【Reading・Society】Give the homeless an address|Dildelui. Maxgar. "The Truth Under the Door"

When filling out a job application form, you generally need to fill in the address, which is easy for those who have a room, but difficult for the homeless. They live on the streets because they can't pay their rent, which in turn prevents them from finding jobs, creating a vicious circle. How to get out of this state? There are two methods.
Source of homeless people without a home: stills from the 2021 movie "Drifting in Turbid Water"

What do places like Taipei, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Osaka, and Seoul have in common? They are all big cities, densely populated, with convenient transportation, and there are homeless people in this glamorous city. Homeless, also known as homeless people, homeless people, homeless people, homeless people... These names have one thing in common: they are all negative.

When it comes to homeless people, some people think of dirty, smelly, poor, and even "drug addiction, alcoholism, mental problems, non-law-abiding". Without parents being looked down upon for a long time, the self-perception will also become bad. No one wants to be homeless. To be homeless, it's not easy to live a "normal life", and it's not easy to just find a job because they don't have an address.

When filling out a job application form, you generally need to fill in the address, which is easy for those who have a room, but difficult for the homeless. They live on the streets because they can't pay their rent, which in turn prevents them from finding jobs, creating a vicious circle. How to get out of this state? There are two methods.

One is to delete the "address" column on the job application form. This involves the function of "address", one of which is to receive letters, so that the recipient can get information, such as job offers and how much money is left in the bank account. Received information can be released by e-mail, as long as you need e-mail, reading the message is not a problem, and the sender can also save postage. However, for many businesses who are accustomed to having an "address" in the job application form, it is not easy to delete the "address" column.

There's a second way: give the homeless an address. Homeless people do not need to live at the corresponding address. The biggest function of that place is to receive letters. The letters can be collected by others, and then let the homeless pick them up or borrow others (such as social workers) to deliver the letters to the homeless. In this way, the homeless will not only have an "address" to fill in when looking for a job, but also apply for a phone number, bank account and other basic living needs.

The homeless is somewhere in the city, and every homeless has their story, but no one wants to be homeless if they have a choice. Recently, the homeless has become the focus of discussion because of the film "Drifting in Turbid Water". In fact, the existence of the homeless is one aspect of social development, and it is also something that people in the city need to think about and deal with.

"The truth under the house number" Readmoo e-book purchase link: http://moo.im/a/3hoLSW

Source of the book cover of "The Truth Under the House Number": http://moo.im/a/3hoLSW


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