Epidemic prevention is a big deal? Is it small?

The following short stories happened real, not fictional

I am a bastard, and I have always been gossiping about the epidemic prevention situation in various places. Compared with the tragic epidemic prevention incidents that have occurred in some cities, the short stories I have collected are simply not worth mentioning.

In other words, Shenzhen has maintained the 24-hour nucleic acid rule most of the time this year. In order to work and go home, my old friend, Miss A, honestly did nucleic acid according to the regulations, and she was stabbed in the throat almost every day. One evening in July, I was queuing up with Mr. A to do nucleic acid testing. Miss A was upset by the long queue and couldn't help but speak coldly.

"Humph! Pai Pai Pai, I'm so annoying, so many people make nucleic acid every day, and I don't know who made the money!"

"If you don't want to do nucleic acid, you don't have to do it. Look at any country in the world that spends so much money and effort on epidemic prevention like ours." Anyway, Miss A.

"If you don't do it, you can also let me go home. Do you think I'll do it?!" Miss A replied bluntly.

When I heard this on the other end of the phone, I couldn't help laughing, "Please, miss, that's an old man. You're so angry that your blood vessels burst, and you're dead."

"You're right, I'm arguing with an old pink, but after I choke on this, he shuts up."

I think it's better not to criticize Miss A for fighting with the old man. She can only find some outlet for her abnormal life from small things. Living as usual, I have no way to feel the pain of Miss A being stabbed in the throat every day. I just hope that if there is one of the two of us who will get the virus, I hope that person will be me, because I must have had a better time in isolation than her.

However, Miss A was tragically blocked a week before the Mid-Autumn Festival. The so-called blockade means that there are confirmed cases in the building where she lives. The whole building will be sealed up. Everyone will be locked at home for 14 days. household. The Shenzhen Municipal Government is probably more wealthy? There are food packages distributed, and moon cakes and gift packages before the Mid-Autumn Festival. In short, the situation is not bad compared to Shanghai in spring. Miss A walks at home every day. She is worried that there will be a new confirmed case in the building, which will increase the quarantine rate. She counts her fingers and hopes that the day of "release from prison" will come smoothly. I ordered a few bags of food and asked Dabai to deliver it to my door, so I don't have to worry about it. I suddenly remembered that Young Master A seems to be going to college. Do they want to be locked at home together? Miss A told me that all the students in the third year of high school are under closed management and are not allowed to go home. I couldn't help but say, "Although I'm an adult, it's good to be able to meet my family at this moment, right? Besides, no matter how delicious the school's food is, it won't be better than his mother's, right? Hearing this, Miss A's eyes turned red, so I quickly closed my voice, "It's alright, don't talk about it, it's alright, Young Master A has been independent since he was a child, he will be fine." During the period when Miss A was banned, There was also a shutdown in Shenzhen, officially called "silence". Now Miss A feels better because the whole city is with her in jail.

The old friend in Shenzhen was in jail, and the old friend B from the United Kingdom came to report that she and her daughter were both recruited. The children continued to have high fever and went to the doctor. Take a good rest and see you off. The old friend B suffered a total loss of taste and fever and cough this time, and the child had a high fever for four days. The two have now returned to normal.

British B recovered, and it was our mutual friend C's turn to get caught in Hong Kong. C is actually glad that his family is infected at the same time and can be isolated at home, otherwise he will be caught in the isolation camp commonly known as "bad bay" (Penny's Bay)... trouble. I once heard from the roadside news agency that there was a case where only one person in the family was actually infected, so I simply declared that the whole family was infected, so as to avoid being isolated in the "bad bay" alone. My friend C's family received an epidemic prevention package from the government on the first night of the infection, including quick screening agents, masks, disinfection supplies, etc. The most important thing is that the epidemic prevention package is equipped with the well-known "Lianhua Qingwen Pill". My friend C Miao Yi Miaozui said, "Car, a bag of garbage, why don't you give me a few cup noodles." Two days later, C received a package of supplies from the government, including a large package of rice, noodles, canned food, biscuits, etc. At least everything is edible, and C also means that it is acceptable according to the value of the goods. Now the C family has all recovered from the cough and sore throat, the quick screening results were negative, and the quarantine ended just before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In Shenzhen and Guangzhou, close contacts must be strictly quarantined, and only the second-closest contacts can be quarantined at home. By this standard, our family doesn't know how many times we're going to be quarantined. Our little ones have been in close contact with the most known people in the family this year, four times in total: once with friends, once with classmates, and twice in the classroom of the interest class. Two of them were in close contact with the confirmed patients for more than 6 hours. I don't know if it was luck or the quality of the masks was too good. The children have not been infected yet. And I myself met my friend D at the beginning of last week. The next day, D apologized to inform her that she was diagnosed and told me to be careful about my body. I didn't have a fever, and I didn't feel any discomfort, but I was going to a friend's house for dinner during the Mid-Autumn Festival. To be safe, I did a quick screening and the result was overcast. I also laughed and said to my husband, "If I didn't go to someone's house for dinner, I would be too lazy to do the quick screening, and the quick screening agent would cost money." Having said that, our husband was the first in the family to have close contact with the confirmed cases. People who have been through, but luckily did not contract the virus.

