in pokhara

  • 2012-7-31 Art of Happiness

Speaking of the book (the Dalai Lama ), I think I really benefited a lot. No wonder there are many books about the Lama in Nepal bookstores, and even many tourist souvenirs are about him. I bought a small badge, the kind that sticks to the wall, I hope it won't be found by the customs. There are also playing cards from Erotic Palace Tu, huh, these are not available in China, and it is interesting to think about taking them back to give to friends, but I don't dare to bring more, for fear of problems.

I have an appointment for paragliding tomorrow. The squid was suggested earlier not to be missed, but I didn't really care. But yesterday in the hotel yard, I saw a paraglider floating in the sky, and I heard screams from a girl, and I was suddenly very tempted. I went to the landing site today and stepped on the lower point, I met a white woman on the road, crying all the way, I stopped and asked her what was wrong, if she wanted to help, but she gave her two middle fingers and called "Fuck off"! I think it may be because Gliding was frightened and walked away with a smile. Later, when it rained, I asked for a bottle of beer at the restaurant by the lake halfway, and when I saw her returning the same way, she was still crying and scolding, as if she was a little out of spirit. In any case, it's very pitiful. I'm in a bad mood when I'm alone in an affair, but unfortunately I can't help her!

  • 2012-08-01 13:38:44 Pokhara is raining

In the rain, today's gliding was ruined. Eat, drink, read books, surf the Internet, do laundry, one word: stay home!

  • 2012-08-01 20:20:09 Mosquitoes in Pokhara

The worst thing these days is the mosquito's hickey all over his body. The pimple is not big, but it is very itchy.

It rained all day, and neither could gliding nor rowing.

  • 2012-08-03 05:12:36 The last night in Pokhara

The last night in Pokhara, sleepless all night.

It was still raining, for two or three days in a row, it stopped for one afternoon and let me ski for a while, and it was over without feeling anything. Looking at Fewa Lake from the air, it feels so small. It was only when I looked at Bock, I realized that it was very big. There was an egret flying over the low lake under my feet. At that moment, I felt a little magical. Before takeoff, the pilot solemnly told me twice: Promise you will not stop running! Made me nervous. I thought I would take off from a big platform, but who knew I just found a small hillside and ran a few steps to the edge of the cliff. I was dragged by the paraglider and couldn't start very fast, but I still had to move forward. , Maybe there is someone behind him, he has a bottom line in his heart, and he jumped without any timidity.

After skating at the sports car station, I went to buy a ticket to Jiadu tomorrow, 550rs, the price has increased, and some people spent 400rs half a month ago.

I came back and passed by the legendary Orchid Restaurant. I ate a tofu and two bowls of rice, which cost 350rs. Anyway, Chinese restaurants are more expensive, and hotels opened by Chinese in Canada are also more expensive than those opened by locals. There is still a market, and there are only so many Chinese people. There are so many restaurants in Pokhara, I think the Chinese restaurant is the best business, and the Chinese restaurant where I ate steamed lake fish at noon is also. The best thing about eating in a Chinese restaurant is that you don't have to look at a bunch of unfamiliar items on the menu and order food in English. You can relax. In addition, there is free tea to drink.

I set my alarm for five, ready to get up and pack up and walk to the station to catch the train. Several young Chinese people living in the hotel chatted in the courtyard until a little more. They went into the house and slept, but I couldn't sleep, my body was itchy, and the pimples hadn't dissipated. I suddenly had an idea just now, so many small bumps, could it be caused by soil and water, not mosquitoes?

  • 2012-08-03 23:53:19 Back to Kathmandu

I only arrived in Jiadu at 6 o’clock tonight. The road was foggy, and the traffic jam was terrible. The last 19 kilometers was walked for four hours (God, if I were now, I would get out of the car and run over.) . I ate something casually on the side of Tamil, and then went back to the house where I lived last time, and I saw that the proprietress was amiable. After putting away my things, I went out for a walk, and accidentally spent the few thousand dollars left on my body to only a few dozen dollars. Haha, I plan to exchange the only 300 yuan in RMB for rupees tomorrow, buy some small things, and go to Zhangmu the day after tomorrow. Once you get back to your heart, you can't take it anymore!


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