3-2-1 Weekly | Stay Motivated, Criticize Unhelpful, Find Talent

There are actually ways to stay motivated. Criticizing but not giving advice is a hooligan at all. The sooner you find your talent, the more opportunities you have for cultivating it.

3-2-1: Motivation, criticism, and the goal of adulthood

3 Ideas From Me

"The climb is the fun part."

Climbing is the fun part.

This is a straightforward translation, but the meaning of this sentence is to enjoy the process. Whether you are studying or pursuing a certain business, the process is very important. Only by paying attention to the process can you savor and experience it carefully .

"Good marketing can sell once, but only a good product can sell twice.
In the long run, your performance reverts to the value you provide."

Good marketing can sell once, but only good products can sell twice. In the long run, your performance returns to the value you provide.

To put it vernacularly, it means that you can only deceive people once, and whether there is any real information will be weighed out by the market sooner or later. Therefore, don't worry about temporary valuations, and strive to improve your own value is true .

"Motivation comes and goes. If you want to do something consistently, then don't pick a level of difficulty that requires great motivation.

Make it easy enough and simple enough that you'll do it even when you don't feel very motivated."

Motivations come and go. If you want to do something consistently, then don't choose a difficulty level that requires a lot of motivation. Make it easy and simple enough to do even if you don't feel very motivated.

I was very impressed by this, and I shared it with my son. In his daily English diary, I copied this passage. I myself have been troubled by this erratic motivation. Sometimes, I feel unmotivated (especially at work) , such as writing on Matters, and occasionally feel lazy.

At this time, it is suitable to use what Li Xiaolai said in "The Road to Wealth and Freedom", to give the target two powers , one is attractiveness , that is, to give enough incentives to make you want to do it, this is easy to understand. The other is to give thrust , that is, if I don't do this, there will be some "bad consequences", and the more terrible the bad consequences can be imagined, the better, it is best to imagine that you will not. Dare not to do it, I haven't really tried this, but it should be useful! Next time you set a goal, you can try pushing and sucking, and the two forces go hand in hand .

2 Quotes From Others

Psychologist and author Adam Grant on criticism:
"Criticizing is easy and fast. Creating is difficult and slow. The two hours you spent on a book or movie usually took two years to produce.

Anyone can tear down someone else's work. The true test of insight is whether you can help them improve it or build something of your own."

Criticism is easy and quick. Creation is difficult and slow. The two hours you spend on a book or a movie usually takes two years to produce. Anyone can tear up someone else's work. The real test of insight is whether you can help them improve or build their own.

I feel deeply about this. In the workplace, you may hand over something that you have worked so hard to do and feel that you have racked your brains, but you are criticized as worthless before sending it to the boss, and it is worthless. Ask the Commander: What do you want? Most of them can't answer either, referring to the feeling that your things are "not good enough".

In addition to criticism, it is best to be able to give constructive advice.

Physician Chris Ballas, more commonly known under his pen name The Last Psychiatrist, on the goal of adulthood:
"The goal of adulthood is to let go of the other possible existences and to make the best of the one. A successful adult is one who understands that it doesn't matter which life you ultimately pick, only that you live it well."

Source: A Surprising Number Of Teens Think They'll Die Young, Or Live Forever, Whichever Comes First

The goal of adulthood is to let go of the other possibilities and make the most of one. A successful adult understands that it doesn't matter which life you end up choosing, as long as you live it well.

Using this definition, I am not yet an adult, and I still hope to grasp all possibilities. It's time to pick a life you can live well and keep digging into it.

1 Question For You

 What is one of your natural gifts? How can you spend more time leveraging it?

What is one of your talents? How can you spend more time using it?

This is a good question, and one worth pondering over. I recently thought that writing programs is interesting, especially writing something that can help me manage my finances and create income (that is, a notification program for a robot), I think it is quite a sense of accomplishment. But that doesn't seem to have anything to do with "talent". What is my talent? I have to figure it out before I can spend more time using him.

I remember reading a book, when you can't find your own talent, you can ask your friends what they think is the most powerful in you. Perhaps, that's where your talent lies .

The sooner you find your talent, the more opportunities you have for cultivating it.


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