Matt Universe Co-construction Project 49|Body Monitor: Captain Yu

Red dots filled the air, drifting from somewhere in Azkamar Prison. At first, the oxytocin was not discovered until the prisoners fell one by one, and a girl in pink overalls appeared - known as the "body monitor"

Red dots filled the air, drifting from somewhere in Azkamar Prison.

At first, the oxytocin did not find out. After all, they can only identify the inspiration of grayscale tones. As long as they see the gray clouds floating in the air when they are patrolling, they can immediately absorb and swallow them; Down, lost consciousness, and quickly reported to the upper level, only to find that the warden was not in place, and while the officers were visiting other planets, they did not know where they had slipped!

While the oxytocin was arguing with each other, who should go to get the warden back, a girl in a pink one-piece overalls stood behind the five-meter oxytocin, as petite as a piece of grass. The quarrel was like the sound of an old engine not starting, and the more excited it became, the more unbearable it became—"Are you arguing enough?"

"Captain Yu!" The oxytocracy demons turned around and surrounded her, only to see that she pressed the square pink earrings, instantly bouncing the oxytocracy demons away, with her as the center point, the pink cubes extending several meters outwards, like concentric circles Like a target, it became a protective shield, and instantly became transparent; she looked at the oxytocin that was bounced off, but she just changed her body shape and quickly returned to its original state without being injured.

"How many times have I said that, I'm here to regularly check the prisoners' health, not your prisoners!" She stared at the oxytocins, who looked at each other and pushed one of them, "Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. , it's just—" "It's just amazing!" "It's never been like this!" The others began to talk about their feelings, and she turned her hand to them, and it stopped.

"So didn't I come here? Who was the first to find out?" The oxytocin demon who had been pushed out lowered his head and approached, "I didn't do anything." She looked at his cloudy body, the part of his stomach full of With a large area of gray, the oxytocin saw her gaze, "I really didn't do anything!"

Azkamar Prison has a total of 24 areas. Although they are prisoners, there are roommate areas according to their writing habits, but they are still dominated by one person and one room.

"The first room that was discovered was room C09," they walked in the corridor of Area C, and the labor-inducing demons on duty in the area all probed, looking at the entire line led by pink overalls, "the name is a postpartum 30-day-old article. , and improperly raising pets, causing them to eat and die.”

"I'm not your commander, so I don't need to know this information." She stood outside the cell. The prisoner's body monitoring data generated a stream of information by meeting with the cube, which was downloaded one by one in front of her. The data and charts were all out of date. data of.

"His health index has reached a low level. When I came last time, why wasn't he on the notification list?" Seeing them winking at each other again, she roared impatiently, "Speak!"

"Because, because his physical condition has always been like this, and the notification has to be approved by himself, but if he doesn't say it, he can't write it..." The oxytocist lowered his head lower and lower, "over time, let him keep himself The desired state of writing…”

"When did I come here?" She crossed her arms around her chest and looked at the oxytocin in the back row, each of them standing up straight. The oxytocin who was closest to her took a step back silently before speaking.

"I didn't pay attention to the time just now... Using the time of Captain Yu, it should be half an hour ago?"

"It was half a year ago when you first arrested someone."

"You mean the person who talks dry all day?" The oxytocist pulled out a piece of his black belly before recalling.

"I ask you, why is body monitoring so important?"

The oxytocin demons responded one after another: "For production value?" "To ensure that no one would die?" "To eat?" "Who would be locked up here to support us?" "For face?" "For something of value?"

The protective shield of the cube disappeared immediately, and after the oxytocin stopped arguing, she said, "For sustainability."

"Do you know 'Remembrance Seed'? Even if the body, that is, the carrier, dies, Remembrance Seed can store all feelings and memories, and can be copied to other carriers to continue to live, so we are all eternal existence."

"Since this is the case, body monitoring is not important at all, right?" The voice of the oxytocin from the distance was so loud that it echoed in the space in the C area, she sighed, "Do you think anyone can use the memory seed? If not first Take good care of your own body, it is absolutely impossible to compress this huge amount of information into "Remembering Seeds"!"

"These energy transformations require a foundation to do. If your body is broken, no matter how strong and good your soul is, and how many powerful energy techniques you have learned, it is impossible for it to exist forever... Even if there is, it will be short-lived."

"It's miserable, then these people fell down, is it because we didn't report it?" The oxytocin spit out an impatient black mist, and she opened the cube shield again, "In half a year, this kind of collective situation has appeared for the first time... let Let's find out."

The oxytocin opened the cell, and she stepped into the room alone.

Since the cell is lower than the floor of the corridor, the cube shield maintains the state of the scene, she seems to be walking on the glass corridor, close to the prisoner, and he collapses by the table, his pale face stops at the corner of his smiling mouth.

The body monitoring data loaded by the cube shows that the person has no serious illness and has no record of taking "Worry-free". Since the background of his net worth is relatively simple, why did he suddenly lose consciousness? His body remained in a stable state, he just lost consciousness...

After checking the monitoring data, when she was about to step out of the cell, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a small bright spot on the ceiling, "Turn off the lights." The oxytocin adjusted immediately, and in the completely dark space there was only the faint light of the cube—and the red light sticking to the ceiling. point.

The obstetric demons saw through the glass of the door, and they started talking again. Captain Yu adjusted the protective cover to the minimum to suit the action; she climbed up on the cabinet, turned off the chain of the bracelet, and instantly covered her with pink gloves. , before reaching out and approaching the ceiling, the red light spot vibrated so fast that it disappeared.

