Busy on the road, don't ask about the future | 2021 annual questionnaire (reissue)

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

# My 2021 Annual Questionnaire Hi, I finally climbed to Matt City on the third day of the 2022 New Year (not a question of the ladder), first of all I would like to thank @Matty and @guo for their support and encouragement, saying that I am on my own every day I read Matt City's daily newspaper in the mailbox, which is very warm (it's just that I'm busy every day, so I don't have to go to the website).

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

- Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing that I want to record permanently must be that I have had a "vasectomy". It was my own decision and on the advice of my lover. At the beginning, of course, we had a consensus that we would no longer have children (there is already a little angel). My wife and I both like children, but we don't have the logic of "one more is the same way". We feel that raising children is a job that requires a lot of physical and mental investment, not only high-quality material investment, but also high-quality spiritual and intellectual investment; not only companionship, but also to face life and society with children. I will not be the father of "father taste", technically speaking, I am more like a coach. This kind of high-quality companionship is definitely not easy to have two (not to mention the material conditions are not satisfied; the social and institutional support is not enough, and there are many challenges for the mother). On a higher level, I personally have no identification with the country I live in, so naturally I don’t have much confidence to help a newcomer adapt here (—of course, some confidence is still there, for example, it will guide him to understand The nature of a totalitarian/dictatorial state/government, and how to live autonomously, independently, and be the person you want to be - I'm still beating drums in my heart when I talk about this - I feel that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and I should What kind of qualities and knowledge can be cultivated, and how can a person with such a personality be cultivated in such an environment? It requires relevant knowledge such as political philosophy, sociological anthropology, etc., as well as the psychological quality of being tough and tolerant? (For example, Liu Xiaobo, Xu Zhiyong, etc. (including my former colleagues who have been political prisoners in prisons, I admire him/them very much) - I mean that I myself uphold the Western classical liberal political philosophy as my three views, but I'm still not sure I can get my kids to live up to these values, because I don't want to be an authoritative parent (which is against my view), and I also know that children will grow up with a lot of influence from their families. It is difficult to determine how big the impact is. It also requires a game between the family and society, that is, the game between me and the outside world (such as the school education system). By the way, I was more optimistic in the past (when the baby was just born). Yes, now in a few years (2022), hehe, it doesn't seem optimistic. So the phrase "I'm sorry, we are the last generation" that came out during the closure of Shanghai in April was really deafening to me, when it came to my heart I took it seriously, and took it directly as the reason why I chose to be sterilized: to transform my body, so that you will no longer have the opportunity to cut leeks, and your rule will end with me.
No matter how small the operation is, I still have to put myself under the knife after all. I was a little hesitant a few minutes before going to the operating table (because of the need for spinal anesthesia), but I didn’t seem to think too much at that time, and I was very courageous. The outpatient doctor to the operating room doctor anesthesiologist asked me to think carefully, and then it was to confirm the signature. (I have also been operated on twice before, so I am not unfamiliar with the operating room)
When it comes to finding a hospital for this operation, it is also a lot of trouble. In the spring of 2021, after I saw an in-depth report on vasectomy by a reporter I knew before, I followed the interviewee's path (the specific details will not be repeated). Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. After several Internet searches, several phone calls to the Health Commission/Hospital for consultation, and two or three outpatient registrations, I finally found an old professor in a certain hospital (and later in their department in the inpatient department). See the introduction about him on the wall: good at vasectomy. Me: hehe). I got close to the old professor (because I also graduated from medical school), he told me to go home and consider coming back next week, and hinted that as long as it was clear again, he could arrange for a doctor to do it). I would like to thank the old professor for his understanding. In fact, during the whole process, as long as women heard about me, I could feel their attitudes changed immediately and helped me in the way they could. grateful. (And the doctor didn't ask for a marriage certificate, and I saw some experience posts saying that) I was discharged from the hospital about three days after the operation. Now life is normal, and it seems that my sex drive is more vigorous. Things to pay attention to (probably just for myself) are: 1/ Pay attention to your sitting posture, if you sit incorrectly or for too long, you will crush your balls; 2/ Keep regular physical activity (it should be able to consume some semen) ;3/ Maintain a stable sex life~
- Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

To be honest, I seem to be relatively lucky (I need to reflect on this). It may be that my expectations have been lowered. As long as my job/income is stable, and I and my family are healthy, I will be fine. The impact of the epidemic on me and my family is mainly that I can't take my baby to travel abroad to see the world (I worry that TA will become narrow-minded and become a nationalist because of this). In addition, for me, a privacy madman, who has lived for so long in the country with the most developed surveillance technology on the planet, I myself thought, "Oh my God, how did I survive this?" Anyway, I'm still a little lucky (or my concession), in my city, most of the points to check the health code are just to see with the naked eye (other cities seem to actually scan and record the QR code content information), I Often fooled in the past. Of course, this little fluke of mine may also be the beginning of my alienation. Can I still be regarded as a privacy "in-depth patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder"?  

Can it be restored? Hey, that's exactly what worries me. I think this regime is never going to declare an end to the pandemic, it is using this to enforce its authoritarian/totalitarian governance. I think many people have boiled frogs in warm water, and unknowingly agree that this kind of governance is justified. And, without alarmism, I'm starting to believe that the so-called "Cultural Revolution 2.0" is underway. From health code restrictions on travel, to random closure of districts and cities to implement food stamps, from criminals parading the streets, to cracking down on the entertainment and cultural industry (only model games in the future?), to intervening in market-oriented corporate behavior (strike against Internet giants / crackdown on education and training) industry), all of which are worrying whether the planned economy can be successfully implemented without resistance in the future.  

- Where are you (finally) lying flat in 2021?

