Lian Yuhan: Shanqiang Library

What kind of adventure story will the timid Shan Qiang come from the forest to the city?
Image source: blog

The author Lian Yuhan once said that he likes the Shan Qiang very much. The Shan Qiang, which looks like a sheep but belongs to the deer family, is distributed throughout Taiwan and belongs to herbivorous animals. Eyes are full of spirituality, which made Lian Yuhan feel connected to each other at a certain moment when he looked at Shan Qiang. In addition, he was petite, low-key, and did not like crowds... and other similar characteristics, so that Lian Yuhan occasionally thought that Shan Qiang might be a Her guardian spirit, so the title of this book was born.

Lian Yuhan's seemingly peaceful appearance has delicate and sensitive observation skills. Sometimes she feels shy, but she can also feel that she is full of curiosity and enthusiasm for life, and even she never hides the characteristics that she has been regarded as "weird" since she was a child. , whether she is collecting bread crumbs for ants to eat, or observing the patterns of honeycombs, she can see that she places herself in a part of nature, and looks at the development of life from the perspective of an observer, not from the perspective of likes and dislikes. Judge these creatures.

However, the girl from the mountain has to go down the mountain after all. Even if the flowers in the greenhouse have been over-protected for a long time, they still have to face all kinds of dazzling tests brought by the city. Fortunately, she is a girl without a frame, so she Just like her status as an actress, she can accept different dresses and appearances, and she doesn't even insist on hairstyles. She thinks her hair belongs to the character, just like she played someone else instead of herself after the show, so she naturally overcomes it. She is shy by nature, but after the play she is still the literate young girl who never leaves her book. She always lives her life at her own slow pace, occasionally taking bold steps to advance in an unknown direction.

In the book, you can read Lian Yuhan's true analysis of himself, the embarrassing childhood, the lack of sense of direction, the truth of ugly words... Even the petite height and the appearance of the girl next door are almost perfect The distance of reaching the standard is very kind, but Lian Yu Han, who laughs at himself for being one step behind others, feels the small changes in life with his heart without anxiety, and turns it into words, and can feel her love for all things life. The cherishing and enthusiasm of her, and she can also smile knowingly at her laziness and leisure. No wonder she said that although she was busy in acting, she felt that her body had improved. I think it was because the body and mind were injected with energy and thoroughly washed. ? !

Sometimes I think about why some people feel very depressed while others are in the midst of the turbulence of the mundane world, while others are out of the mud and not stained? I think it is the difference of mood. When we focus on our own interests, we can naturally isolate the noisy outside world and play our role well. I think from this book, I can read Lian Yuhan who is free and comfortable.

Image credit: Kate Culture


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