you want to buy new furniture, you can buy it at any time~

In addition, there is the "entry" at the entrance of "entry into the house", and the "house" of the otaku, such as buying a new house and moving into a new house, it also depends on the good days of "living in the house" on the farmer's calendar, and it is also necessary to avoid moving in. People's zodiac signs will be rushed on this day, and some people will even pay attention to the time. After all, buying a new house and moving in is one of the major events in everyone's life. Of course, I hope to be more cautious.

Speaking of which, do you really want to sleep?

There are technical terms written on the lunar calendar, and I only know what it means after doing this episode.

I learned a few words by the way

Next, I want to talk about the more down-to-earth, that is, the daily life, such as "planting" refers to the day when crops are planted, and "open" in the store refers to the store or the store is open for business. .

Then I also have time to look at the farmer's calendar and do things...

In the past, when my hair grew to over my waist, I wanted to cut it short, and then I would go to see the day.

Because in the oriental legend, as long as your hair is above the waist of a girl (hair above the waist is not limited to men and women), then the hair will generate spirituality, and there will be a spirit, which is commonly known as the hair of the head. god.

If you don't look at the day to cut your hair, it will mean "cutting the waist", which is to make your own bad luck. Some people also say that the body and skin are affected by the parents. If you cut this long hair rashly, it will also damage the longevity of your parents.

But I was actually worried that I would be fading, so when I cut my hair at that time, I especially watched the day.

However, some hair stylists are also very concerned about whether consumers have cut their waist-length hair, because the stylists are also worried about whether they will be rushed. So, if you can, before cutting your hair with waist-length hair, you'd better look at the day, there's no loss anyway~

Reference source: hair over the waist to see the day haircut?

(09:10) Xiaoben's favorite zodiac signs and horoscopes

I like to look at the zodiac and the horoscope in the peasant calendar, because this part is what I understand better. I can look at myself, the new year's zodiac, whether there is a Tai Sui or a bias, and the overall fortune. The zodiac will individually mark things that need attention each month, as well as reminders of good and bad luck.

However, the constellation can only see the overall fortune of the whole year, and there is no analysis of the fortune of each month, but you can still refer to it. That constellation can look at your sun and where your rising constellation is. You can look at both horoscopes. Unless your sun and your rising constellation are the same constellation, you can only look at one.

If you see yourself in the fortune of the zodiac, there may be a disaster of blood, you must remind yourself to remember to donate blood, because donating blood can resolve the disaster and turn a bad thing into a good thing. At least, it will be a little smoother and more at ease.

When you see the zodiac part, you will also notice that he will write the ages of all the people in this zodiac, such as "snake". "There are 8 years old, 20, 32, 44... Basically, you add "12" all the way back, which is all the ages of people born in the year of the snake.

【Content correction】

(Wrong) "The age of the snake sign" is 8 years old, 20, 32, 44...
(Correct) "The age of the snake sign" is 9 years old, 21, 33, 45...

<Source: Mr. Ink>

But this age is not the actual age, but the virtual age.
In the East, according to the lunar calendar, everyone is 1 year old when they are born.

The legend is that the ancients started with pregnancy, because when a person is born, it has existed in the mother's body for 10 months, and then after the next lunar new year, it will be one more year old.

For example: Xiao Ming was born on March 15, 1990 in the AD. This is the national calendar. When he was born, he was 1 year old. Before New Year's Eve in 1991, he was considered to be 1 year old. When the Lunar New Year comes, Xiao Ming will be considered to be 2 years old.

During the period after the Spring Festival in 2000 and before March 15 (before his birthday), Xiaoming's first year was 9 years old, and his false age was 11 years old, and there would be a 2-year error. But if you are born at the end of the lunar calendar, or at the beginning of the lunar calendar, you will be 2 years old when you are born.

Supplementary Instructions: Calculation of full age and virtual age

One year old | 0 years old at birth, plus 1 year old on each birthday on the Gregorian calendar.

Xusui | One year old at birth, plus one year old every Chinese New Year.
If you are born at the end of the lunar calendar, or at the beginning of the Gregorian calendar, you will be 2 years old when you are born.