Lie down, that's my job, I'm handling my job with very low cost/energy, although in December because of a difficult project and a tight schedule, my colleagues and I are working overtime for two or three consecutive weekends, I Also got sick. I wanted to get a certificate but I haven't finished it yet. I wanted to lie down but couldn't. I was half lying...  

- In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

It doesn't seem to be anything special, but the power still comes from open source software and its community, and in this day and age in this place, there is nothing like open source software (and of course hardware, such as PinePhone) that gives me the freedom that is clear and the only freedom left. feelings and thoughts. It is worth mentioning that this year, after a few months of help from friends, I finally got a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org), since then all my personal electronic products are open source - which means : 1) A higher degree of flexibility, freedom and privacy; 2) Getting rid of the domination of tech giants (tech giants are also a type of totalitarianism).  

- In 2021, one of your farewells or encounters is probably to say goodbye to Apple and Stand, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to read more of you, thank you. 
And in 2021, I subscribed to the membership of "Duan". We lost Apple (daily), stand, news, and now it seems that Duan is the only thing left. I hate why I didn't subscribe earlier? For several years, I have used RSS to read news on the side. When I come across a report that I especially want to read in depth, I always regret to see an empty dashed line, and always, I can't help but go back to the previous page to see other things. News and there has been no action to buy a membership. It's a pity that so many interesting and meaningful reports before were too late to read. That's how people are always dragged away by life. (Tell friends in the wall to use RSS to avoid watching over the wall ~ but you may need to set up a high-energy DNS yourself)  

So it was probably around the time of the summer when "Apple" was played, and I took action. After that, I was looking forward to the two-hour commute to work every day. Much more support for independent/journalistic ideals, no chance if you don't.

- How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I know more about my body, yes. Including exercising/rehabilitation from a chronic leg injury, including adjusting my breathing (and finding that drinking the right roast/strength/amount of coffee calms me down and even helps with sleep, I became obsessed with coffee ). Oh, by the way, in the first half of today, I lost 12+ KG through exercise + diet structure adjustment, and I became more energetic and more confident to live longer - yes, it is to fight for a long life with the so-and-so regime. In reading a long article about a metoo incident written by a big cow, a sentence is particularly enlightening, to the effect that the greatest victory as a victim is to see the perpetrator die before you, and to live to the end is victory.  

- Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you met in 2021. I'm glad I accidentally downloaded this heavyweight album in the last days of the year that I'm looking forward to: "Red News Soldier One Photography" The Cultural Revolution in Reporters' Secret Films  

It was only the other day that I learned that the folk singer Zhao has passed away in September 2021, and my heart was shaken. Turning back to his song "Am I the One You Love the Most", the voice is very sincere and full of emotion, lingering with eternal loneliness, helplessness and desire for beauty and love, that is the resonance of me ten years ago, listen to it today Still touching. With hindsight, this song was included in his album "Living in 1988", and I was very emotional. His friend said he was unwilling to accept life in the 21st century, but the number "1988" is too dazzling, I think it is too dazzling for me and many mainlanders, and I also want to live only in 1988. 1988 next year China has changed a lot from now on, what if that year had a different ending?    

- Share moments that mean a lot to you in 2021 with one photo.
(see cover)

- Please fill in the blank: 2021, _*nothing*_ mat

# My 2021 Annual Questionnaire Hi, I finally climbed to Matt City on the third day of the 2022 New Year (not a question of the ladder), first of all I would like to thank @Matty and @guo for their support and encouragement, saying that I am on my own every day I read Matt City's daily newspaper in the mailbox, which is very warm (it's just that I'm busy every day, so I don't have to go to the website).

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

- Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing that I want to record permanently must be that I have had a "vasectomy". It was my own decision and on the advice of my lover. At the beginning, of course, we had a consensus that we would no longer have children (there is already a little angel). My wife and I both like children, but we don't have the logic of "one more is the same way". We feel that raising children is a job that requires a lot of physical and mental investment, not only high-quality material investment, but also high-quality spiritual and intellectual investment; not only companionship, but also to face life and society with children. I will not be the father of "father taste", technically speaking, I am more like a coach. This kind of high-quality companionship is definitely not easy to have two (not to mention the material conditions are not satisfied; the social and institutional support is not enough, and there are many challenges for the mother). On a higher level, I personally have no identification with the country I live in, so naturally I don’t have much confidence to help a newcomer adapt here (—of course, some confidence is still there, for example, it will guide him to understand The nature of a totalitarian/dictatorial state/government, and how to live autonomously, independently, and be the person you want to be - I'm still beating drums in my heart when I talk about this - I feel that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and I should What kind of qualities and knowledge can be cultivated, and how can a person with such a personality be cultivated in such an environment? It requires relevant knowledge such as political philosophy, sociological anthropology, etc., as well as the psychological quality of being tough and tolerant? (For example, Liu Xiaobo, Xu Zhiyong, etc. (including my former colleagues who have been political prisoners in prisons, I admire him/them very much) - I mean that I myself uphold the Western classical liberal political philosophy as my three views, but I'm still not sure I can get my kids to live up to these values, because I don't want to be an authoritative parent (which is against my view), and I also know that children will grow up with a lot of influence from their families. It is difficult to determine how big the impact is. It also requires a game between the family and society, that is, the game between me and the outside world (such as the school education system). By the way, I was more optimistic in the past (when the baby was just born). Yes, now in a few years (2022), hehe, it doesn't seem optimistic. So the phrase "I'm sorry, we are the last generation" that came out during the closure of Shanghai in April was really deafening to me, when it came to my heart I took it seriously, and took it directly as the reason why I chose to be sterilized: to transform my body, so that you will no longer have the opportunity to cut leeks, and your rule will end with me.
No matter how small the operation is, I still have to put myself under the knife after all. I was a little hesitant a few minutes before going to the operating table (because of the need for spinal anesthesia), but I didn’t seem to think too much at that time, and I was very courageous. The outpatient doctor to the operating room doctor anesthesiologist asked me to think carefully, and then it was to confirm the signature. (I have also been operated on twice before, so I am not unfamiliar with the operating room)
When it comes to finding a hospital for this operation, it is also a lot of trouble. In the spring of 2021, after I saw an in-depth report on vasectomy by a reporter I knew before, I followed the interviewee's path (the specific details will not be repeated). Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. After several Internet searches, several phone calls to the Health Commission/Hospital for consultation, and two or three outpatient registrations, I finally found an old professor in a certain hospital (and later in their department in the inpatient department). See the introduction about him on the wall: good at vasectomy. Me: hehe). I got close to the old professor (because I also graduated from medical school), he told me to go home and consider coming back next week, and hinted that as long as it was clear again, he could arrange for a doctor to do it). I would like to thank the old professor for his understanding. In fact, during the whole process, as long as women heard about me, I could feel their attitudes changed immediately and helped me in the way they could. grateful. (And the doctor didn't ask for a marriage certificate, and I saw some experience posts saying that) I was discharged from the hospital about three days after the operation. Now life is normal, and it seems that my sex drive is more vigorous. Things to pay attention to (probably just for myself) are: 1/ Pay attention to your sitting posture, if you sit incorrectly or for too long, you will crush your balls; 2/ Keep regular physical activity (it should be able to consume some semen) ;3/ Maintain a stable sex life~
- Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

