I, have a new challenge? (2)

I really think this job allows me to learn more, see more and grow more.

Continuing from the previous article , I said that I will go to other branches to inspect and understand the details of the work. Today, let’s share what I saw and learned that day.

After budgeting for the advance time early that morning, I went to the gas station to fill up the gas, open the map and navigate and I set off. (The night before, I was so nervous that I didn't know how many times I woke up in the night.) Everything went smoothly on the highway, probably because it was the MCO period, so there were not many cars on the road. However, I soon encountered the first setback, the original location was the Butterworth Navigator for some reason, and it took me on the Penang Bridge to enter Penang! I was really panicked at that time. The main thing was that I was worried that I would be late for the first meeting with my future boss and I would lose impression points. Then I finally made a wrong turn when I came back from Penang and entered the center of Butterworth! At that time, I was really upset and upset. Although I had already informed the other party that I would be late and he said he would wait for me, I still cared about being late. The second time I went the wrong way, I thought for a while that I might not reach my destination. After stopping by the road to calm down for a while, I continued to drive to my destination again. This time I finally arrived successfully. My first solo long-distance car challenge was half the battle.

I met with my future boss, his name is Amin. He is the sales manager of the head office department. This time, he was appointed by the company's boss to take over the baking business in the northern region. He said that he also had no experience before taking over for the first time, and we could learn together. This reassures me a lot. Perhaps because he is a salesman who travels around the world all the year round to meet different people, I think he is a friendly and talkative person. It was actually his weekend, but he was willing to drive me to the Ipoh branch to find out the situation. Along the way, Amin instructed me on many matters at work and shared his personal experience with me, and also tried to solve it for me after he knew about my traffic problem. From getting along all day, I feel that he will be a good boss who thinks about his subordinates. I hope my feeling is correct. After experiencing the current job, I really realize that there is no bad job, only bad environment and bosses.

On that day, we went to three branches in different regions. Abang Sham, the quality inspection manager, explained to me all the procedures and details from the opening of the store in the morning to the end. Abang Sham people are very friendly and will teach and explain to me earnestly. At the same time, he is also a serious and responsible person for his work. I appreciate his work attitude. I will also be taught by him for my formal training in Ipoh and I can't wait to learn from him. Because I have never been in this business before, this trip has really taught me a lot. Of course, I also understand that what is known so far is only superficial, and there are more things that need to be started and experienced before we can understand. I really think this job allows me to learn more, see more and grow more.

After visiting for a day, I drove home from Beihai at around 7:30 pm. Since it's getting dark sooner than later, it's a little scary that there aren't many dark vehicles on the highway. I was very worried that I would go the wrong way again and don't know where I was going. Fortunately, my boyfriend accompanies me on the phone all the way, which makes me feel more at ease. In the end, I got home safely without any risk. It was my first time driving a long-distance car challenge. It was a success. The work will officially start next week, and now I have started to recruit employees. I hope this is the right job and meeting the right boss and team will bring me more room for progress and growth. come on!


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夏芊90后摩羯座女孩 最近忙很少上线,发了文章就下了。 不过一有空上线时就会回复评论和逐一给大家拍拍回。谢谢那些不离不弃给我拍拍的朋友们~
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