Hmm~ It's quite rap. However, we still focus on the first year. When looking at the virtual age, only when An Taisui or fortune-telling is used, will I add my 2-year-old virtual age into it. Generally, it is still based on one year old, that is, how old is the actual age.

I think the most mysterious place is that sometimes there will be a unit of "Zodiac Matching", which is about the marriage and matching of the zodiac. There will be some writing in it, which is the reason why each zodiac is suitable and unsuitable for matching, but this should be just A rough description, without a very careful subdivision analysis.

Then I think... In the future, the peasant calendar can add another zodiac fortune position and (wealth) advice. This unit should be more popular than this column of marriage.

After all, there are fewer people getting married now, and there should be more people looking for money than before.

To quote some sources: 90% of people don't understand why we still have a false age?
Part of the source cited: Mr. Ink - Chinese Zodiac

(12:32) How to interpret the horoscope and incense spectrum

Have you counted your eight characters? The peasant calendar can be calculated by yourself~ But in fact, I am not very good at it. It seems that the number of two weights is not the general concept of adding up. Calculated.

However, the current Internet is so convenient, you can directly check the weight of your horoscope on the Internet. Then I found a "Bazi Heavy Machine" on the Internet that can calculate the weight of your horoscope, but you need to know what time of day you are. born. I'll put that link on the grid

Born Eight Characters: Eight Characters Heavy Machine

Many people will say "people with heavy horoscopes are not afraid of ghosts" or "people with weak horoscopes are easy to see unclean things", but in fact, the severity of horoscopes has no absolute relationship with spiritual physique, nor does it say that absolute fate is good and fortune. poor distinction.

I read a lot of articles related to Bazi on the Internet, and they all said that Bazi is at best an incomplete fortune-telling method. Because relatively speaking, if it is horoscope, or Ziwei Doushu, or even Western constellation astrology, there are complete theories and verifications.

On the contrary, the algorithm of the weight of the eight characters is a bit too simple, and it can only be regarded as a kind of fun, a game to play and watch.


Next, it is the way of interpreting the incense spectrum. I didn’t expect that someone could really study the hint of the length of the incense stick. There are the “24 incense spectrum diagram” and the “seventy-two incense spectrum diagram”. analyze. There are even books about incense spectrum charts, so there should be another kind of knowledge in this part.

If the temple does not specifically designate how many incense sticks to take, it is generally worshipped with three pillars of incense, which are called "precept, meditation, and wisdom" respectively.

The first column of incense, called Jiexiang (“precept” for quitting), expresses one’s resolve in front of the Buddha and quits one’s vices and delusions.

The second stick of incense is called Dingxiang (determined "Ding"). I hope that I can enter into meditation in everything, live peacefully in the world and treat others.

The third stick of incense is called Huixiang (wisdom's "wisdom") to pray for wisdom and enlightenment to see the Buddha's heart.

According to the contents of the Buddhist scriptures, precepts, concentration, and wisdom are the methods of "breaking through delusions and becoming enlightened", and they are also a causal relationship. Only by quitting one's bad habits and delusions can the "mind" be able to settle down, so the result of "consistency can give birth to wisdom" will appear.

In fact, I didn't study what time to pray and what time to pray. Usually, I only go to the temple during the Chinese New Year~ or the Mid-Autumn Festival, and when my life is not going well. Go bye.

The method of interpreting the incense spectrum mentioned above is a kind of prophecy and divination. You can only compare the incense spectrum when the three sticks of incense are burned until only half of the column remains. Then look on the Internet and say that it takes about half an hour to burn a stick of incense, and it takes about 15 minutes for a half stick of incense, so you can use this time as a reference.

Although there is no complete theory to prove the incense spectrum, it can be regarded as what the gods want to say to you. If there are people who burn incense, worship Buddha, and worship ancestors every day, you can actually refer to it.

Quoting part of the source: Bazi also have weight? The weight of the eight characters is calculated by yourself
Some sources quoted: Why do you always take three sticks of incense when you burn incense and worship? What does "three sticks of incense" mean?

(15:53) Forbidden diet, peace talisman.. etc. I have read other content.

