【Recover Your Strength】Facing the Fear of Being Criticized

How do you re-see your own abilities when you are worried about the opinions of others and feel negative and unpleasant?

In a group world, we care about what others see, and we don’t like the feeling of being denied. However, in real life and in my mind, various criticisms and advice often appear, which is unpleasant.

This kind of uncomfortable feeling can affect our mood in a small way; in a big way, it can make us worry and fear, and even hinder our career development.

Fortunately, everyone has the power to turn this vulnerability into courage . The only difference is whether we are willing to do the inner engineering to dig it out.

how should I do it?

Let yourself have a quiet time and space to accompany your worries and fears . Once you start the process of accompanying yourself, the original worry will gradually dissipate like the morning mist on the lake.

For example, when we publish a well-thought-out work, but start to worry about what other people think, or feel unhappy about being rejected,

Try to let yourself take a slow, deep breath first, and let the chaotic world in your head gradually slow down.
Then, slowly and literally, feel the uncomfortable feeling . Maybe you will find a sense of loss in it, then watch the existence of this sense of loss .
In the process of watching, there may be connections to certain past experiences , such as childhood memories that have been ridiculed. At this time, looking at the self as a child (instead of focusing on that annoying situation), looking objectively at the " mind " of the past self, how eager to pay attention and look forward to being loved by others.
To fully feel that strong mind , you will suddenly realize that you have always demanded so much of yourself and of others. I have always been demanding of myself, trying to get the love and attention of others. If I can't get it, I will suddenly conclude that I am not good enough; if others don't give it, I will feel annoyed, sad, or complain and resist.

These are all normal . What we need to do is to observe that we have this state, not to review and debug. These thoughts and emotions will be transformed into nutrients for life because we see their existence.

For example, when you deeply feel that you " strongly want to be loved", you can focus on the "strong" part and realize that you have that strong and powerful energy.

At this time, the uncomfortable feeling that was originally denied by others will gradually transform because of his company and acceptance. We will also realize that we have the ability to care for and heal our unsatisfied childhood self by bravely facing our inner fears .

The more we look at each of our thoughts from a broad perspective , the more we will find that our inner abilities are stronger and stronger than we imagined.

As you face your inner fear again and again and turn your vulnerability into strength, from now on, your life will soar toward abundance, freedom, and beauty.

#On the road to freedom, you need to continue to work on inner serenity for yourself . Meditation video recommendation:[Subconscious Dialogue DIY] A life that achieves what you want and what you want


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S+【心靈創作/潛意識導引諮詢/社工師】曾經,日復一日迎合世界的標準,追求完美、害怕失敗、討厭錯誤...,苛刻地做為自己最大的敵人。直到踏上靜心與自我覺察道路,發現潛意識影響著我們每一天的生活,體認到力量在於心念之間,每一個當下我們都擁有選擇! 原來,生命本身是一場祝福,只待我們去「覺知」它。 也因此,盼將這份覺知與祝福,傳遞給與我相遇的每一個你,一起讓生命成為禮物!
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