To be honest, I seem to be relatively lucky (I need to reflect on this). It may be that my expectations have been lowered. As long as my job/income is stable, and I and my family are healthy, I will be fine. The impact of the epidemic on me and my family is mainly that I can't take my baby to travel abroad to see the world (I worry that TA will become narrow-minded and become a nationalist because of this). In addition, for me, a privacy madman, who has lived for so long in the country with the most developed surveillance technology on the planet, I myself thought, "Oh my God, how did I survive this?" Anyway, I'm still a little lucky (or my concession), in my city, most of the points to check the health code are just to see with the naked eye (other cities seem to actually scan and record the QR code content information), I Often fooled in the past. Of course, this little fluke of mine may also be the beginning of my alienation. Can I still be regarded as a privacy "in-depth patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder"?  

Can it be restored? Hey, that's exactly what worries me. I think this regime is never going to declare an end to the pandemic, it is using this to enforce its authoritarian/totalitarian governance. I think many people have boiled frogs in warm water, and unknowingly agree that this kind of governance is justified. And, without alarmism, I'm starting to believe that the so-called "Cultural Revolution 2.0" is underway. From health code restrictions on travel, to random closure of districts and cities to implement food stamps, from criminals parading the streets, to cracking down on the entertainment and cultural industry (only model games in the future?), to intervening in market-oriented corporate behavior (strike against Internet giants / crackdown on education and training) industry), all of which are worrying whether the planned economy can be successfully implemented without resistance in the future.  

- Where are you (finally) lying flat in 2021?

Lie down, that's my job, I'm handling my job with very low cost/energy, although in December because of a difficult project and a tight schedule, my colleagues and I are working overtime for two or three consecutive weekends, I Also got sick. I wanted to get a certificate but I haven't finished it yet. I wanted to lie down but couldn't. I was half lying...  

- In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

It doesn't seem to be anything special, but the power still comes from open source software and its community, and in this day and age in this place, there is nothing like open source software (and of course hardware, such as PinePhone) that gives me the freedom that is clear and the only freedom left. feelings and thoughts. It is worth mentioning that this year, after a few months of help from friends, I finally got a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org), since then all my personal electronic products are open source - which means : 1) A higher degree of flexibility, freedom and privacy; 2) Getting rid of the domination of tech giants (tech giants are also a type of totalitarianism).  

- In 2021, one of your farewells or encounters is probably to say goodbye to Apple and Stand, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to read more of you, thank you. 
And in 2021, I subscribed to the membership of "Duan". We lost Apple (daily), stand, news, and now it seems that Duan is the only thing left. I hate why I didn't subscribe earlier? For several years, I have used RSS to read news on the side. When I come across a report that I especially want to read in depth, I always regret to see an empty dashed line, and always, I can't help but go back to the previous page to see other things. News and there has been no action to buy a membership. It's a pity that so many interesting and meaningful reports before were too late to read. That's how people are always dragged away by life. (Tell friends in the wall to use RSS to avoid watching over the wall ~ but you may need to set up a high-energy DNS yourself)  

So it was probably around the time of the summer when "Apple" was played, and I took action. After that, I was looking forward to the two-hour commute to work every day. Much more support for independent/journalistic ideals, no chance if you don't.

- How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I know more about my body, yes. Including exercising/rehabilitation from a chronic leg injury, including adjusting my breathing (and finding that drinking the right roast/strength/amount of coffee calms me down and even helps with sleep, I became obsessed with coffee ). Oh, by the way, in the first half of today, I lost 12+ KG through exercise + diet structure adjustment, and I became more energetic and more confident to live longer - yes, it is to fight for a long life with the so-and-so regime. In reading a long article about a metoo incident written by a big cow, a sentence is particularly enlightening, to the effect that the greatest victory as a victim is to see the perpetrator die before you, and to live to the end is victory.  

- Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you met in 2021. I'm glad I accidentally downloaded this heavyweight album in the last days of the year that I'm looking forward to: "Red News Soldier One Photography" The Cultural Revolution in Reporters' Secret Films  

It was only the other day that I learned that the folk singer Zhao has passed away in September 2021, and my heart was shaken. Turning back to his song "Am I the One You Love the Most", the voice is very sincere and full of emotion, lingering with eternal loneliness, helplessness and desire for beauty and love, that is the resonance of me ten years ago, listen to it today Still touching. With hindsight, this song was included in his album "Living in 1988", and I was very emotional. His friend said he was unwilling to accept life in the 21st century, but the number "1988" is too dazzling, I think it is too dazzling for me and many mainlanders, and I also want to live only in 1988. 1988 next year China has changed a lot from now on, what if that year had a different ending?    

