
Mr. Lu Xun has a famous saying: "The brave are angry and draw the sword to the stronger; the cowardly are angry and draw the sword to the weaker." I hope there are only the brave and not the coward in the small town.

The most important thing in being a person is to face reality. Evasion may be useful, but it is shameful and unpleasant for everyone. Although I have misjudged the situation and made wrong decisions before, in this extraordinary period, personal face is no longer the most important thing. Everything All should adapt to the situation, use a resolute attitude, act quickly, not afraid of being criticized and questioned, solve the problem, and then bravely stand up to the masses. I'm talking about my hair. Due to the ongoing epidemic, the barber shop was closed. Earlier, I kept saying that I would just let it go and wait until the market opened. However, as the anti-epidemic measures were extended again, I finally couldn't bear it anymore. I returned to my hometown yesterday and borrowed my father's electric scissors. , I watched two teaching videos on the Internet, understood the basic principles, and with the help of my family, completed the feat of cutting my own hair for the first time in my life.

In the early days of the epidemic, I would go back to my hometown to assist the two elderly people with antigen self-testing, and I would also drive them to a site where they did not have to travel too much when they were doing the national inspection. However, after the epidemic prevention measures became stricter, the government urged that cross-regional inspections should not be carried out. They took advantage of the elderly to go to bed early and get up early, and walked slowly to the nearest inspection station before the light of day. Optimistically speaking when it's a morning run. As for the antigen test, because they have done it many times over and over, and TV shows teaching videos from time to time, they have gradually become more comfortable with it. I said that I wanted to go back to my hometown to borrow electric scissors. It was actually a good excuse. I couldn’t see my parents for two or three weeks. The mind is sometimes immeasurable.

Maybe because it was a Sunday, the ATMs in the sparrow garden were out of cash. I went to several places to find one that could provide normal services. Although electronic payment is very common these days, as far as I can see yesterday, people want to withdraw cash every time they go to an ATM. Of course, they will be disappointed when they find that they can't get the money.

After a long absence, I gossip with my parents, check their mental outlook, and see if the supplies are sufficient. Under the epidemic, the elderly are stuck at home for a long time, stop social activities, and cannot see their children and grandchildren. .

Relative stillness is not a piece of paper, but a restriction on the freedom of hundreds of thousands of people, the livelihoods of the entire city, and the various ideas of people.

Since the outbreak of the plague on June 18, Macao has experienced a state of emergency for three weeks, and a week of relatively static measures. The national inspection has been carried out ten times, many districts have been closed and most people have stayed at home. , commercial activities are almost completely stopped, and all casinos are temporarily closed. Even so, the number of infected people is still increasing. Although there has not been a large outbreak of geometric progression, the source of community transmission has not yet been found. Therefore, the government has decided to extend the "relatively static" measures for five days starting today, and continue to suspend non-life support Necessary industrial and commercial activities and venue operations, and three consecutive rounds of national inspections are arranged.

Seeing that all industries are in recession and people are panicking, no one can say that Macao people will not cooperate with the fight against the epidemic or support various policies and measures, but at such a high price, it seems that the unswerving goal has not yet been achieved, and there is still no end to the long road. , Everyone can only sigh helplessly: Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

In the past two days, people's shock and anger can be seen everywhere on the Internet. I silently observed the various opinions, but restrained myself from saying a word. This is because I am bored and have nothing to say. More importantly, I think it is better to speak on social platforms after careful consideration, and I don’t want to let my momentary emotions affect others.

In fact, the disaster is a foregone conclusion, and everyone will cooperate with various measures. As for the final result after a high degree of cooperation, we can only wait and see.

However, there are two things that are worth noting and vigilant about. One is that netizens criticize each other; the other is that citizens report each other. Criticizing each other is because people see remarks that do not agree with them and they fight back, and some people are organized to stir up troubles and divide the masses. It is one thing for the parties concerned to achieve their own goals, and it is another matter whether we should spend time onlookers and booing. They report each other because some extreme measures have caused people’s extreme reactions. When they see someone putting a dog on the street, wearing the wrong mask, doing sports, or some suspected illegal behavior in a gray area, some people will take pictures immediately if they get the treasure. Putting down the evidence and putting it online for everyone to criticize, in order to receive the effect of reporting, is of course a legitimate action to cooperate with the epidemic prevention measures, but if this kind of whistle-blowing atmosphere becomes more and more common because of the anti-epidemic, it is more and more reasonable. , it means that another Pandora's box has been opened, and the harmonious atmosphere and human sense of Macau Street may be further damaged. This is not to say that you should not reflect your opinions when you encounter problems, but there is indeed a difference between seeing a porter's mask loosening at work and seeing someone looting on the street. Just a little empathy. Mr. Lu Xun has a famous saying: "The brave are angry and draw the sword to the stronger; the cowardly are angry and draw the sword to the weaker." I hope there are only the brave and not the coward in the small town.

During this period of time, everyone was tired and irritable, but petty citizens criticizing each other and reporting on each other would only make each other's living space worse, make everyone's freedom more restricted, and may also make people who should have the main responsibility. People take advantage of the endless disputes over trivial matters in society and easily shed their responsibilities. This kind of thing has happened many times in history, and it is not difficult to understand.

Staring at the TV news, how fragile people are, how illusory the city’s former prosperity was, the virus is invisible and described everywhere, we are confined and trapped at home, and we also feel all kinds of invisible and unknown things. Threats, as if every day are struggling between life and death, and can only be so humble, there is no other option.

The temporary inability to go out is only a superficial inconvenience. What is really worrying is how the society and economy will recover. Initially, people resisted getting the vaccine, but in order to survive, most people got it. At first, people felt that the national inspection and inspection team had attracted many people, but in order to survive, we have conducted both self-inspection and inspection in the whole city in the past month. Initially, people were afraid that the city would be locked down, but in order to survive, the measures restricting people's freedom of movement were named relative inactivity, and everyone suffered for a week, and then another five days. From resistance to acceptance, it only takes a process and some means, but the real horror is that when everything is accustomed to it, the next time a virus strikes, we will be quite familiar with all kinds of extreme measures, fully cooperate, and even some people will take the initiative to cater to them. In the past, our foundation was indeed thick enough, but now it is not what it used to be. How many times can we withstand such an impact? How long will such a day last? Everyone might as well think about it, should these questions be asked of God or of people?


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