I remember that in the early days of this wave of epidemics, the number of infections in Taiwan was quite large, and the situation in Guangzhou was not bad at the time. A Mr. E from Guangzhou came to greet me proudly, "Hey, watching the news, the situation in Wanwan is very bad now. , are you okay?" Seeing the little pink term "Wanwan" popping up, I was already angry, I couldn't help but get angry first, "I live as usual, at least I don't have to do nucleic acid every day, I can't die." Looking at the thousands of confirmed cases in Taiwan every day, I don't feel it at all. More than half of my friends have been infected with the virus. All of them are cold symptoms. Some of my friends don't even have a fever. It will be fine for a few days. By the way, in Taiwan, stabbing the throat is not called nucleic acid, it is called PCR test. I have been here for two years, and I have not done a single PCR. I just did two quick screenings at home to be on the safe side. It is very important for me to maintain a normal life without forced inspection and detention, so I can't accept Mr. E's smugness.

Of course, my favorite mainland city, Chengdu, has not escaped my gossip. The official term for this time in Chengdu is "Principle to stay at home". My old colleague F was quite happy. He took up the only pass at home and went out to buy vegetables every day. I heard that the pass has to go home within 2 hours, or you will be deprived of the chance to vent. He snickered and told me that he lived in the suburbs, but the security guards didn't care much, and the timeout was over. Then I saw another friend G in Chengdu said that when everyone started to report non-compliance with the epidemic prevention regulations, I couldn't help but turn my eyes away, in order to clear a zero that couldn't be cleared up, it was all like this ?

On September 8, I noticed a piece of news: "The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China announced publicly on the 8th that 8 counties and cities in 5 provinces, including Henan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Ningxia, have experienced excessive epidemic prevention." I have carefully studied what "excessive epidemic prevention" means. According to the official explanation, it can be understood that it has surpassed the "nine prohibitions" of epidemic prevention and control. Self-imposed epidemic prevention measures are excessive epidemic prevention.

 Nine prohibitions: It is not allowed to arbitrarily expand the scope of restricted travel from medium and high-risk areas to other areas; it is not allowed to impose restrictions on people from low-risk areas such as forced return, isolation, etc.; It is not allowed to arbitrarily expand the scope of risk personnel who take isolation and control measures; it is not allowed to arbitrarily extend the isolation and health monitoring time of risk personnel; Provide medical services for critically ill patients and those who need regular diagnosis and treatment; do not take measures such as isolation for college students who have left school and return to their hometowns; do not set up epidemic prevention checkpoints at will, and restrict the passage of qualified passengers and truck drivers; It is not allowed to arbitrarily close places in low-risk areas to ensure normal production and life.

When I was actively researching what is excessive epidemic prevention, I heard that an old colleague in Shenzhen accidentally stepped into a high-risk area, and his health code turned yellow. He immediately went to the designated place to do nucleic acid testing. The code turned green smoothly, but She received a call from a community worker asking her to self-isolate at home for three days. This is not considered excessive epidemic prevention, forget it! ? If you don’t give up dynamic clearing for one day, the people who execute it below will definitely not reduce the code. The crime of not being able to prevent the virus is definitely greater than the crime of excessive epidemic prevention.

The virus is clearly indestructible, and I secretly want to gossip about what Hong Kong is going to do. Director Lu Chongmao, the senior official in charge of epidemic prevention, once said that coexisting with the virus is to go to Huangquan Road together, so should Hong Kong still go through customs to attract foreign experts as the Chief Executive said? However, I don't think it will be up to the senior officials in Hong Kong to decide whether to pass the customs in the end. It is said that in November, Singapore is going to hold a "financial technology" event at the same time as Hong Kong to "snatch people". The same surname is Li, and other people's Li is much more confident. Yesterday, I saw a Hong Kong woman say on Facebook: "...Please continue to seal off the customs to the end, and foreign experts will abandon Hong Kong. I am afraid. Love the country and the party should accompany the motherland to achieve dynamic cleanup." Zero, and Jia Shusha is the brother of Qi!" Really, this question of brother Qi...how is it good?

This article starts with old friend A and ends with her. On the day Miss A was released, I asked her how she felt in a serious way. The interviewee said: "After the lockdown was lifted, I went out for a walk, and when I stepped on the ground, my feet felt a little weak. Although I I usually stay at home a lot, but that's my choice, it's definitely different from being forced to stay at home, you know..." Well, I understand this!

My 9 Mid-Autumn Festival Quick Screening


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