"What?" Looking around, except for her pink gloves, it was pitch black. Of course, including a group of oxytocin demons lying on the transparent door.

"Captain Yu, we can't let you into the main control room without instructions from the upper management..." The oxytocins followed closely behind her, "Otherwise, where would you transfer so much information at once? Matt's universe is a new universe, but It doesn't mean that all technology has progressed to the level of "I want it", otherwise you don't have to worry about it, right?"

The oxytocin blocked her way, "Really not! When the warden returns, we will be scolded to death!"

"Will you wait to be scolded to death later, or will you be scolded to death when someone comes to collect the corpse?" The oxytocin gave way immediately, and the door to the main control room was at the bottom of the corridor.

What is the red light spot? How will it spread in Azkamar? If it is an infectious disease, by what means? Why does this situation always feel familiar?

"Hey!" Holding her with one hand, she was immediately attacked by a self-defense technique, and she pushed her to the ground, "Who are you! You walked into my protection zone unharmed?"

"I'm... Matt..."

The sight in front of me made me let go.

"……This is where?"

White fog, only white fog, nothing else, where the hell is this?

"Soul settlement."


"Captain Yu, you were very dangerous just now. I had to forcefully pull you over while you were concentrating on your thoughts. I didn't have your consent. I'm really sorry."

"What the hell are you talking about? Who are you!"

Matt got up awkwardly, adjusted his clothes, and gestured respectfully to her.

"Matt. Matt of the Matt universe."

"Wait a minute... Didn't Matt and Shay go to see the whole universe? There are rumors everywhere, you better be Matt."

"I really am, I am... the carrier of Matt's memory seed."

"What do you mean? There is only one soul. You can only use one of Yizi at a time. If you want to use it, you have to give up the original carrier..." Captain Yu suddenly thought of something and looked at him in disbelief, "You What happened to Shay? How did you become a dragon lizard?"

"Anyway, the red light spot is not what you think, I can't drag you here for too long, or your carrier will die-" "Let me go back!"

"Listen to me!" Matt grabbed her by the shoulder. "It's not a contagion, it's tomato flower pollen, don't touch it or you'll—"


Captain Yu stumbled and fell to the ground. The oxytocin demons carefully surrounded her around the protective shield, "Captain Yu, are you tired?" "How about you go to our lounge?" "You can sit down to Dian. The warden is back."

She put her elbows on the ground, looked at the main control room at the bottom of the corridor, and looked up at the oxytocin demons so tall they could block the light.

"Who's in the control room?"

The red light scattered in the whole space, the tomato flower with the silver six-pointed star, like a badge of pure thought, bloomed in the center of the main control room, and the people who fell to the ground just surrendered to the beauty of the tomato flower, like a Just like returning to our hometown—the newest star, the former earth, is not our hometown?

This will soon become a black hole.

Who would have thought that a small prison in Matt's universe would become the extension of the latest star? All the physical monitoring data of these residents who have been locked up will become the new nutrients for the newest stars. Anyway, Father Ma's behavior is like a chicken rib, and Matt is nowhere to be seen. People who don't have a self-rotating clock will be imprisoned here for further study if they can't write anything. Since they are all prisons, the newest star is of course a better choice.

People who are not subconsciously taken by pollen, I will convince them.

There is nothing a great ape can't do.

"I didn't expect to meet Wei Ape here." The door of the main control room opened, and a white light shone outside. Ma Lie stood at the door and looked at the fallen employees. "The behavior of Wei Ape is really polite." He was about to lift his foot. Entering the room, the toe of the shoe was immediately cut off. He stopped and looked up at the great ape standing in the center.

"Since you have the guts to open the door, why don't you just inhale the scent of the flowers, and you can go home in a blink of an eye."

"The warden was invited home by you?"

"He just heard that being a candidate for the Great Ape, he can get several times the salary of Matt Universe, and he left without hesitation. I am not that kind to him."

"You're not at all curious about who I am?"

"I'm curious if you can come in."

"Then I'll be polite—Yu Xiao!"

A pink ball slid across Ma Lie's ear, hit the boundary of the protective cover, and exploded into colorful lights. The entire protective cover was not blown open, but was shrunk inward by strong force, and the great ape was subjected to pressure changes. And he lost his center of gravity, and before he had time to react, the second ball was thrown into the room, and the strong light deprived him of his vision—returning to calm.

"Pressurized air bag." Captain Yu opened the protective cover and entered the room. "How do you know what I'm going to ask?" Ma Lie followed behind her. Wherever she passed, the cubes were automatically sterilized, so the oxytocin demons were also curious. followed inside.

"This thing is very expensive. If it weren't for this critical situation, I would never use it."

"Don't worry, what am I doing? Money is the cheapest!" Ma Lie vowed.

The tomato flower quickly withered to ashes under the pressure changes. After she checked the entire space, she lowered the protection level, and Ma Lie moved more freely. Captain Yu looked at the oxytocin demon behind and whispered: " The transportation of the compressed air bag, I will trouble you, someone asks about this, please..."

"Yu Xiao, you are really being polite to me." Ma Lie turned around to ask the oxytocracy demons to clean up the environment, "Those people don't know when they will wake up. I will try my best."

She motioned for herself to leave, but Ma Lie stretched out his hand and stopped in front of her.

"First of all, I'm not helping you, I just found you because you're their boss, so I don't want to charge and cause my own death; second, I'm a body monitor."

Pink overalls cross the oxytocin, and the black path draws a pink route.

She is Captain Yu.

Body monitors at Azkamar Prison.


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