Interested in sustainable development? 90-Day Accompanying Growth Plan | Swimming Pig Recruitment

The Impact Partner Acceleration Program is looking for the next leader in sustainability, and we look forward to seeing you with us!

If you are a college student , you wish to:

■ Increase your resume by participating in valuable work;

■ Add value to social and interpersonal networks by learning together with excellent partners;

■ Learn basic vocational skills and gain a basic understanding of the social innovation ecosystem;

If you are a professional , you want to:

■ Transform your own career, expand career possibilities, career imagination, and develop a second career;

■ Use your strengths skills, including editing, interviewing, creative, leadership and management skills, and create a meaningful social and public resume.

If you meet one of the above descriptions, please continue reading. If you are limited by time and energy and cannot participate, but agree with our philosophy, you can retweet the circle of friends to help us!

The origin of swimming pig ecology

The story of the Swimming Pig Ecology justifies one sentence: the younger generation of us can participate more deeply in the opportunities (or challenges) of global development.

Tian Yang's inspection of coastal wetlands has prompted the state to issue protection policies such as prohibiting commercial real estate development from reclamation.

From 2012 to 2017, Zhu Qing, Pan Qingan, and Tian Yang each worked in different environmental protection non-profit organizations, focusing on public issues including water pollution, zero waste, migratory bird protection, wetland ecology, etc. The three people's investigation footprints have covered almost all provinces and cities in China, nature reserves and industrial parks, and have promoted the solution of a large number of environmental problems.

Swimming pigs visit patrols at the Okanye Private Reserve in Kenya.

In August 2018, Zhu Qing, Pan Qingan and Tian Yang jointly inspected more than ten nature reserves in Africa, visited local Chinese enterprises, chambers of commerce, industrial parks and young opinion leaders, and traveled to Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda in East Africa. Self-driving Southern Africa.

In this stage, we have completed the change from "local" to "global", from only focusing on "environmental protection" to focusing on "sustainable development".

In October 2018, we discussed the establishment of an entrepreneurial team, and in January 2019, the "Youzhu Ecology" was officially registered in Shenzhen. (To see more of the founding story of Youzhu, please click here )

Our exploration and thinking

Re-examining the first two decades of the 21st century, information technology emerged as a subversion. In the information age, information barriers can be broken, and cross-border out-of-the-box can be achieved in a low-cost way.

During our stay in Africa, we invited nearly 100 young Africans to start writing their own stories, which were then shared on the Internet in China. As a result, many articles received millions of views.

Some stories were made into documentaries, and others were paid handsomely. This makes us realize that the internet has created new acceleration possibilities despite the fact that geographic barriers remain.

Swimming Pig communicates with African and Kenyan creators.

We are just thinking, is it possible to create an accelerator for the informatization of social issues, a support platform that can make valuable influence out of the circle?

On such a platform, we can support countless marginalized and neglected individuals to create their own life stories and educational stories, especially stories that can inspire people to recognize and understand the knowledge of the future world.

Similarly, on such a platform, we can support countless small and medium-sized enterprises, better establish our own content informatization system, better communicate with our own users and communities, and obtain feedback and insights from them. And large companies can also expand their reach to new potential consumer groups through this platform.

We have established the "Influence Narrative Academy" to help individuals/organizations/enterprises better accelerate content informatization and expand their influence through the Internet ecosystem.

So far, we have carried out 15 "Influential Narrative Creation Camps" with various themes, focusing on wildlife, rural development, gender equality, food education, overseas narrative, environmental protection, community mutual assistance, African culture, etc. sustainable development issues. More than 1,500+ creators have experienced the "influence narrative" thinking and created 3.45 million words of original story/knowledge content .

These previously scattered contents of individuals or organizations are stimulated by co-creation and a set of narrative strategies, and become more orderly, public content/knowledge that can be developed and utilized again.

We also work with more than 30 social organizations to help them better reach and build interaction and stickiness with the community. We have also cooperated with more than 20 companies to help them reinterpret their actions on sustainable development issues and cross-border into the minds of social organizations and the general public.

Our past "Influence Narrative Academy" alumni have come from the following universities:

Oxford University Imperial College Columbia University Stanford University Russia Higher Economics University Nantes Academy of Fine Arts Canada University of British Columbia Chinese Academy of Sciences Animal Research Peking University Fudan University The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Melbourne United Nations University for Peace...

They are students, neighborhood committee staff, art designers, education trainers, media practitioners, public welfare activists, rural/college teachers, rural conservationists, psychology practitioners, writers, social workers, food educators, animal lovers , Chinese living abroad

We will launch the "Influence Partner Acceleration Program", hoping to inspire partners to complete inspiring influence narrative/content projects through project-based co-creation, mentoring, and work presentations within 90 days.

The program will recruit young talents with leadership potential and complete 90 days of online co-creation learning, so as to cultivate in-depth understanding of sustainable development issues, excellent comprehensive quality and teamwork ability, understand Chinese culture, and eventually grow into a Future leaders who use their ingenuity in good faith to contribute to the advancement of inclusive development.

We currently have 3 project teams

We expect you to meet the following descriptions

  • Have a strong thirst for knowledge and the ability to learn quickly;
  • Bachelor degree or above, strong English reading and writing ability;
  • Pay attention to social innovation and global sustainable development issues;
  • Able to have a relatively stable level of participation, about 25 hours per week.

You will get the following

College students

  • Partners who are qualified to complete the assessment requirements will be provided with the "Influence Partner" certificate;
  • During the period, participating in the creation of public value, high-quality content through academic institutions, media platforms, social innovation and other institutions to reprint, expose, and improve professional experience; an excellent opportunity;
  • Provide outstanding students with support for further study, career development advice, and recommendation letter writing.

working people

  • Partners who are qualified to complete the assessment requirements will be provided with the "Influence Partner" certificate;
  • To systematically learn public leadership and management skills and become individuals with forward-looking leadership. At the same time, we provide outstanding individuals with opportunities for independent research and development and lead projects, and use the ecological development of the Youzhu system to develop entrepreneurship and create small projects.

more harvest

  • There is no fee to sign up for the "Influencer Partner", and you will receive reasonable remuneration if you publish your creations for a fee;
  • We formulate an upgrade cooperation plan for the partners who have performed well in the assessment and are willing to invest in the long-term after the three-month partnership period, and attach importance to the growth of each partner in the swimming pig system;
  • The founder has been admitted to the public leadership program of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (half a year), and we will arrange for "influence partners" to conduct online learning together;
  • In addition, it provides 1vs1 regular tutor appointment support, and strives to create opportunities for partners to in-depth study and practice in the fields of social innovation/sustainability/social influence, and participate in all online courses of the Youzhu system for free.

recruitment cycle

Recruitment starts now and ends on September 30, 2020.

The first phase of the Influence Partner Acceleration Program is from October to December. (The second phase is in preparation, if you are interested in the second phase, please submit your resume in advance)

Office location

Currently the team is based in Shenzhen and active in the Pearl River Delta region, Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. We advocate mobile and paperless office, and hope to build a globally integrated talent ecosystem. You are welcome to contact us in any corner of the world.

application process

Please send your resume and personal works (if any) to the email address: The email subject format is "Name + Group A/B/C". Use the attached text to illustrate your understanding of the position and sustainability, or add past work for us to learn more about you. We will reply within 7 working days, according to the specific online or offline interview time.

If you choose a path less traveled, will you be able to persevere, overcome all odds, and be exposed.

We sincerely welcome you to join our team. If you have any questions, please contact Pan Qingan, WeChat ID: panavailable.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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