The Way of Life - Physical Education without Exercise (Part 1)

Have you ever listened to a gym class without exercising? My gym class is not on the playground or on the sports field, but in the health room, library or classroom, in a shaded place. Timeline of this article: elementary school and middle school period.
When I returned to the elementary school after many years, there were many differences from what I remembered. Taken on 20190209.

After primary five, my growth process was almost insulated from physical education classes.

It may be strange to say that, if there is no physical education class, what else are you going to do? And why am I not taking classes?

The answers to these questions are also simple, because gym classes are often outdoors and require exposure to the sun. Dermatomyositis and lupus erythematosus are sister diseases, both of which cannot be exposed to the sun.

The physical education teachers probably don’t know how to get students who can’t bask in the sun to participate in the course, so my physical education class is to sit in the shade to help everyone take care of their schoolbags, and to go to the health room to find a nurse and book. Studying homework in the library or staying in the classroom, in short, no class at all.

When I was in elementary school, the onset of the disease was so aggressive that my teachers treated me differently and gave me many special cases. But don't say that my classmates don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't know what's wrong with me, so it's hard to explain.

Of course, there will be some comparisons among the classmates. Why does everyone have to go to physical education class, but I don't have to go to class? Very often this question is asked deliberately, and I don't know how to respond, so I just keep silent.

In fact, the class guide at that time was a very wise teacher. I am very grateful to him. When I was afraid and helpless, he was willing to stretch out his hands to hug me, and also explained my situation to the classmates for me. I will write about him next time. This time I will talk about the physical education teachers I met.

Games that are always cool

Before Xiao Wu, he had poor physical strength, and he was a cheerleader in the refueling area; after Xiao Wu, he could not bask in the sun, so of course he continued to be a cheerleader.

I don't have to be on the field at the games, I just stay in the shade in the class tent that I have set up. But in fact, this is one of the few moments when I get close to my classmates. I can watch my classmates participate in the competition from a close distance. The sports include running, shot put, high jump, fun competition, team relay, etc. unseen scene.

During the sports meeting, everyone will be more excited than usual. The high-pitched cheering and cheering filled the entire school playground, and people couldn't help but feel the warm atmosphere. It was a stage for good sports students to shine, and it was also one of the few moments when I had a "sense of class participation".

The secret base of gym class

When I first entered middle school, I stayed in a school with a rigorous school ethos and an emphasis on grades. Because it attaches importance to the rate of admission, it is very important to be able to read, and everything else can be replaced.

It was the first physical education class at that time, and I timidly took the diagnosis certificate and showed it to the physical education teacher before class. After reading it, the teacher said something to me, and I am still deeply impressed.

He said, "Then you won't use it in the future, go to the infirmary!"

My expression was blank for a few seconds. He was afraid that I didn't hear clearly, so he opened his mouth again: "You can't do anything here, then go to the infirmary to study! Don't worry, I will give you standard points! You will pass. !"

In this way, I only had one relationship with the physical education teacher, and even before ten minutes before the first class, I was rushed to the health room in a confused way.

When I got to the health room, I showed the nurse the diagnosis certificate, and then told me what the teacher asked me to do. In fact, I didn't really understand the meaning of the diagnosis certificate at that time. I only knew that after reading it, every teacher would clearly show a smile of "So it is", and then tell me "Okay, where are you going" or "Okay, then you're right here". To me, it's like a death-free gold medal from a doctor, holding it to have immunity from customs clearance, unobstructed.

I spent every physical education class in the health room like this. Although I don't remember the face of the physical education teacher, I still remember the content of the chat with the nurse. He seemed to be afraid that I would be bored, so he would say a few words to me whenever he was free.

It's amazing that I can respond to all the topics the nurse talks about, and sometimes I even feel that I prefer to chat with him compared to my classmates. The health room became my secret base for gym class, and the nurse was my best friend. We talked about everything, and the scope was very wide. I seemed to be the same age as his child, so he would also discuss with me about parent-child issues such as what the child was thinking, and I would also talk to him about trivial matters such as endless words in English. .

Later, because the old school building was going to be rebuilt, it was estimated that there would be a lot of dust. The class guide suggested that it would be better for our health to transfer to another school. We transferred to other schools in the second year of the second year.

