How do you determine value: from a pile of old textbooks & expired magazines


【How do you decide the value】

An outdated foreign language learning magazine, and a bunch of old foreign language textbooks that have been eliminated because the language center has to replace the textbooks,

There is an option to dump directly into the garbage truck in piles.

But in doing so, apart from increasing the burden on the landfill and the earth, no one took advantage of it:

Recyclers can't recycle, scavengers can't make money, used bookstores can't buy new things, and those who want to buy old books can't find cheap!

It is neither economical nor environmentally friendly.

If this pile of old books is directly recycled as waste paper, it will be said to be two pounds.

Scavengers only earn NT$2 to NT$3 per kilogram at the current market rate.

If you take this pile of old books to the used bookstore in piles at a time,

The same is weighed, but the price is much better,

Used booksellers will give you ten yuan a kilo.

The same book goes to a used bookstore as well. If you sell the books in batches and in batches and sell two or three copies, the price will be even better!

The boss may calculate it by "book", and a book will give you three to ten yuan.

If the book is auctioned on the Internet, the price is better, and a copy can be sold for more than tens of yuan.

The more the method mentioned later, the more it can create higher value or benefit more people,

But via the exact same item.

That is:

The same pile of expired foreign documents.

Furniture, electrical appliances, and clothing abandoned by people on the roadside because they are too old, or because of a slight defect,

If no one picks it up, it will eventually be sent directly to the landfill.

If you pick it up and repair it and clean it, you can still sell it at a price ranging from one-tenth to one-half of the original price.

When I was studying in the United States, I did the same:

With the damaged furniture and electrical appliances discarded by others, I made tens of thousands of Taiwan dollars at almost no cost.

So, the same thing.

After different disposals, it can create a completely different value.

A few simple steps can recreate the added value of things, saving money and environmental protection, why not do it?

How to determine the price and value of a pile of used books?

(Photo source, please click here !)

[Liberty Times, Family Life Edition 2004]

(This old article, originally published on my other blog, is now moved here to share with you!)

Original title URL: [ How do you determine value: Start with a pile of old textbooks! ~Family life edition of Liberty Times, published in 2004 with short essays. UNOLIN contributes newspaper and magazine article series ]

This article will be written here first, see you next time!

Write here first, see you next time!



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