Memories in Diary (5) Love


"are you happy? 』

This is the first sentence she asked me, and I think this is also the biggest question in my heart in the past few years!

In the end, we didn't talk about speculation and parted ways. Even so, she was my best friend with different surnames. The eight or nine years of friendship always knew my heart well, and her words would stab me like an arrow every time. The key point, and I still do not recognize her analysis.

Leaving her residence and walking on this deserted path, I don't know how many times I've walked along this path where no one can see the lights since I was a child, but this time I felt extremely lonely. My friend said it well, I always refuse other people's concern, I am too insistent to hide myself will end up so lonely. Do you feel the same way about the lack of full moonlight? Light up your smoke and fill your void with this spark. . .

It's been a week since I returned to Taipei from Hualien. I play with the treasure I found in Qixingtan from time to time. It's a bit round but has a missing corner. When I look closely, it's covered in a layer of fog. I tell my friends that it's called "fog". White". And my friends are always laughing at how old I am with so many weird terms. It's no wonder they say that about me, and all they see in their eyes is just that layer of fog!

"Hey, what are your plans next? ' asked my friend who came to see me in Taichung.

"Work! 』 Reached out his hand and flicked the ashtray in the ashtray, and answered his friend smoothly.

"I don't mean that, I mean don't you have girlfriends, don't get married? ' The friend explained what he had just asked.

Looking over at Xi Naosheng, I saw a group of children playing the game of chasing. Turning around to look at the group of friends, I burst out laughing unconsciously. I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. Looking at it again, it turned out that I was the only one left.

"Say more! Say it again! ' Use the usual perfunctory words to carry the words over.

My friends all looked at me with disdain, and then laughed together.

"I have a friend, can I introduce you to me? ' The wife of a friend who came up from Taichung asked my wish.

When I frowned and was about to speak, my friend reached out and gave me a nod to interrupt me.

"Don't mention such a thing! ' The friend turned to his wife and said solemnly.

Seeing my friend's wife bewildered made me feel embarrassed. After all, she didn't know that "introduction" was the thing I disliked the most.

"gone! Otherwise, the time will be too late. ' Another friend who came up from Taichung yelled at everyone to go out.

"Haha, let's go! Go" nodded to his friends and his wife, walked to the hall where the children were playing, and told the children to stop playing and go to dinner.

I picked up my friend's child and let him ride on my neck. The child happily waved and called to my friend. My friend and his wife also forgot the embarrassment just now and laughed.

"Come down quickly! ' My friend, his wife embarrassedly called the child to come down quickly.

"it's okay! ' said to his friend's wife.

"Let's go! ' Turning around, the child laughed even more happily.

The bursts of laughter sounded in my ears and fermented in my heart, I like children!

With the gentle night wind blowing, this meal was enjoyable. Fragrance has replaced brandy, tea has replaced toast, and I am very happy to eat at this warm feast in Maokong. This is also the first time I have participated in the family gathering of the same ladder since I was discharged from the army.

"Come on one? ' said the friend and handed him a cigarette.

"No! I want to enjoy this uncluttered air, and you don't have to smoke. ' said he put his friend's cigarette into his cigarette case.

Yes, how long has it been since I breathed this fresh and chaotic air? I closed my eyes and felt the wind blowing with my body, took a deep breath to fill my lungs with the breath of the mountains, turned off the murmur in my heart, and listened to the voice of the world quietly. Only at this moment did I feel that I was not separated from the world in the small world of my life.

Relying on the low hurdles, watching the children playing in the courtyard happily, the friends can hear their laughter from time to time while talking. Looking up at the cloudless night sky, the moon is still missing a full moon, but tonight I will no longer fill the gap with subtle fireworks.

love? I don't, but now I have the warmth that love can't give me. If family, friendship and love can only choose two, I think I will give up love!


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BadorNice化生活感想為不入流文章詩句,和心有同感的四方來友交流心聲 *文章內大部份封面圖片皆來自https://pixabay.com免費網站*
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