As mentioned earlier, the "Food Ketu" should appear in local publications from time to time, as well as in the peasant's calendar. The food keto is a unit that must be included in the peasant's calendar almost every year. Although I used to be quite skeptical of the theory that food is incompatible with each other

I found a few articles on the Internet about the mutual restraint of food. It seems that I can't say that the mutual restraint of food is incorrect, but the suspicion of causing toxicity is really a bit exaggerated. As I mentioned before... I like to eat soft persimmons, but in the food phase Ketu, soft persimmons cannot be eaten with crabs.

Then I found an article on the Good Morning Health website that said, "Actually, it is because persimmons contain tannins, and crabs contain protein, and tannins are easy to coagulate with proteins, so eating at the same time will have mutual effects. , it is not easy to digest and absorb, it will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and if it is more serious, it will also cause colic.”

Quoting part of the source: Will persimmons and crabs be poisoned when eaten together? Eating together with these two on an empty stomach is more to be wary of
Reference source: Food and Drug Rumors Zone - Persimmons and crabs are poisonous when eaten together, is it true?

Basically, like food, it can cause gastrointestinal discomfort at most, but the toxicity is not so serious~

Moreover, to be honest, it will cause uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes it is caused by eating too much or drinking too much, so try to eat in moderation. Everyone has different individual differences in food, and some people eat seafood will cause some allergic reactions. It's like I'm allergic to plantains myself.

Well, especially as the current food culture is very diverse, we should pay attention to the relationship between food and drugs. Like I have always known, some people who are taking blood pressure drugs cannot eat grapefruit and drink grapefruit. juicy.

Here I quote an article from the Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University, which says that "because some natural substances (such as furanocoumarin) contained in grapefruit (juice) can inhibit a cytochrome enzyme (Cytochrome P) in the small intestine. -450 3A4), thus increasing the blood concentration of drugs metabolized by this enzyme, resulting in an overdose of drugs, and sometimes even serious adverse reactions."

The content quoted above is for your reference~

Quote part of the source: Medication Guide - Can't eat grapefruit (juice) when taking those medicines?

Xiaoben found a graphic diagram of food and medicine in the health magazine for your reference.

I'll put that link on the checkered platform

Reference source 1: Diagram of food and essential substances
Reference source 2: Diagram of food and essential substances


In the peasant calendar, there will also be some printed peace spells, most of which are related to health and safety, otherwise, the spell of the Taisui Xingjun will be put on, and then it will teach you how to do it (make a spell). It's quite amazing. It turns out that these spells can be handled without asking anyone to do it, but I have never drawn them~

If it is said that if I commit Tai Sui this year, at most, I will go to the temple to get a Tai Sui and ask for a peace talisman. Some people seem to go to the temple and ask Taisui Xingjun (slip of the tongue: say one more "lord") to come to the house to bless them, but for this procedure, the fee in the temple will be higher, so I don't have it myself. applied.

If it is an ordinary Tai Sui crime, the fee for going to the temple is between 100 and 200 Taiwan dollars. The people in the temple will give you a peace talisman after you have recovered Tai Sui, and then you can get it. The safety talisman goes to the main furnace, um... that is, the incense ash that has three positive circles on the incense burner, and then reversed three circles, means that you have opened the safety charm.

But I go to An Tai Sui every year now. I won’t say that I will wait until I commit Tai Sui before going to An Tai Sui. No matter how effective An An An Tai Sui is, at least I can feel blessed. If it is possible, it is to encourage people who have committed Tai Sui to donate blood, just to do a good deed (not necessarily blood donation).

Maybe it's not your worst situation to commit Tai Sui, it's just that the gods are going to remind this zodiac sign, "You should do something good this year~" At least, you have the expectation of responding to the gods, then your points in the universe should be Also get bonus points.

Then I'm a person who would rather believe what they have than be so hard-hearted that they don't believe in anything, and it was mentioned in the previous episodes that since I started to worship gods and foundation masters, I rarely encounter supernatural events. .

It doesn't mean that encountering a supernatural event is a bad thing, but it means that your magnetic field may need to be purified. Maybe you had a bad magnetic field for a while, so you accidentally received another world with the frequency.

Occasionally, it is not bad to go to the temple to worship and adjust your magnetic field.


