It turns out that Chen Guangcheng was also a victim of a multi-child family

As a victim of poor care in a family with many children, Chen Guangcheng did not reflect on the ills of indiscriminate childbirth - the children are "not clothed and hungry", and they have to give birth one after another. Are you defending children's human rights?

VOA recently published an article by Chen Guangcheng, " Chen Guangcheng: The Party's Hand Stucks Every Child-Age Woman's Birth Canal," accusing the Linyi region of the cruel methods of enforcing the family planning policy.

In the article, he mentioned his background and the cause of his blindness:

I was born in a very poor mountain village in Yimeng Mountain. I have four older brothers. At that time, my father was not at home, it happened to be during the Cultural Revolution, and my mother had to constantly participate in the labor of the production team. It can be said that my growing environment is very bad. Children are left unattended at home. At that time, many children were naked and had no food to eat .
When I was more than five months old, I once had a high fever, but my mother had to go to work, and she didn't even have time to borrow two yuan to take me to the doctor. As a result, two days after I had a fever, I had problems with my eyes. My mom heard me cry so hard, and when I hugged it again, I realized, oh, my eyes are burned out. At that time, everyone was making a revolution, which also led to many tragedies. I think I am one of them, though not the worst.

In the past, anti-birth control groups often said that families with many children had better education, and they also beautified the practice of parents using older children as free baby nannies to take care of their younger children.

However, from Chen Guangcheng's self-report, he can't see his 4 brothers at all (I don't know if he has a sister. In North China, sons are more important than women. When calculating the number of children in the family, girls are often not counted) What did you do to take care of him.

Although Chen Guangcheng blamed his blindness due to illness on the "revolution" of the Cultural Revolution, judging from some cases that have occurred in recent years, even without such an abnormal social environment as the Cultural Revolution, children from families with many children are prone to the lack of proper care of their parents. Accidents , such as the death of four brothers in Yunnan who were poisoned by burning fire for heating, the deaths of many left-behind children in Guizhou, and the famous victim of arson by a nanny in Hangzhou... are more or less related to the fact that there are too many children and the parents do not have enough energy to take care of them. I have already discussed this aspect in my humble article " Those Chinese Children's Deaths That Are Not Concerned by The New York Times ", so I won't repeat them here.

As a victim of poor care in a family with many children, Chen Guangcheng did not reflect on the ills of indiscriminate childbirth - the children are "not clothed and hungry", and they have to give birth one after another. Are you defending children's human rights? ——It must be said that it is a great regret. However, this may be related to his current position: as a father of two children and a blind man, he does not need and cannot give anything to take care of the children at all. Of course, he will not look at this issue from the perspective of protecting the rights of women and children. of.

The wife of Yang Zhuzhi, a Chinese pastoral human rights fighter, once said:

In the end, the reason why I decided to keep this child is that time is merciless, and China is such a country that is plagued by natural and man-made disasters. There is the Karamay fire in the distance, and the Wenchuan earthquake in the near. So many flower-like lives wither, being a parent How did you survive the rest of your life?

From the standpoint of her parents, she believes that having more children as spare tires, throwing a few more children into the meat grinder of the Communist Party, the parents can still have one and a half left to chat and masturbate, so that the parents are more secure. It's not that having more children makes them more secure.

The anti-birth control group's own data also illustrates this problem. Wang Guangzhou mentioned in his article about "tens of millions of families who lost their only child": In 2010, there were one million women who lost all their children, of which less than 65 Wan is a real one-child mother, and the remaining 350,000 are mothers of multiple-child families. Assuming that these multi-child families have only two children, then behind the 350,000 children, at least 700,000 children of more than 700,000 children died, which is much higher than the number of deaths of only children - this does not take into account the number of those who lost some children or even the whole family. Families with children are included, such as the two families of five who died in the collapse of an epidemic prevention hotel in Quanzhou, Fujian last year, otherwise the number would be much higher.

As a man, when it comes to having children, you can do it yourself anyway, the rest of the pain and responsibilities are borne by women, and men can also enjoy the right to bear the child's surname. Who wouldn't want something like this. Therefore, the anti-birth control groups who shouted the most fiercely to encourage childbirth are mainly men; several famous anti-birth control groups, from counterfeiting master Yi Fuxian, child abuser Ctrip Liang Jianzhang, Chinese pastoral human rights fighter Yang Zhuzhi, to He Yafu , Huang Wenzheng, Ren Zeping, etc., are all male without exception. Chen Guangcheng, a husband and father, is no more selfless than other men in this regard.

In that article, Chen Guangcheng also used a lot of space to describe the cruelty of violent family planning in the Linyi area. There are many reports on this, and I believe his account is solid.

But the problem is that China's family planning policies vary in leniency and strictness across the country, and not all regions are as bloody as Linyi. Some southern provinces implement the "one-and-a-half-child" policy, and in some areas along the southeastern coast, the family planning policy exists in name only because of the strong clan power... The situation varies greatly from place to place.

In my hometown, there are even village cadres who sympathize with the bachelor who gave birth out of wedlock due to special circumstances, and tipped off others after the other party was reported. It can be seen that the family planning executors are not monolithic. There are not only Linyi's unconscionable practices, but also "loopholes" that still exist in human nature. If the family planning department focuses its work on the distribution of contraceptive devices, things like forced abortion will be greatly reduced, which will be of great benefit to safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children.

Therefore, because there are cruel and violent family planning in some areas like Linyi, the whole family planning policy is described as useless, and it is believed that family planning should be completely abolished. This is actually a kind of "affiliation". The Family Planning Commission's "association" policy is the same type of error.

This is like, because of the attack on the Twin Towers in 9/11, the high-rise buildings in the world were demolished; because half of the residential buildings collapsed in Texas, the residential buildings in the world were demolished; because of adverse reactions to vaccination, they were demolished. Destroy all vaccines; abolish the electoral system because of such and other problems in the U.S. election; abolish the entire criminal law because Hugjiltu and Nie Shubin were wrongly convicted of manslaughter... Obviously this is very absurd practice.

Even a murderer needs a defense lawyer to defend him/her to see if he/she has self-defense, emergency avoidance, and other evidence that can reduce guilt in the case, not to mention a policy that affects more than one billion people. As a lawyer, Chen Guangcheng, shouldn't it be difficult to understand this problem?

Violent family planning should of course be sued and reflected on, but the existence of violent family planning should not wipe out the beneficial effects of family planning policies in protecting the rights and interests of women and children. In the face of violent family planning in Linyi, people should correct those behaviors that have been implemented excessively, instead of abolishing the whole family planning, or even going to the other extreme - using fraud and lying to encourage more births.


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