- Share moments that mean a lot to you in 2021 with one photo.
(see cover)

- Please fill in the blank: 2021, _*nothing*_ matters

- (Why fill in nothing? I'm afraid it's a bit empty, but in the new year, I still have to love specific people, please supervise me, thank you~)

- Three keywords for 2022:
    - tech for privacy/freedom/OSINT, - social issues, - child development and liberalist education

# My 2021 Annual Questionnaire Hi, I finally climbed to Matt City on the third day of the 2022 New Year (not a question of the ladder), first of all I would like to thank @Matty and @guo for their support and encouragement, saying that I am on my own every day I read Matt City's daily newspaper in the mailbox, which is very warm (it's just that I'm busy every day, so I don't have to go to the website).

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

- Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing that I want to record permanently must be that I have had a "vasectomy". It was my own decision and on the advice of my lover. At the beginning, of course, we had a consensus that we would no longer have children (there is already a little angel). My wife and I both like children, but we don't have the logic of "one more is the same way". We feel that raising children is a job that requires a lot of physical and mental investment, not only high-quality material investment, but also high-quality spiritual and intellectual investment; not only companionship, but also to face life and society with children. I will not be the father of "father taste", technically speaking, I am more like a coach. This kind of high-quality companionship is definitely not easy to have two (not to mention the material conditions are not satisfied; the social and institutional support is not enough, and there are many challenges for the mother). On a higher level, I personally have no identification with the country I live in, so naturally I don’t have much confidence to help a newcomer adapt here (—of course, some confidence is still there, for example, it will guide him to understand The nature of a totalitarian/dictatorial state/government, and how to live autonomously, independently, and be the person you want to be - I'm still beating drums in my heart when I talk about this - I feel that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and I should What kind of qualities and knowledge can be cultivated, and how can a person with such a personality be cultivated in such an environment? It requires relevant knowledge such as political philosophy, sociological anthropology, etc., as well as the psychological quality of being tough and tolerant? (For example, Liu Xiaobo, Xu Zhiyong, etc. (including my former colleagues who have been political prisoners in prisons, I admire him/them very much) - I mean that I myself uphold the Western classical liberal political philosophy as my three views, but I'm still not sure I can get my kids to live up to these values, because I don't want to be an authoritative parent (which is against my view), and I also know that children will grow up with a lot of influence from their families. It is difficult to determine how big the impact is. It also requires a game between the family and society, that is, the game between me and the outside world (such as the school education system). By the way, I was more optimistic in the past (when the baby was just born). Yes, now in a few years (2022), hehe, it doesn't seem optimistic. So the phrase "I'm sorry, we are the last generation" that came out during the closure of Shanghai in April was really deafening to me, when it came to my heart I took it seriously, and took it directly as the reason why I chose to be sterilized: to transform my body, so that you will no longer have the opportunity to cut leeks, and your rule will end with me.
No matter how small the operation is, I still have to put myself under the knife after all. I was a little hesitant a few minutes before going to the operating table (because of the need for spinal anesthesia), but I didn’t seem to think too much at that time, and I was very courageous. The outpatient doctor to the operating room doctor anesthesiologist asked me to think carefully, and then it was to confirm the signature. (I have also been operated on twice before, so I am not unfamiliar with the operating room)
When it comes to finding a hospital for this operation, it is also a lot of trouble. In the spring of 2021, after I saw an in-depth report on vasectomy by a reporter I knew before, I followed the interviewee's path (the specific details will not be repeated). Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. After several Internet searches, several phone calls to the Health Commission/Hospital for consultation, and two or three outpatient registrations, I finally found an old professor in a certain hospital (and later in their department in the inpatient department). See the introduction about him on the wall: good at vasectomy. Me: hehe). I got close to the old professor (because I also graduated from medical school), he told me to go home and consider coming back next week, and hinted that as long as it was clear again, he could arrange for a doctor to do it). I would like to thank the old professor for his understanding. In fact, during the whole process, as long as women heard about me, I could feel their attitudes changed immediately and helped me in the way they could. grateful. (And the doctor didn't ask for a marriage certificate, and I saw some experience posts saying that) I was discharged from the hospital about three days after the operation. Now life is normal, and it seems that my sex drive is more vigorous. Things to pay attention to (probably just for myself) are: 1/ Pay attention to your sitting posture, if you sit incorrectly or for too long, you will crush your balls; 2/ Keep regular physical activity (it should be able to consume some semen) ;3/ Maintain a stable sex life~
- Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

To be honest, I seem to be relatively lucky (I need to reflect on this). It may be that my expectations have been lowered. As long as my job/income is stable, and I and my family are healthy, I will be fine. The impact of the epidemic on me and my family is mainly that I can't take my baby to travel abroad to see the world (I worry that TA will become narrow-minded and become a nationalist because of this). In addition, for me, a privacy madman, who has lived for so long in the country with the most developed surveillance technology on the planet, I myself thought, "Oh my God, how did I survive this?" Anyway, I'm still a little lucky (or my concession), in my city, most of the points to check the health code are just to see with the naked eye (other cities seem to actually scan and record the QR code content information), I Often fooled in the past. Of course, this little fluke of mine may also be the beginning of my alienation. Can I still be regarded as a privacy "in-depth patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder"?  