In addition, the farmers calendar in Taipei, I have seen it, there is a map of the Taipei MRT, and a map of the national road on it, I think it is quite practical. After all, the peasant calendar is an encyclopedia for ordinary people, and there are still some elders who are not very good at using the Internet. I think we can make more use of the lunar calendar to let the elders understand some things related to the present.

For example, the operation of mobile phones, the operation of LINE, and the use of FB... etc., I think it is also very good to put it on the farmer's calendar as a teaching. However, the editors of the peasant calendars in each region are handled by different units, and it may depend on whether there are younger editors in that unit to add some new things.

(21:02) Let's make a short summary for the peasant calendar

I usually pick up a copy of the peasant calendar after the lunar new year, when I go to worship at the Tudi Temple. Of course, I added some sesame oil money to pray for blessings.

It seems that in some areas, the li chief will visit every household in person to send the peasant calendar, and by the way, we will say a New Year together, but I have never touched the place where I live now, so I have to get it myself. It's like the governor's office, and I think there should also be some peasant calendars for ordinary people to ask for.

There should be quite a few bases where you can get the peasant calendar, especially around the New Year, some temples or local land public (temples) will put the peasant calendar for everyone to take.

In Taiwan, in fact, many festivals follow the days on the peasant calendar, such as the Lunar New Year, Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival, or the Dragon Boat Festival, Qixi Festival, and the recently ended Mid-Yuan Festival, etc. It is based on the days on the peasant calendar to decide which day the national calendar should be placed on.

Well, the peasant calendar is closer to our lives than we imagined~

However, what I feel is a pity about the peasant calendar is that its connection with young people is relatively weak, because the peasant calendar generally gives the impression that the elders are watching, and the young people will only use it to cover the instant noodles, or (laughs) I use it as a lunch mat.

I hope that the QR code can be seen in the farmers' calendar in the future, so that young people can scan and use it. Young people actually don't need paper, but if it can... It is an additional channel to let the younger generation understand, the farmers' calendar Cultural implications, perhaps more young people will understand the importance of the peasant calendar.

To be honest, I also asked three questions about the peasant calendar, and I did this episode before I realized the importance of the peasant calendar. In the past, the school would not teach you how to read the peasant calendar, but only knew about the annual publications that will appear in the family.

Finally, why did you want to do this episode? In fact, "Huang Li" is a very unpopular subject.

Because these few days, I suddenly thought of a professor who taught Japanese history at the university. This professor once said that when he was a student, in one of the essay topics, he wrote an article called "Huang Li Li". ”, it just happened that the topic of the composition this time was set by the students themselves.

At that time, the professor said proudly, "The composition teacher at that time gave him a high evaluation for this article." That teacher of Japanese history is really amazing, and he deserves to be a professor. He has been so talented since he was a child.

Because of this, I want to talk about making an episode of "Huang Li", but I don't want to talk too much, and I can't talk too much. Well... I just want to see what the "Huang Li" is from a foreigner's point of view, not to focus too much on the source, but to focus on how the Huang Li is integrated into our lives.

(23:55) Music text: The xx

Today, I want to introduce a band from the UK, "The xx". Translated into Chinese, it is "Cha Cha Band". It seems that it can be translated into other Chinese, so it can only be called Cha Cha Band.

"The cry of the little snow monsters is invading"

The xx was established in 2005, and he made his fortune in the southwest Wandsworth district of London, England. When he formed the army, there were four members, and each member was under 20 years old at the time. They are female vocalist Romy Madley Croft, as well as keyboardist Baria Qureshi, who has retired from the group, as well as bassist Oliver Sim and drummer Jamie Smith.

There were originally four members, and the female lead singer and bassist had known each other since the day of the nursery. Later, the four members met at Elliott School. However, the band's keyboard player left the band on November 11, 2009, after missing several planned performances.

It was initially reported that the decision was made due to fatigue, but the band later explained that it was a "personal difference". And said that her status will not be replaced, and will continue to move forward in the form of three people.

Citing some sources: The xx

The xx belongs to an independent band. After listening to their music, you must be able to feel the three words "sense of space". This feeling is a bit indescribable, it is a kind of avant-garde electronic rock, and then it is a little romantic and sexy.

