Matters revision!? Give some advice

Matters Revamp

I didn't want to post this article today, but when I woke up this morning, I suddenly found that it had been revised, and the point was that I didn't know why it was Kaka, so it became this article today, and by the way, let me set up the website and take a rest XD .

Kaka's! ?

I don't know if this is my illusion, or psychological effect, or my own problem. In short, I opened it this morning and wanted to reply to a message and read a new article. The result was super stuck. I clicked to open an article. , waited for almost 5 minutes, refreshed several times to no avail, and finally gave up.

The part that got stuck in the explosion in the morning, I watched it on my mobile phone, so I want to say that if I use the computer to watch it, it should not get stuck! ? The result is still stuck for a long time, the same refresh, still useless, even the interface for writing articles can't run out; fortunately, I didn't have to wait so long this time, so I can write this article.

I don't know if it is a problem with the revision, because it is indeed more laggy than I used to use it, of course it may not be. If it is the relationship between the revision, you have to wait silently for processing, otherwise it will be really annoying if you keep getting stuck.

Like coin new low

I don’t know if this is a problem with the revision. I found that yesterday’s Like coin was actually less than the first article, and I really thought “Is this no problem?” This amount; because it is not clear what happened. What happened, so let's just wait and see.

Hide the number of claps

Regarding the hidden part of the number of claps, I personally think that it is not necessary to hide it, but it is not bad. Because according to my past experience, I will give priority to articles with high clapping counts, but articles with high clapping counts really do not mean that they are of higher quality and you will like them. Of course this is probably me personally.

For unfamiliar content, because for the first time, I don’t know the author’s writing direction and style, so the so-called “ popular ” articles become my first choice; It is impossible to read all the articles, and the result is that only "popular" will always be selected, but not necessarily "high- quality " and you " like ".

Add watch hours

Hidden clapping is replaced by "article viewing hours", which I don't think is very good. Using the number of clapping hands and the number of article viewing hours as the popular criteria, I don’t think it’s much different. After all, the author himself, or the type of article that is more popular, is easy to be prioritized, so in fact, the difference is not big. And I don't know if it is calculated according to the length of the article. If it is a painting category, or the number of words is relatively small, the number of hours must be relatively low in direct comparison.

Articles with long viewing hours only mean: " The author himself and the type of articles are more popular, so the viewing hours are long. " Whether you choose the viewing hours of the article or the number of clapping hands as a popular indicator, there is actually no way to accurately represent it. " Quality " and " like" can only be regarded as the basis for popularity.

Therefore, to judge whether the article is high-quality and liked, the support number should be used, because if people want to support it with actual money, it means that they really like it, and the proportion of high-quality products will be relatively high. The number of clapping hands must be based on the situation that everyone does not abuse it, so it can be used as an indicator.


In the tracking here, all kinds of information of the tracked person are actually displayed. I personally think that everyone who wants to track is actually a personal wish, and there is no need to release it! But I personally haven't been affected too much, so I think it's okay .

Conclusion - Recommendations

Here I would like to give a suggestion, enlarge the essence of the homepage, the latest articles can be left, and there is no need for popular ones. Because no matter which article it is, it will definitely be affected by the author itself and the popularity of the article type, so it is better to directly release the articles that the most people like and are willing to support. In this way, the remaining articles will definitely be of high quality, and if the articles are of high quality, the popularity accumulated by the author himself can help him promote and be seen.

If you want more people to be seen, maybe make Matters new people a page instead of a label. In this way, it is easier to see, if the first article is well written and you are interested, you will increase the chance of seeing it and will take the time to follow him. And why make a pagination, because I personally don't specifically search for tags, and the people I follow have no time to read the articles.

The above are the suggestions I gave. As for whether it is really good, I personally think it needs to be improved. I originally wanted to write a little bit shorter, take it easy, after all, I just finished the website, I didn't expect it to be so long, thank you for reading this seriously!!!!!!

This article was first published on Matters , and then synced to personal website , square grid , Potato Media
Personal Website: ZIOH Creation Space
Writing platforms currently joined: Matters , Plaid , Potato Media
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By the way, let's celebrate that the article of Potato Media has finally passed the review. It's very tiring to wait.


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炙式化一位熱愛學習各種事物的「學習者」,偶爾寫寫各種文章幫我自己整理思緒,科普一些實用或沒用的知識,當然還有騙騙錢(燦笑)。還是個工作狂,什麼都忙,覺得時間永遠不夠,但我自己樂在其中,這就是「幸福」的滋味。 所有資訊全在Linktree,請慢慢欣賞:
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