Mind-Body Notes #5: Why Write Mind-Body Notes

Will Liu
"Notes on Mind and Body" is published every Tuesday and Friday, sending issues of physical and mental care and spiritual growth. Each letter is about 1,500 to 2,500 words in length, focusing on the sharing of mental methods and methods, and the reading time is about 5 minutes.
This is Will 's Newsletter, welcome to subscribe , forward, reply, and support.

After re-anchoring , I re-titled the second category I wanted to write about, "Mind and Mind Notes," so this is the first publication after the name change, but I'll continue the previous order, which is the fifth period e-newsletter.

It has been six years since I studied the body and mind. Every day, I have some new ideas. I want to learn a little more, and then do a little more new attempts. The three things "heart" and "spirit" give rise to a new understanding.

I was very impressed. When I was taking courses related to physical and mental studies, I chatted with my classmates after class, and I was always amazed by the breadth of their studies. I was also surprised. Presumably very few people will be in different courses at the same time. In the field, there is some ink.

After thinking about it, although I learned a lot, what did I really accumulate? very little. It is rarely used in my life every day, but I can also use it at my fingertips when I need it. This also caused me to constantly ask myself, what exactly do I have to learn and aim for? What kind of person do you want to be.

For some time now, my answer to this question has been rather vague. Looking back, earlier, the way I dealt with this problem was to choose to continue learning.

I am very fortunate and grateful that God has given me something to learn quickly and a responsive brain.

There are good and bad in this way of handling. The bad part is that I always forget to accumulate, and I rarely have time to transform; the good part is that through a lot of learning, I can find more similarities and similarities.

For example, Reiki is a simple energy technique, but in the process of learning, the qi and energy of the interaction between the universe and the human body are also shown in mind-body science.

The self-exploration of each body structure emphasized in mind-body science also simultaneously improves the ability to understand organs and tissues more quickly and dance with them when performing energy restoration (EO).

Tarot cards and many cards can talk to everyone's heart from an objective perspective of a third party, but they can also learn the important meaning of divination in many studies, so as to regain their right to choose .

After accumulating a lot, it comes to a point in time that it needs to be transformed into another kind of nutrient to nourish itself differently. This is also the core meaning of my renaming the e-newsletter as "Mind and Mind Notes".

Why carry this content in the form of an e-newsletter? I wrote it yesterday. To put it more directly, the e-newsletter is a product that I think is the most suitable for sharing on the Internet and can generate profit potential. So I choose to share what I want to share with my body and mind, and send it to subscribers in emails. [Extended reading: A wealthy life after work-why write an e-newsletter-#2 ]

The emergence of physical and mental notes has many levels of meaning and ideals. A big focus is on "organizing oneself". I read a diary last month and pointed out a concept " a second price ". , I went back to the original place to read the content, only to find that my study was missing such a piece:

in order to make use of the thing, you must also pay a second price. This is the effort and initiative required to gain its benefits, and it can be much higher than the first price.

I'm too used to identifying my learning status at the first price, but I often don't afford the second price. For example, in the Kobo e-book reader, there are still hundreds of books that were bought at half-price discounts that year; the actual completion rate of courses purchased on various online platforms is less than 10%; for the study of body and mind, many only stay Above the classroom, there is no return to life.

I want to change this too much, especially when I feel that I have reached a stage of learning. For the accumulation of input (input) and the use of no output (output), the physical response is directly more tired.

I just saw an e-newsletter that mentioned an article about Feynman's study method , which awakened my good memory of reading "Don't make trouble, Mr. Feynman", and got a closer understanding of the most important learning. It is continuous simplification and sharing after output.

Mind and Body Notes was born here.

This is an experimental product, and I plan to use the form of an e-newsletter to organize the knowledge of the body, mind, and self that I have learned in the past, and share it with you.

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I am writing here. Will , the future manager of Six Meters , 👉 [ Click here ] to subscribe to the e-newsletter📥 is the best support for my continuous creation.

— On the way forward, you need a "trustworthy friend" —

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Will Liu懂命理、會改運,喜好分享、樂於助人的生活實踐者。最新資訊請前往 ➤ https://eyewithouts.com ⏎
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