Can it be restored? Hey, that's exactly what worries me. I think this regime is never going to declare an end to the pandemic, it is using this to enforce its authoritarian/totalitarian governance. I think many people have boiled frogs in warm water, and unknowingly agree that this kind of governance is justified. And, without alarmism, I'm starting to believe that the so-called "Cultural Revolution 2.0" is underway. From health code restrictions on travel, to random closure of districts and cities to implement food stamps, from criminals parading the streets, to cracking down on the entertainment and cultural industry (only model games in the future?), to intervening in market-oriented corporate behavior (strike against Internet giants / crackdown on education and training) industry), all of which are worrying whether the planned economy can be successfully implemented without resistance in the future.  

- Where are you (finally) lying flat in 2021?

Lie down, that's my job, I'm handling my job with very low cost/energy, although in December because of a difficult project and a tight schedule, my colleagues and I are working overtime for two or three consecutive weekends, I Also got sick. I wanted to get a certificate but I haven't finished it yet. I wanted to lie down but couldn't. I was half lying...  

- In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

It doesn't seem to be anything special, but the power still comes from open source software and its community, and in this day and age in this place, there is nothing like open source software (and of course hardware, such as PinePhone) that gives me the freedom that is clear and the only freedom left. feelings and thoughts. It is worth mentioning that this year, after a few months of help from friends, I finally got a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org), since then all my personal electronic products are open source - which means : 1) A higher degree of flexibility, freedom and privacy; 2) Getting rid of the domination of tech giants (tech giants are also a type of totalitarianism).  

- In 2021, one of your farewells or encounters is probably to say goodbye to Apple and Stand, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to read more of you, thank you. 
And in 2021, I subscribed to the membership of "Duan". We lost Apple (daily), stand, news, and now it seems that Duan is the only thing left. I hate why I didn't subscribe earlier? For several years, I have used RSS to read news on the side. When I come across a report that I especially want to read in depth, I always regret to see an empty dashed line, and always, I can't help but go back to the previous page to see other things. News and there has been no action to buy a membership. It's a pity that so many interesting and meaningful reports before were too late to read. That's how people are always dragged away by life. (Tell friends in the wall to use RSS to avoid watching over the wall ~ but you may need to set up a high-energy DNS yourself)  

So it was probably around the time of the summer when "Apple" was played, and I took action. After that, I was looking forward to the two-hour commute to work every day. Much more support for independent/journalistic ideals, no chance if you don't.

- How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I know more about my body, yes. Including exercising/rehabilitation from a chronic leg injury, including adjusting my breathing (and finding that drinking the right roast/strength/amount of coffee calms me down and even helps with sleep, I became obsessed with coffee ). Oh, by the way, in the first half of today, I lost 12+ KG through exercise + diet structure adjustment, and I became more energetic and more confident to live longer - yes, it is to fight for a long life with the so-and-so regime. In reading a long article about a metoo incident written by a big cow, a sentence is particularly enlightening, to the effect that the greatest victory as a victim is to see the perpetrator die before you, and to live to the end is victory.  

- Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you met in 2021. I'm glad I accidentally downloaded this heavyweight album in the last days of the year that I'm looking forward to: "Red News Soldier One Photography" The Cultural Revolution in Reporters' Secret Films  

It was only the other day that I learned that the folk singer Zhao has passed away in September 2021, and my heart was shaken. Turning back to his song "Am I the One You Love the Most", the voice is very sincere and full of emotion, lingering with eternal loneliness, helplessness and desire for beauty and love, that is the resonance of me ten years ago, listen to it today Still touching. With hindsight, this song was included in his album "Living in 1988", and I was very emotional. His friend said he was unwilling to accept life in the 21st century, but the number "1988" is too dazzling, I think it is too dazzling for me and many mainlanders, and I also want to live only in 1988. 1988 next year China has changed a lot from now on, what if that year had a different ending?    

- Share moments that mean a lot to you in 2021 with one photo.
(see cover)

- Please fill in the blank: 2021, _*nothing*_ matters

- (Why fill in nothing? I'm afraid it's a bit empty, but in the new year, I still have to love specific people, please supervise me, thank you~)

- Three keywords for 2022:
    - tech for privacy/freedom/OSINT, - social issues, - child development and liberalist education

# My 2021 Annual Questionnaire Hi, I finally climbed to Matt City on the third day of the 2022 New Year (not a question of the ladder), first of all I would like to thank @Matty and @guo for their support and encouragement, saying that I am on my own every day I read Matt City's daily newspaper in the mailbox, which is very warm (it's just that I'm busy every day, so I don't have to go to the website).