The lead singer's voice has a fresh sense of thickness. It can't be said to be a low voice, but it has a comfortable penetrating power, sometimes neutral, sometimes sexy. That lazy voice matches the music of the orchestra has an incredible fantasy sense.

Sometimes, the bassist will sing with the lead singer. Compared with the lead singer's voice, the bassist's voice is deeper and more sexy, and then matched with the lead singer's comfortable voice, so that each song sounds really Very comfortable. It sounds weird...but listening to their music is really relaxing, the music doesn't make people feel oppressive, and it allows you to integrate into their music naturally.

Their songs, every song is really super nice, the top three in my mind will actually change their positions with time, so now the top three in my mind are these three songs "Island" "On hold" "Night time".

The first song was "Island", a song included in The xx album in August 2009

At first, when I listened to this song, I didn't particularly like it, I just followed a brisk electronic rock route, but after listening to it in the past few months, this song has become the number one in my mind. It is a very endearing song. song.

Then this song gave me the feeling that it was like watching TV. The music at the beginning was a low frequency as soon as it came in. It took a very careful listen to hear it, and then it would appear one after another. I don’t know why, but it was this low frequency. to attract. The sense of space in this song is very strong, and I especially like the bass player's voice. The way of presenting this song is to present it perfectly in a deep and sexy way.

Then let's listen to this song "Island" together

The second song, "On hold" released in July 2017, was included in the album I see you

The song is presented in a duet between men and women, as if they are talking to each other.

After reading the lyrics, it should be lovers who are about to break up, struggling and pulling each other in their own little world, and they are constantly in circles.

Although the lyrics represent a pair of lovers who are about to break up, when I first heard this song, even without reading the lyrics, I felt that this song gave me a positive feeling, so I just read the music. I feel that the brisk and low drum sound coming out of the middle has an inspiring frequency.

Then let's listen to the song "On hold"

The third song, "Night time", was included in The xx album in 2009

This song was originally the number one in my mind, but maybe because of a change in my mentality recently, I ranked it at number three, and it is also one of the top three (in my mind).

This song is really amazing. When I listened to it at first, I didn't notice the title and lyrics of this song. I just listened to the music and felt that this song was talking about "the situation of the night"~

Looking at the title of this song, it is really called night time, a very incredible song.

The feeling this song gives me is the kind of situational feeling at 2 or 3 in the morning, a kind of nothingness, as well as weak lights, and a cold feeling of loneliness. I never thought that it is the situation that music can express. As soon as I heard this song, I fell in love with the situational sense it gave me.

So, stop talking nonsense, let's experience the song "Night time" together.

How do you feel? Do you think this band is pretty awesome?

They are probably the only ones who can interpret the sense of space and situation so perfectly.

Their music can be said to be a kind of art, which is already beyond the level of ordinary music. Although there is nothing particularly gorgeous and passionate about music, it can bring you into a sense of space in a different dimension.

Well... say it's like the universe? Or, what about a different sense of dimension?
Listen and see for yourself, you'll know after you feel it~

( 29:20) [Ending song _ちょっと Rest (a small break)]

It's really incredible to do this episode. I don't know which part to start talking about. In fact, Huang Li is also quite interesting. After all, this is the wisdom of the ancestors, and it must have its value for reference if it can be passed down for thousands of years.

Now, we will also choose a good day to do things. Therefore, Huang Li is actually quite worth taking out and talking about it for an episode. I hope you can benefit a lot from listening to this episode. I learned a lot~

So, today is about to end here~

Thank you all for listening to my show today :D I'm Xiaoben.

If you want to talk to me, you can leave a message on the square platform or IG private message me; then if you want to invite me to a cup of coffee, you can also go to the square platform, support Xiaoben in Dou Nei . thank you~

It doesn't matter if you don't have Dou Nei, you can also choose to subscribe to me, or share the show with all your friends around you, which is also a way to support Xiaoben.

Don't forget to listen to the latest uploaded audiobook next time~ See you next time, bye.

Cats and Pasta_2021.08.31

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小本各位地球人好~我來自銀河系的一顆藍色小行星 想建構一個小宇宙,這樣就能在不同行星間遊走 :D
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EP.23|來自2021 Matters年度問卷,終於趕上啦!

