What kind of certificates are Japanese college students keen to take?

If you have friends who plan to come to Japan to work in the future, some global certificates, such as CFP/AFP or MOS, can be evaluated first and considered whether to get them in Taiwan first, because the cost of studying and taking exams in Japan is usually higher than that in Taiwan.

The Japanese have always been keen on research photos, and with the changes of the times, the ranking of popular licenses has changed. Under the prolonged epidemic, what kind of certificates do Japanese college students think are the most helpful for employment?

lifelong learning/pixabay

According to the statistics of the well-known Japanese correspondence education institution "Yuキャン ( U-CAN )", "ファイナンシャルプランナー" (Financial planner) is referred to as FP . The United States first began to design this kind of license qualification, and Japan followed closely, with a national license " There are also private CFP/AFP. Homestead construction takes the national license of the "Real Estate Broker" in Taiwan. IT licenses are also very popular, such as MOS ... Want to eat "MOS Burger", uh, not this, but "マイクロソフトオフィススペシャリスト" ( MICrosoft Office Specialist ) Chinese name is Microsoft Office Software Application Ability Certification. In addition, "IT パス ポ ート" (IT passport) can be guessed by how much the name is. In Japan's national exam, the winner proves that they have IT-related knowledge.

The number of people who took the exams for the above certificates has increased a lot compared to before the epidemic, and the IT passports for the age group of college students have doubled. Other civil servant lectures and English-related tests, which have always been very popular, remain popular. In the current epidemic era, in order to increase the admission rate of employment, Japanese college students are also working very hard.

It is only based on the type of work and from the standpoint of the enterprise, the IT license only ensures that the holder has at least a certain basic IT knowledge or related capabilities, and they pay more attention to the practical ability of program development. The HR of Mercari , a Japanese second-hand trading platform, said that in the audition stage, the candidates will see whether they have their own blog or content on the GitHub platform.

Japan's IT industry has always lacked sufficient technical talents. Many liberal arts college students, such as economics and law students, also participate in programming language classrooms to learn their second specialty. After graduation, they switch to engineers in IT companies.

If you have friends who plan to come to Japan to work in the future, some global certificates, such as CFP/AFP or MOS, can be evaluated first and considered whether to get them in Taiwan first, because the cost of studying and taking exams in Japan is usually higher than that in Taiwan.


U-CAN is a long-established correspondence education institution in Japan, offering up to about 160 lectures (Chinese: courses) on certificates, qualifications, hobbies, foreign languages, etc. Since its opening, more than 18 million people have participated in the course, and when it comes to U-CAN in Japan, it can be said that no one knows about it.

U-CAN official website

2022/01/24 posted.


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