The little sparrow likes to look out the car window


I walked up the passenger stairs and swiped my EasyCard. I always took the same timetable, and even the driver's face became familiar. After I said hello to the driver softly, I looked for my seat, preferably the middle one. By the window, just right, the seat I am used to is also empty today, and no one is robbing me.

Excitedly, I sat down on the seat by the window, with my forehead pressed against the glass, watching the scenery outside the window.

On the road in the morning, it depends on the time of day. At this time, there are not many vehicles, only a few cars are rushing to work, and a white car is lined up next to the passenger car. I bowed my head slightly, and I can see the situation inside the car through the window. The driver was yawning. He probably didn’t get enough sleep last night. He had a cup of hot Americana on the frame. It should have just been bought at a convenience store, and it was still hot.

The speed of the light-colored sedan was neither fast nor slow, so we kept going in parallel, a little tired of seeing it.

I looked for it. There is a bus booth not far away. Passengers do not want to stop here. I can only glance at the passers-by who are waiting for the bus. They are lined up in an orderly line. Whether to enter the station.

There was no familiar figure in the team, and I didn't plan to see anyone I knew. I just always imagined that a friend stood there and waved to me, and it was only for a moment that I didn't see the outline of the person clearly, and the passenger car flew by. , but I still look forward to it every time I pass by.

I don't know at which intersection, the light-colored car turned a corner, and a logistics truck was changed to the side. The body was a little high, which blocked half of my vision, and I could no longer enjoy the window.

I sat back in my seat, just in time for the passenger car to get on the highway, close your eyes and rest, or you will get motion sickness again.

The little sparrow likes it the most, looking out the car window.


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小麻雀 我就像是一隻城市裡平凡的小麻雀 明白自己的喜歡與不喜歡 因為喜歡的東西有好多,所以活著才會如此快樂 因為不喜歡的東西有好多,所以才會珍惜喜歡的東西
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