"Just right" turned out to be so beautiful

Learn wisdom from children, and adults can learn it too.

"Just Right You Confess"

I just want

You just came to me

Just now, let's go together

"Just Right I Said"

It's just that we have a tacit understanding

Just now, we're all ready to go

Just right, we are all looking forward to the unknown surprise

The above is the inspiration my daughter gave me. Two days ago, my daughter used "just right" to make a sentence (don't doubt that she is only four years old). Many things are not necessarily coincidences, but she used "just right" to express her feelings for many things. From a positive point of view, it seems that everything is "just right" and I feel happy inside.

In my opinion, such self-satisfied thinking has inspired me a lot. When we take many daily things for granted, we actually forget the throbbing of longing and getting , through my daughter The reinterpretation of the book made me realize that many of the beautiful moments in life are only from the ordinary, and those ordinary are so precious but easy to be ignored.

The "just right" in the daughter's mouth means "acceptance" rather than "wrongedness" . Sometimes she will use "just right" to comfort herself when the result is not as expected, saying that the second choice is not bad . It is quite difficult for a child with high persistence and a habit of breaking down when encountering setbacks. It turns out that she reinterpreted the "it's okay" in the adult mouth , and she said "just right" when she couldn't buy the biscuits she wanted the most. "I also want to eat this (second choice), when my mother doesn't agree to take me to the place I want to go, I also tell myself "just right" I also want to go to another place, of course not every time it will be "just right" ”, but the child learned that the world does not revolve only around us, we will always face the time when our expectations fail, and when we are helpless, we learn to find a reason to appease our hearts, and that is the magic of the three words “just right”. magical effect.

Accept the imperfection of reality and accept your hurt heart.
Reinterpreting the imperfections of reality so that broken hearts can be repaired.

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射手媽咪婷婷射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91
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