Work Essay - Lack of Confidence


Recently, at work, I often encounter that the program is full of holes like a sieve during the acceptance of the functions developed by myself.

Sometimes the planning book is not read completely (“If you have a problem, if you don’t understand the description, ask, and don’t develop it because you think you understand it” by planning), and sometimes it is because of your own program logic error. But the latter is a bit hard to forgive. The training requirements for programming competitions in the student days are to be careful and careful. I also think that I have done a good job. Why is it so full of flaws now?

The seniors in the team are all good, and they will answer my questions seriously. When I make mistakes, there will be an annoyed expression, but they still don't blame me. In many cases, because I am a newcomer, I am given more time to familiarize myself with existing functions and new technologies. Because of their gentleness and tolerance, I began to feel guilty and doubt, "Am I really suitable for this business?"

In the past two weeks, I was in a tense state when I went to work, and I could even hear my heart beating very fast. When the new function is launched, it is ready to deal with possible errors at any time. In addition, there is a standard process for the operation. The progress of the demand list on the management system should be updated according to the process... The following is omitted.

The function I developed last week originally wanted to take a day off, but the acceptance process needs to be manually executed, modify the data, and if an error is detected, it needs to be modified immediately and then please plan for re-acceptance, otherwise the acceptance of other functions may be delayed. As a result, the official launch time was also delayed, and in fact, it was indeed delayed by a day this time.

Then work on the next stage assigned by the target meeting, which is more complicated and more important than the function just completed. In case of a mistake, the scope of the impact is greater, so now the pressure is even greater than before, "This is not the time to ask for leave at all, what are you doing? Just kidding!" he shouted in his heart.

Especially when I encountered an online error yesterday, I found out that the problem was caused by my program logic. The modification process is time-consuming and has no real output. It is just eliminating my own karma, and it is full of self-blame and powerlessness. This part may be later. Post another post.

My current mentality is to regard this recent feeling as a challenge to stay in this industry. If I can't keep up, I am afraid that I am not suitable for this industry. I will encounter the same problems in other companies in the future. The reason is that this place is very suitable for growth. environment.

If I don't do this, what else can I do? How many years can I stay in this business? Sometimes so cranky.

Although I will work hard to become stronger, it is still a question mark if I can keep up.

But for the sake of salary and worthy of this salary, let's continue to struggle now. And looking back at the functions developed last year, the difficulty is much lower for me now, maybe this is growth.

Maybe the future self will feel the same way now, looking forward to that day.


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