[Workplace] Several strange phenomena of the government's annual budget

不自由 毋寧死
Yes, I'm not optimistic, at least from the perspective of the budget...

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and only if you have money can you do things. Therefore, every year, various government departments prepare the budget for the next year. It can be said that it takes a whole year. It makes me think that budgeting not only wastes the power and time of an entire national power robot, but also gradually becomes a curse that restricts development.

1. Spend almost a full year on budgeting

Taking the budget of 2011 as an example, according to the theory, it should be approved by the parliament before the end of 2011. If it is pushed forward, the parliament has to review the budget. Generally speaking, it should be sent to the schedule before the opening of the session. Around September; if you push further, you have to pass the mayor’s decision to get out of the city gate; if you push further, someone must help the mayor to check before the mayor’s decision, that is, the deputy mayor, secretary-general, controller, Finance, etc. hold a joint review meeting, which is usually held around May; if it is pushed forward, each unit should submit the materials before the review meeting, and the accounting office of each unit must sort it out first. The deputy heads of each unit hold the first round of meetings. If everyone disagrees and needs to be revised, the second or third round will be decided by the head of the department. Therefore, each department and office is required to submit a proposal in about March. Budgets for various projects; further forward, the section also has section managers who manage the budget, and he also has to sort out the information to the section chief, so the final time for each undertaker to submit the information is usually after the New Year.

That is to say, from around February 110, the administrative work at the lowest level of contractors, section chiefs, bureaus, and prefectures will be around until September. After being sent to the parliament, it will enter a series of stages of preparing for simulated challenges. Don’t think about the intermediate contractors. There are always corrections or additions after each review meeting; so I'm not exaggerating to say that it took a year.

2. Habitually slaughtering the budget and delaying the statutory approval of the budget

According to the regulations (for those who are interested, they should check themselves and go to Impressionism), the time for the council to pass the municipal budget should be at the end of the year, so that the municipal government can start to implement various work as scheduled in the year. However, in recent years, members of parliament have habitually used budget review as a means to deal with the cases they are concerned about. The means of the administrative unit will never give up unless the goal is achieved.

As a result, the budget that should have been passed at the end of the year has been regularly delayed until the end of the year before it is passed. For procurement cases that should be handled by each unit at the beginning of the year, they can only retain the award of the bid until the budget is approved, delay the execution of the budget, and then review the poor execution of the administrative unit when reviewing the budget? No one dared to criticize the ineffectiveness of parliament to review the budget.

3. Budget plans that can only be spent

If it is a company, a family or an individual who originally expected to spend 1 million and can save 200,000 in the end, it must be something to be happy about. But that's not the case with the city's budget.

After the budget is approved, it is necessary to allocate how much it is expected to spend each quarter. Every quarter, the accountant will ask for the implementation rate. If the target is not met, the reason must be written. By the end of the year, if 80% of the project is not implemented, the head of the unit should be invited to hold a review meeting. If it is really not finished, if you want to prepare the budget for the next year according to the quota of previous years, you will be questioned about your budget execution ability, which will become the reason for the budget to be cut.

Therefore, in order to maintain the original quota, everyone prepares a budget, and at the end of the year, it is time to throw money desperately. Spending money at the beginning of the year is like a miser, and spending money at the end of the year is like an uncle. As many of you should have seen, in November or December a good road is scraped and resurfaced; in many places you can't see, money is spent this way.

4. If you want to cut, I will pull up; if you want to catch, I will hide and seek

Just like roadside stalls, if you know that customers like to bargain, you will increase the price and let you enjoy the fun of bargaining. When a smart section chief is compiling a budget, he knows that the bureau is going to cut it, and he will increase the amount or put in some unimportant items for the bureau to cut. The director also has things he wants to do, and he will also stuff some items in different departments.

When cutting, we also need to cooperate with the film. The section chief must say that last year’s performance was very good and well-known, so we want to expand the scale of brala brala. You can’t look like I’m going to take the safety factor of 1.2 and I’m not afraid of you cutting, although The accountant may also know it well, but sometimes the performance is serious and there are times when you accidentally pass the test. So, at the end of the day, the so-called budget verification preparation is just a castle in the air, and it is actually a drawing of Balakan.

5. Bigger Evergrande resources are unevenly distributed

The city government's finances are getting more and more difficult. I really don't understand how the money is lost. Not long after I was admitted to the civil service, I heard the central government shouting that the personnel should be streamlined, but the result I saw is that the more refined it is, the more When a new unit is established, the more precise the number of posts, can the personnel expenditure still eat up the whole cake? In recent years, at budget review meetings, sometimes we can't help but tease each other that after the salary is paid, it just happens that we don't have to do anything.

Off topic, I haven’t gotten to the point where there is no need to do anything, but money is clearly a limited resource. Later, the wealthy unit felt that the budget was too difficult to review. After deducting what the city government wanted, it directly gave each bureau a quota, and let each bureau own Tear and kill within the quota, you can't control whether your family has enough. Social welfare units such as education and society, in the eyes of the government, are living prodigal sons and prodigal daughters, units that only spend money and do not live up to their expectations. When building school buildings, the unit price is checked to the floor price, and the Education Bureau is forced to do so. We can only dig out the education fund to subsidize it.

All I see is a drop in the ocean

If the budget tower is 18 floors high, I just share the scenery I see from standing on a very low floor. Maybe the pattern that can be seen on the top floor is not something I can understand.

But in any case, when a large group of people in different positions are doing one thing over and over again every year, but this event makes the machine gradually collapse, that is form, that is waste, and to a certain extent, it is also collective degeneration .

Maybe one day

I've watched the drama about budget for more than 20 years, and it's getting more and more ugly. After the impact of the epidemic on the morale of civil servants, it has also caused many outstanding talents to leave again. I am not optimistic about the future.

Is it solved? If one day, when the reviewer becomes the budget maker, when the scolding becomes the workman, when you and I can elect members who are not for their own interests and truly serve the public good, there may be a chance to make a V-shaped reversal...


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