Are you a person who emphasizes efficiency and simplifies words? Or the one who made things clear?

Speaking to others, if the message is " automatically simplified ", it will make people feel very efficient; because it is concise and clear, it is certainly efficient.

However, this must be in the case of "can be brief".
how to say? If it is obviously something that can't be too short, the result of insisting on being short is... the other party has to ask clearly, and it will take more time! Might as well explain in detail at the beginning!

There are a lot of things like this in the workplace

Especially the tasks assigned by the supervisor, the higher the position, the simpler the speech, and the words are like gold . It seems that saying one more sentence will affect their authority.
The unclear orders make the subordinates suspicious. If they ask too many confirmations, the supervisor will be unhappy, but the subordinates will blame themselves and be frustrated because their understanding is too low...
For general supervisors, we still dare to ask questions, but for higher-level supervisors, they don’t even dare to ask questions at all, so they have to guess and figure out what they want.

The talent of " figuring out what you want ", sometimes a little effort will yield results, but sometimes you can't do it no matter how hard you try, because you and your boss just can't get along. , I'm sure you can do better than anyone else by changing your supervisor.

Generally speaking, " figuring out what you like " is all about flattering. I'm talking about normal work assignments, but it's really weird that you have to " figure it out".

I am very opposed to "speculation" or "guessing", why can't I make it clear?

A certain Internet writer has a good idea: after he informs his subordinates, the next step is not to ask if his subordinates understand it! Rather, he had to dictate the meaning of an order himself.

Because many people will reflexively say "I understand"! But it's actually pretty vague.
Or I really think I understand it, but misunderstand it as something else.
Both of these situations can make work less effective .

So it's a good way to have people "retell the content once."

However, this method also has drawbacks, that is, it is " too annoying ". Repeated confirmations like an old man will make people who already have good understanding impatient and have the opposite effect. Internet writers admit that this method is indeed very tiring.

Communication is a difficult subject.

to "prolong"

We just said that keeping words " short " can improve efficiency, but sometimes we have to make words " longer " instead.

  • Things with complex meanings cannot be brief, otherwise they will not be understood.
  • In addition, to strengthen the impression, the information that must be deeply understood must be instilled in different ways, such as professional skills, moral concepts, and so on.
 However, on the psychological level of the service industry, the service sentences are deliberately prolonged, just because they do not want to make customers feel unfriendly because of "efficiency".

If you can say many sentences in a long way, you can alleviate the chance of collision, rashness, and mistakes, and you can also ease your actions and be able to brake at any time.

Does lengthening the words with redundant words improve the service quality? As far as my experience is concerned, it is indeed much more cordial, and it is better in texture than short words; I believe that the general perception should be better, otherwise, why would more and more people use redundant words to enhance the quality of service!

It's just that this kind of redundant word sounds a little wrong in semantics.

The values of "efficiency" and "friendly service"

I once went to a hypermarket with a senior executive of a company for some business, and saw a cashier in a hypermarket quickly check out, with his hands up and down the knife without any fuss, his movements as swift as a machine, but his expression was also ruthless and fierce.

 As soon as my supervisor saw her, he said, "What a quick and agile work ability! It's great to have such an assistant in the company!" Apparently, she highly appreciated her work efficiency.

But when I saw this man, my thoughts were completely different.
"Attitude is as cold as a machine. Isn't the service industry finished doing this? Isn't his supervisor teaching?" I think the attitude towards customers is the most important thing in the service industry. Although efficiency is also important, it must be under the premise of " service OK " under.

Efficiency and kindness seem to be really inseparable. If the percentage of this party increases, the data of the other party will shrink. This end depends on the value given by each of us! Even if efficiency and kindness can achieve a balance of 50% each, they cannot please everyone's values .

So people's achievements are still given by people.
What matters is how other people's values view you!

back to topic

Should we "simplify" or "lengthen" discourse?

To be single-minded, come up with their own experience and value judgments.

The key is to " achieve the purpose ".
That is to do, what am I doing ?
What is the reason behind thinking?

In my opinion, there is no absolute rule for doing anything, because you are not someone else. If you don’t know what standard others use, you can only guess, and then constantly revise to achieve the purpose of communication .

After observing the purpose of yourself and the other party in advance, you can decide how to deal with it.

That's the best way to deal with it.

But communication is human and extremely complex, and this method may take us a lifetime to learn.

  • Text 2021.2.22


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