Life Notes 19 | Hengchun Peninsula in Autumn


Continuing last week's life handbook, I want to share the trip to Hengchun this week.

"There is a feeling of going abroad." Hearing me say that, the tutor students who often go to Kenting are surprised. The feeling of "going abroad" probably comes from the unexpected freshness. I remembered the first time I went to Kansai with my family many years ago. Because I didn't want to miss the seasonal flavors, I ate a dozen ice cream in one go, and traveled. All the good experiences are packed into the stomach. After a while, I revisited the old place, and the impression of Kansai is not as deep as the first time.

During the three days and two nights in Hengchun, riding an Oudou and blowing the sea breeze, it seemed to rediscover this island.

Walking on Hengchun Old Street at noon, I found that Hengchun people dress very simply, a sleeveless top and shorts, every inch of skin is tanned, compared to my airtight shirt, trousers and backpack, in The crowd seemed out of place, so I walked into the clothing store on the street and tried to change the style of clothing so that I could integrate into the southern country where the four seasons are like summer.

It’s been a long time since I went to a clothing store so seriously. I went back and forth in the fitting room. I liked several styles, but I felt uncomfortable wearing them. After trying them on, I returned the clothes and said sorry to the clerk who was busy. She was just warm. He said warmly, "It's okay, you only know if you have tried it, at least you have tried it", which resolved the embarrassment of introverts visiting clothing stores all the time.

Friends from abroad often say that Taiwanese people are warm, but I only felt it when I came here. The enthusiastic guidance of the car dealer Abo, the attentive clothing store clerk, the local people who can chat at will, and even a few cats roaming the street can easily be spoiled by outsiders.

Finally, let's recommend a small shop worth visiting on this trip.

Keji Ancient Mung Bean Cuisine

Photo via Instagram @venus_free

I thought "Mung Bean Garlic" was a dark dish with mung beans and garlic, but it turned out to be mung beans that had been peeled off. After steaming, they looked like garlic. The traditional food in the 1970s is not eaten until today. It is accompanied by ice and other condiments. In the hot Hengchun, everyone seems to have a bowl.

📍Ke Kee Ancient Mung Bean Cuisine, No. 69, Fude Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County, Monday to Sunday 10:00-17:00

Seaturtle Cafe

Photo via Instagram @venus_free

The intertidal zone, a habitat for many species, is often damaged by the influx of tourists. The Turtle Cafe next to Wanlitong Bay, the store wall reads "Pick up a bag of sea drifts, Turtle invites you to drink coffee". It is very romantic to be environmentally friendly under the sunset, and it is very romantic to have a cup of Sicily.

📍Seaturtle Cafe
No. 18-3, Wanli Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County Weekdays (closed on Tuesday) 13:00-18:00
Holidays 09:30-18:00

Le BallonRouge

Photo via Instagram @venus_free

The bookstore at the southernmost tip of the island, a private house hidden by the city wall. Three years ago, a couple from Taipei and Kaohsiung moved to Hengchun to live in Hengchun. Raising cats and opening a bookstore are daily routines. Recently, there have been new members. I can hear his voice XD

📍Le BallonRouge
No. 86, Lane 110, Beimen Road, Hengchun Town, Pingtung County, Wednesday to Sunday 13:30-19:00

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VenusFree Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free
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