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

- Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing that I want to record permanently must be that I have had a "vasectomy". It was my own decision and on the advice of my lover. At the beginning, of course, we had a consensus that we would no longer have children (there is already a little angel). My wife and I both like children, but we don't have the logic of "one more is the same way". We feel that raising children is a job that requires a lot of physical and mental investment, not only high-quality material investment, but also high-quality spiritual and intellectual investment; not only companionship, but also to face life and society with children. I will not be the father of "father taste", technically speaking, I am more like a coach. This kind of high-quality companionship is definitely not easy to have two (not to mention the material conditions are not satisfied; the social and institutional support is not enough, and there are many challenges for the mother). On a higher level, I personally have no identification with the country I live in, so naturally I don’t have much confidence to help a newcomer adapt here (—of course, some confidence is still there, for example, it will guide him to understand The nature of a totalitarian/dictatorial state/government, and how to live autonomously, independently, and be the person you want to be - I'm still beating drums in my heart when I talk about this - I feel that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and I should What kind of qualities and knowledge can be cultivated, and how can a person with such a personality be cultivated in such an environment? It requires relevant knowledge such as political philosophy, sociological anthropology, etc., as well as the psychological quality of being tough and tolerant? (For example, Liu Xiaobo, Xu Zhiyong, etc. (including my former colleagues who have been political prisoners in prisons, I admire him/them very much) - I mean that I myself uphold the Western classical liberal political philosophy as my three views, but I'm still not sure I can get my kids to live up to these values, because I don't want to be an authoritative parent (which is against my view), and I also know that children will grow up with a lot of influence from their families. It is difficult to determine how big the impact is. It also requires a game between the family and society, that is, the game between me and the outside world (such as the school education system). By the way, I was more optimistic in the past (when the baby was just born). Yes, now in a few years (2022), hehe, it doesn't seem optimistic. So the phrase "I'm sorry, we are the last generation" that came out during the closure of Shanghai in April was really deafening to me, when it came to my heart I took it seriously, and took it directly as the reason why I chose to be sterilized: to transform my body, so that you will no longer have the opportunity to cut leeks, and your rule will end with me.
No matter how small the operation is, I still have to put myself under the knife after all. I was a little hesitant a few minutes before going to the operating table (because of the need for spinal anesthesia), but I didn’t seem to think too much at that time, and I was very courageous. The outpatient doctor to the operating room doctor anesthesiologist asked me to think carefully, and then it was to confirm the signature. (I have also been operated on twice before, so I am not unfamiliar with the operating room)
When it comes to finding a hospital for this operation, it is also a lot of trouble. In the spring of 2021, after I saw an in-depth report on vasectomy by a reporter I knew before, I followed the interviewee's path (the specific details will not be repeated). Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. After several Internet searches, several phone calls to the Health Commission/Hospital for consultation, and two or three outpatient registrations, I finally found an old professor in a certain hospital (and later in their department in the inpatient department). See the introduction about him on the wall: good at vasectomy. Me: hehe). I got close to the old professor (because I also graduated from medical school), he told me to go home and consider coming back next week, and hinted that as long as it was clear again, he could arrange for a doctor to do it). I would like to thank the old professor for his understanding. In fact, during the whole process, as long as women heard about me, I could feel their attitudes changed immediately and helped me in the way they could. grateful. (And the doctor didn't ask for a marriage certificate, and I saw some experience posts saying that) I was discharged from the hospital about three days after the operation. Now life is normal, and it seems that my sex drive is more vigorous. Things to pay attention to (probably just for myself) are: 1/ Pay attention to your sitting posture, if you sit incorrectly or for too long, you will crush your balls; 2/ Keep regular physical activity (it should be able to consume some semen) ;3/ Maintain a stable sex life~
- Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

To be honest, I seem to be relatively lucky (I need to reflect on this). It may be that my expectations have been lowered. As long as my job/income is stable, and I and my family are healthy, I will be fine. The impact of the epidemic on me and my family is mainly that I can't take my baby to travel abroad to see the world (I worry that TA will become narrow-minded and become a nationalist because of this). In addition, for me, a privacy madman, who has lived for so long in the country with the most developed surveillance technology on the planet, I myself thought, "Oh my God, how did I survive this?" Anyway, I'm still a little lucky (or my concession), in my city, most of the points to check the health code are just to see with the naked eye (other cities seem to actually scan and record the QR code content information), I Often fooled in the past. Of course, this little fluke of mine may also be the beginning of my alienation. Can I still be regarded as a privacy "in-depth patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder"?  

Can it be restored? Hey, that's exactly what worries me. I think this regime is never going to declare an end to the pandemic, it is using this to enforce its authoritarian/totalitarian governance. I think many people have boiled frogs in warm water, and unknowingly agree that this kind of governance is justified. And, without alarmism, I'm starting to believe that the so-called "Cultural Revolution 2.0" is underway. From health code restrictions on travel, to random closure of districts and cities to implement food stamps, from criminals parading the streets, to cracking down on the entertainment and cultural industry (only model games in the future?), to intervening in market-oriented corporate behavior (strike against Internet giants / crackdown on education and training) industry), all of which are worrying whether the planned economy can be successfully implemented without resistance in the future.  

- Where are you (finally) lying flat in 2021?

Lie down, that's my job, I'm handling my job with very low cost/energy, although in December because of a difficult project and a tight schedule, my colleagues and I are working overtime for two or three consecutive weekends, I Also got sick. I wanted to get a certificate but I haven't finished it yet. I wanted to lie down but couldn't. I was half lying...  

- In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

It doesn't seem to be anything special, but the power still comes from open source software and its community, and in this day and age in this place, there is nothing like open source software (and of course hardware, such as PinePhone) that gives me the freedom that is clear and the only freedom left. feelings and thoughts. It is worth mentioning that this year, after a few months of help from friends, I finally got a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org), since then all my personal electronic products are open source - which means : 1) A higher degree of flexibility, freedom and privacy; 2) Getting rid of the domination of tech giants (tech giants are also a type of totalitarianism).  

- In 2021, one of your farewells or encounters is probably to say goodbye to Apple and Stand, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to read more of you, thank you. 
And in 2021, I subscribed to the membership of "Duan". We lost Apple (daily), stand, news, and now it seems that Duan is the only thing left. I hate why I didn't subscribe earlier? For several years, I have used RSS to read news on the side. When I come across a report that I especially want to read in depth, I always regret to see an empty dashed line, and always, I can't help but go back to the previous page to see other things. News and there has been no action to buy a membership. It's a pity that so many interesting and meaningful reports before were too late to read. That's how people are always dragged away by life. (Tell friends in the wall to use RSS to avoid watching over the wall ~ but you may need to set up a high-energy DNS yourself)  

So it was probably around the time of the summer when "Apple" was played, and I took action. After that, I was looking forward to the two-hour commute to work every day. Much more support for independent/journalistic ideals, no chance if you don't.

- How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I know more about my body, yes. Including exercising/rehabilitation from a chronic leg injury, including adjusting my breathing (and finding that drinking the right roast/strength/amount of coffee calms me down and even helps with sleep, I became obsessed with coffee ). Oh, by the way, in the first half of today, I lost 12+ KG through exercise + diet structure adjustment, and I became more energetic and more confident to live longer - yes, it is to fight for a long life with the so-and-so regime. In reading a long article about a metoo incident written by a big cow, a sentence is particularly enlightening, to the effect that the greatest victory as a victim is to see the perpetrator die before you, and to live to the end is victory.  

- Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you met in 2021. I'm glad I accidentally downloaded this heavyweight album in the last days of the year that I'm looking forward to: "Red News Soldier One Photography" The Cultural Revolution in Reporters' Secret Films  

It was only the other day that I learned that the folk singer Zhao has passed away in September 2021, and my heart was shaken. Turning back to his song "Am I the One You Love the Most", the voice is very sincere and full of emotion, lingering with eternal loneliness, helplessness and desire for beauty and love, that is the resonance of me ten years ago, listen to it today Still touching. With hindsight, this song was included in his album "Living in 1988", and I was very emotional. His friend said he was unwilling to accept life in the 21st century, but the number "1988" is too dazzling, I think it is too dazzling for me and many mainlanders, and I also want to live only in 1988. 1988 next year China has changed a lot from now on, what if that year had a different ending?    

- Share moments that mean a lot to you in 2021 with one photo.
(see cover)

- Please fill in the blank: 2021, _*nothing*_ matters

- (Why fill in nothing? I'm afraid it's a bit empty, but in the new year, I still have to love specific people, please supervise me, thank you~)

- Three keywords for 2022:
    - tech for privacy/freedom/OSINT, - social issues, - child development and liberalist education

# My 2021 Annual Questionnaire Hi, I finally climbed to Matt City on the third day of the 2022 New Year (not a question of the ladder), first of all I would like to thank @Matty and @guo for their support and encouragement, saying that I am on my own every day I read Matt City's daily newspaper in the mailbox, which is very warm (it's just that I'm busy every day, so I don't have to go to the website).

Throughout 2021, I'm doing five things: commuting to work, taking a baby, tossing a sideline, hiking/snorkeling/cycling/skating in the wilderness, and finding time to read. Maybe this is called rushing to the road, not asking about the future.

- Write down an event that happened this year that you want to record permanently.

The thing that I want to record permanently must be that I have had a "vasectomy". It was my own decision and on the advice of my lover. At the beginning, of course, we had a consensus that we would no longer have children (there is already a little angel). My wife and I both like children, but we don't have the logic of "one more is the same way". We feel that raising children is a job that requires a lot of physical and mental investment, not only high-quality material investment, but also high-quality spiritual and intellectual investment; not only companionship, but also to face life and society with children. I will not be the father of "father taste", technically speaking, I am more like a coach. This kind of high-quality companionship is definitely not easy to have two (not to mention the material conditions are not satisfied; the social and institutional support is not enough, and there are many challenges for the mother). On a higher level, I personally have no identification with the country I live in, so naturally I don’t have much confidence to help a newcomer adapt here (—of course, some confidence is still there, for example, it will guide him to understand The nature of a totalitarian/dictatorial state/government, and how to live autonomously, independently, and be the person you want to be - I'm still beating drums in my heart when I talk about this - I feel that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders, and I should What kind of qualities and knowledge can be cultivated, and how can a person with such a personality be cultivated in such an environment? It requires relevant knowledge such as political philosophy, sociological anthropology, etc., as well as the psychological quality of being tough and tolerant? (For example, Liu Xiaobo, Xu Zhiyong, etc. (including my former colleagues who have been political prisoners in prisons, I admire him/them very much) - I mean that I myself uphold the Western classical liberal political philosophy as my three views, but I'm still not sure I can get my kids to live up to these values, because I don't want to be an authoritative parent (which is against my view), and I also know that children will grow up with a lot of influence from their families. It is difficult to determine how big the impact is. It also requires a game between the family and society, that is, the game between me and the outside world (such as the school education system). By the way, I was more optimistic in the past (when the baby was just born). Yes, now in a few years (2022), hehe, it doesn't seem optimistic. So the phrase "I'm sorry, we are the last generation" that came out during the closure of Shanghai in April was really deafening to me, when it came to my heart I took it seriously, and took it directly as the reason why I chose to be sterilized: to transform my body, so that you will no longer have the opportunity to cut leeks, and your rule will end with me.
No matter how small the operation is, I still have to put myself under the knife after all. I was a little hesitant a few minutes before going to the operating table (because of the need for spinal anesthesia), but I didn’t seem to think too much at that time, and I was very courageous. The outpatient doctor to the operating room doctor anesthesiologist asked me to think carefully, and then it was to confirm the signature. (I have also been operated on twice before, so I am not unfamiliar with the operating room)
When it comes to finding a hospital for this operation, it is also a lot of trouble. In the spring of 2021, after I saw an in-depth report on vasectomy by a reporter I knew before, I followed the interviewee's path (the specific details will not be repeated). Fortunately, I was relatively lucky. After several Internet searches, several phone calls to the Health Commission/Hospital for consultation, and two or three outpatient registrations, I finally found an old professor in a certain hospital (and later in their department in the inpatient department). See the introduction about him on the wall: good at vasectomy. Me: hehe). I got close to the old professor (because I also graduated from medical school), he told me to go home and consider coming back next week, and hinted that as long as it was clear again, he could arrange for a doctor to do it). I would like to thank the old professor for his understanding. In fact, during the whole process, as long as women heard about me, I could feel their attitudes changed immediately and helped me in the way they could. grateful. (And the doctor didn't ask for a marriage certificate, and I saw some experience posts saying that) I was discharged from the hospital about three days after the operation. Now life is normal, and it seems that my sex drive is more vigorous. Things to pay attention to (probably just for myself) are: 1/ Pay attention to your sitting posture, if you sit incorrectly or for too long, you will crush your balls; 2/ Keep regular physical activity (it should be able to consume some semen) ;3/ Maintain a stable sex life~
- Two full years have passed, and the epidemic is still going on. How has the pandemic changed your life compared to two years ago? Do you think it can be restored?