Before I left, I went to the health room to tell the nurse what he said to me, which I couldn't understand at the time, but now I finally understand what he meant.

"Although you can't go to gym class, remember to exercise!" he said.

I want to say, isn't physical education just about going outdoors? How am I going to exercise? So he complied without hesitation.

Later, I learned that there are indoor sports such as yoga and aerobics. When I was in middle school, I was too ignorant, and I didn't take many physical education classes at school, so I didn't understand it at all. It was only after a long time that I realized that it was possible to exercise indoors.

So in the second year of the country, I entered a new environment.

Bookworm caught in the library

This time, I have experience, and the class guide also knew my situation in advance, so the communication process was smooth.

During physical education class, I went to the physical education teacher with the "Gold Medal" and told him that I went to the health room during physical education class. After thinking about it, he said that the library is relatively large, and there are tables and chairs for self-study, and he asked me to go to the library to study books.

In this way, I still did not remember the face of the physical education teacher, so I ran to the library again. There are many volunteer mothers in the counter area. Seeing my brand-new uniform, they probably thought I was a freshman. During class time, an auntie kindly reminded me: "Classmate, class is already here, where are you going to get lost in the classroom? ?"

I said that the physical education teacher called me here, and took out the certificate to explain it. Now my aunt finally understood, so she asked me to put down my schoolbag and took me to briefly introduce the environment.

"The library has two floors. The bottom floor is the self-study area. It is full of tables and chairs. You can sit at will if there is any space. There are lamps on the table that can be turned on. Books can be placed on the double-layer bookshelf of the table first. Museum, if you are tired from studying, you can go up and hang out, there are a lot of books in the school, you must read it, and there are many novels, which ones are often borrowed by everyone, otherwise you can recommend the school to buy..."

I was so dizzy that I was pulled upstairs before I recovered. Several floors of wood-colored bookcases came into view. Now I can understand without explanation. My eyes lit up, and my aunt nodded in satisfaction, patted me on the shoulder, and walked downstairs, leaving me a sentence: "You slow down. Wait a minute, come back to me if you have any questions!”

How can there be a problem, this is my dream place, the library full of books is really exciting. I couldn't wait to threw myself into the stack of books, flipping through here and there. I have to say that the school's collection of books is really rich, and I have not finished seeing the dazzling eyes. When viewed horizontally, there are eight bookcases, each with six and seven layers of shelves on one side, and two rows of bookcases in total, with a total of sixteen bookcases, and there are vacancies for self-study at the back. Seeing full, here is simply heaven!

There was no maladjustment at all and I settled into the library very quickly. It is also a place in my country where I feel most comfortable when I go to a new environment, a treasure in my heart.

(unfinished, to be continued)

Non-party library, I didn't have a cell phone at the time. Taken on 20200929.

In elementary school and middle school, my physical education classes were spent in poor textbooks. I don't have much impression of my classmates, but I remember clearly the library I have dealt with for a long time. Those who have experienced people and things have left footprints in their minds, which cannot be erased. My physical education class has ended before it started, as gorgeous as fireworks, and like the tail of youth is gone forever.

Before Xiao Wu's illness, I had a normal physical education class, so I still know what a real physical education class looks like. Would you like to take gym class? In fact, not really, but when everyone mentioned the scene of playful play in physical education class, the memory is always faintly blurred.

Next chapter preview:
  • He is different from other teachers
  • First experience of indoor sports
  • Victims under the education system
  • freedom to be born

The time line is high school, college until the first time out of society. About the only physical education teacher whose name I can remember, for the first time I learned that I can exercise indoors, and I finally realized the fun and importance of exercise. As I grew up, I saw more.

Thanks @Red for the connection in the article today, I happened to write about the physical education class this time, and I will write about the importance of sports in the next article. It's an honor for the two to echo each other. Here, we will use tea instead of wine, and toast you in the air.

I'm Miracle, the next episode is out tomorrow, see you tomorrow.

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/04/19. Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, and Square.
※All rights reserved, those who wish to reprint must inform in advance, and infringement must be investigated.

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