To be honest, I seem to be relatively lucky (I need to reflect on this). It may be that my expectations have been lowered. As long as my job/income is stable, and I and my family are healthy, I will be fine. The impact of the epidemic on me and my family is mainly that I can't take my baby to travel abroad to see the world (I worry that TA will become narrow-minded and become a nationalist because of this). In addition, for me, a privacy madman, who has lived for so long in the country with the most developed surveillance technology on the planet, I myself thought, "Oh my God, how did I survive this?" Anyway, I'm still a little lucky (or my concession), in my city, most of the points to check the health code are just to see with the naked eye (other cities seem to actually scan and record the QR code content information), I Often fooled in the past. Of course, this little fluke of mine may also be the beginning of my alienation. Can I still be regarded as a privacy "in-depth patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder"?  

Can it be restored? Hey, that's exactly what worries me. I think this regime is never going to declare an end to the pandemic, it is using this to enforce its authoritarian/totalitarian governance. I think many people have boiled frogs in warm water, and unknowingly agree that this kind of governance is justified. And, without alarmism, I'm starting to believe that the so-called "Cultural Revolution 2.0" is underway. From health code restrictions on travel, to random closure of districts and cities to implement food stamps, from criminals parading the streets, to cracking down on the entertainment and cultural industry (only model games in the future?), to intervening in market-oriented corporate behavior (strike against Internet giants / crackdown on education and training) industry), all of which are worrying whether the planned economy can be successfully implemented without resistance in the future.  

- Where are you (finally) lying flat in 2021?

Lie down, that's my job, I'm handling my job with very low cost/energy, although in December because of a difficult project and a tight schedule, my colleagues and I are working overtime for two or three consecutive weekends, I Also got sick. I wanted to get a certificate but I haven't finished it yet. I wanted to lie down but couldn't. I was half lying...  

- In 2021, what will give you the deepest sense of meaning or give you the greatest sense of power?

It doesn't seem to be anything special, but the power still comes from open source software and its community, and in this day and age in this place, there is nothing like open source software (and of course hardware, such as PinePhone) that gives me the freedom that is clear and the only freedom left. feelings and thoughts. It is worth mentioning that this year, after a few months of help from friends, I finally got a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org), since then all my personal electronic products are open source - which means : 1) A higher degree of flexibility, freedom and privacy; 2) Getting rid of the domination of tech giants (tech giants are also a type of totalitarianism).  

- In 2021, one of your farewells or encounters is probably to say goodbye to Apple and Stand, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to read more of you, thank you. 
And in 2021, I subscribed to the membership of "Duan". We lost Apple (daily), stand, news, and now it seems that Duan is the only thing left. I hate why I didn't subscribe earlier? For several years, I have used RSS to read news on the side. When I come across a report that I especially want to read in depth, I always regret to see an empty dashed line, and always, I can't help but go back to the previous page to see other things. News and there has been no action to buy a membership. It's a pity that so many interesting and meaningful reports before were too late to read. That's how people are always dragged away by life. (Tell friends in the wall to use RSS to avoid watching over the wall ~ but you may need to set up a high-energy DNS yourself)  

So it was probably around the time of the summer when "Apple" was played, and I took action. After that, I was looking forward to the two-hour commute to work every day. Much more support for independent/journalistic ideals, no chance if you don't.

- How has your relationship with your body changed compared to last year? Do you like your current body more?

I know more about my body, yes. Including exercising/rehabilitation from a chronic leg injury, including adjusting my breathing (and finding that drinking the right roast/strength/amount of coffee calms me down and even helps with sleep, I became obsessed with coffee ). Oh, by the way, in the first half of today, I lost 12+ KG through exercise + diet structure adjustment, and I became more energetic and more confident to live longer - yes, it is to fight for a long life with the so-and-so regime. In reading a long article about a metoo incident written by a big cow, a sentence is particularly enlightening, to the effect that the greatest victory as a victim is to see the perpetrator die before you, and to live to the end is victory.  

- Share with us a good book, a good movie or a good song you met in 2021. I'm glad I accidentally downloaded this heavyweight album in the last days of the year that I'm looking forward to: "Red News Soldier One Photography" The Cultural Revolution in Reporters' Secret Films  

It was only the other day that I learned that the folk singer Zhao has passed away in September 2021, and my heart was shaken. Turning back to his song "Am I the One You Love the Most", the voice is very sincere and full of emotion, lingering with eternal loneliness, helplessness and desire for beauty and love, that is the resonance of me ten years ago, listen to it today Still touching. With hindsight, this song was included in his album "Living in 1988", and I was very emotional. His friend said he was unwilling to accept life in the 21st century, but the number "1988" is too dazzling, I think it is too dazzling for me and many mainlanders, and I also want to live only in 1988. 1988 next year China has changed a lot from now on, what if that year had a different ending?    

- Share moments that mean a lot to you in 2021 with one photo.
(see cover)

- Please fill in the blank: 2021, _*nothing*_ matters

- (Why fill in nothing? I'm afraid it's a bit empty, but in the new year, I still have to love specific people, please supervise me, thank you~)

- Three keywords for 2022:
    - tech for privacy/freedom/OSINT, - social issues, - child development and liberalist education

- (Why fill in nothing? I'm afraid it's a bit empty, but in the new year, I still have to love specific people, please supervise me, thank you~)

- Three keywords for 2022:
    - tech for privacy/freedom/OSINT, - social issues, - child development and liberalist education


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

UglyBullCrypto Anarchist, UNIX nerd/geek, FOSS advocate Liberalist, Feminist, ex-NGOer (由于本号非匿名,所以发表的内容不多,不问前程,继续赶路)
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透明度报告 | 我的喝茶經歷 - 2019.10.01